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You know we've made it when....

  1. #21
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
  2. #22
    Thats right im not a fucking idiot like the rest of you so take your outdated trolling methods and shove it up your ass.

    I already got all your DOX and I can SWAT you cucks whenever I want.
  3. #23
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    swat me daddy
  4. #24
    All I have to do is make one call and bribe my friend Richard Burnish which is the same guy who shut down rdfrn and zoklet.

    I'm sure he would have no problem putting away all those faggots in TC and planting child porn on all their hard drives.
  5. #25
    He's not much of a friend if you have to bribe him...j/s
  6. #26
    Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock It's the word niggas that is flagged

    racism runs amuck here as well as long as infinity makes it his second home

    Nigga shouldn't be flagged.

    Niggas call each other niggas all the time.

    Now nigger would be the one to flag if you are into that PC shit.
  7. #27
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby how do they know people are shooting up in the bathroom lol? anytime ive shot up in the bathroom i would close the door so they couldn't see haahahaaha

    coz junkies are fucking dumb af and tend to leave evidence laying around like dirty needles, empty wraps and dirty swabs, or they go spraying blood all over the fucking walls coz they're just filthy little fucktards.

  8. #28
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Nigga shouldn't be flagged.

    Niggas call each other niggas all the time.

    Now nigger would be the one to flag if you are into that PC shit.

    flag that, handsome and well tanned individual
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