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I'm converting to Socialistic thoughts

  1. #1
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    But I'm no WUO mother fucker, Obama <:[

    totse= WUO front is my best guess.
  2. #2
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

    >:[ not <:[
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    some degree of socialism is probably necessary if you're not comfortable with eugenics and/or genocide
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra some degree of socialism is probably necessary if you're not comfortable with eugenics and/or genocide

    im not only comfortable with eugenics/ a hearty proponent of it
  5. #5
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    no you're not. You want to live in a big gay commune, Infinity
  6. #6
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock no you're not. You want to live in a big gay commune, Infinity

    you just described this entire site
  7. #7
    Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock But I'm no WUO mother fucker, Obama <:[

    totse= WUO front is my best guess.

    Obama a socialist? Since when?
  8. #8
    Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    A substantial portion of the American right tried to turn Obama into a poster child for malignant socialism via smear campaign. Few people here have actually met a socialist and even fewer are aware of what the term actually means, but they made enough noise over the last decade that a number of easily influenced voters became convinced.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick A substantial portion of the American right tried to turn Obama into a poster child for malignant socialism via smear campaign. Few people here have actually met a socialist and even fewer are aware of what the term actually means, but they made enough noise over the last decade that a number of easily influenced voters became convinced.

    Is Zanick, Harper Reed :|

    How much did Obama pay Harper Reed for CTO work

    I'll prolly get into trouble for posting this if I get this Sales job at a tech-plant.

    Lostcause told me that Spez is the same Spez from &totse (I dont know about and perhaps Zoklet?

    Also, try messaging someone in FB messanger the word Zoklet... your entire message freezes.

    So am I getting a Job next door to Spez's place of wealth? does Reddit even pull a profit? I feel like I might get gaslit again. I'll walk off and transidental meditate to another world. Suk it.. I'm going in.

  10. #10
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock im not only comfortable with eugenics/genocide…im a hearty proponent of it

    is that y you did not have any childrens ???
  11. #11
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader is that y you did not have any childrens ???

    - the only chicks id be willing to have one...which was about two or three...with never caught or were fixed before i met them.
    - everyone i know with kids has a shit-lift. im living my life how i want without being encumbered. im now in the financial/personal situation where i could tolerate a mini-me and when evaluating potential partners the criteria of 'would she make a good maternal figure, mentally and physically'
  12. #12
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Zanick A substantial portion of the American right tried to turn Obama into a poster child for malignant socialism via smear campaign. Few people here have actually met a socialist and even fewer are aware of what the term actually means, but they made enough noise over the last decade that a number of easily influenced voters became convinced.

    stfu you idiot. youre Bill Krozby-tier grammatically retarded how you throw around words that sound cool and stuff that you think makes perfect sense but when someone who isnt retarded reads them all they can think of is how utterly fucking retarded you are.
  13. #13
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock - the only chicks id be willing to have one…which was about two or three…with never caught or were fixed before i met them.
    - everyone i know with kids has a shit-lift. im living my life how i want without being encumbered. im now in the financial/personal situation where i could tolerate a mini-me and when evaluating potential partners the criteria of 'would she make a good maternal figure, mentally and physically'

    do you think you have good genes ???

    if you do, then dont you think that darwinism, and eugenics had been thwarted by you not reproducing ????
  14. #14
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader do you think you have good genes ???

    if you do, then dont you think that darwinism, and eugenics had been thwarted by you not reproducing ????

    i have no opinion on the subject whatsoever
  15. #15
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock i have no opinion on the subject whatsoever

    you need to start now then.

    i mean srsly, how on earth, as an avid proponent of eugenics and race and evolution and darwinism can you not have an opinion about yourself and your heritage ???

  16. #16
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader you need to start now then.

    i mean srsly, how on earth, as an avid proponent of eugenics and race and evolution and darwinism can you not have an opinion about yourself and your heritage ???


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