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Being gang stalked part 5

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    okay, well shit just got really weird now. I had some bitch comeover because she said she was going to bring me vodka, she didn't bring the vodka so I kick her out. I go to my bathroom and all my shit from the cabinet is on the floor.

    Then right after that I realize my ac vent is open with my ac enhancements that are on top of my cabinet moved over to the right.

    Then I go into my room and see an arizona brand jean button on the floor. I'm like wtf so I go to look for my arizona brand jeans and the jeans have the button on it.. wtf?

    I then go to get a brew, and my seat belts in the back seat are buckled... even though nobody ever rides in the backseat of my car. EVER! except my cat. and then theres also a garden til price tag in my backseat.

    its kind of weird

  2. #2

    You're just a schizophrenic drunkard who wants to be special but isn't. The world doesn't care about you, Bill Krozby. You are one of. 8 billion people on this planet. You are not important in any way. Spending time and resources to drive you crazy with some insane conspiracy that contains dropping buttons on your floor is just not something anyone would ever do.

    Why would anyone target you like this? You are a pizzaboy in Austin,TX. An absolute nobody. Why would anyone do this?
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^because I'm a targeted individual because of political persecution? are you a functional ass hat?
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^because I'm a targeted individual because of political persecution? are you a functional ass hat?

  5. #5
    Explain political persecution to me and how it relates to a button you found on your floor.
  6. #6
    infinityshock Black Hole

    Why would anyone target you like this? You are a pizzaboy in Austin,TX. An absolute nobody. Why would anyone do this?

    not saying that anything he posts has any merit whatsoever...but...ive heard of instances where people were 'targeted' for doing things they dont even remember or maybe didnt even know they did. although the 'targeting' didnt involve stupid shit. it involved expensive objects disappearing...important parts of expensive pieces of machinery magically ceasing to exist...things that shouldnt break getting broken in a mysterious manner that required expensive repairs...etc etc
  7. #7
    ahh shit man I knew it
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    not saying that anything he posts has any merit whatsoever…but…ive heard of instances where people were 'targeted' for doing things they dont even remember or maybe didnt even know they did. although the 'targeting' didnt involve stupid shit. it involved expensive objects disappearing…important parts of expensive pieces of machinery magically ceasing to exist…things that shouldnt break getting broken in a mysterious manner that required expensive repairs…etc etc

    pretty much this, ive pissed off the cops, drug dealers,and spiteful sluts whos hearts and hymens I've busted here in my town. I always get random text messages teling me how I'm going down for being a cock-sucker *i dont even suck cocks* and hell I've had people even online gang stalk me, like mq that time he called the mormons over to my place, and all i think i did was call him fat and ugly or something like that while drunk.

    But I know riser has some reason to be skeptical, but every post he makes is about how someones "a fag" or "disgusting" or how he can "choke them out" and how he "hates creepy pastas"

    dudes got a problem.

  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    riser is a total shill, him being an east german, he should know about stasi and their tactics

    but many germans and many americans that are also perps are mind controled themselves

    riser is not only a shill, but a total cuck too
  10. #10
    Doug..... I believe you now. It's the first time you even tried to explain why you are a target individual but now I believe you. You have just pissed of every single person you have ever met and now they fuck with you. After seeing Austin and how disgustingly gay it is, I believe that nobody there has the guts to murk your bitch ass and all they can do is lay buttons on your floor and buckle your seat belts like faggots.

    I believe you now, Doug and I really hope this is creepy pasta bullshit is all true and maybe someone chokes your bitch ass to death one day.

    You are going down cocksucker!
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^actually you just gave me reassurance, you're a huge jeeeerter and I hope you fucking die

    and there is nothing gay about austin, Augustus

  12. #12
    I think I'll join the fun and pay some junkies to put shit on your door knob every morning.
  13. #13
    Clearly someone is trying to kill you using Arseneic, heavy metals like mercury or rat poison. all of these are the only poisons that cause seizures.
    [FONT=arial]Overexposure may [/FONT][FONT=arial]cause [/FONT][FONT=arial]headaches, drowsiness, confusion, [/FONT][FONT=arial]seizures[/FONT]
  14. #14
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol ^one can only hope.
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
    riser is a total shill, him being an east german, he should know about stasi and their tactics

    riser is not only a shill, but a total cuck too

    he isn't German. don't sully the aryan race like that. he's a bosnian immigrant.
  16. #16
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    he isn't German. don't sully the aryan race like that. he's a bosnian immigrant.

    wouldn't surprise me, he's bitch made like a mother fucker.
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