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Cheesy gordita

  1. #21
    Heh I hit a nerve? He wasn't born that way, he was just following in his old 'mans' footsteps.
    So the answer to my question is yes.
  2. #22
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    So the answer to my question is yes.

  3. #23
  4. #24
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    good lord, how lame can you get

    apparently pretty freakin lame

    you are literally only funny once every hundred posts
  5. #25
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    i know
    im a crig
  6. #26
    good lord, how lame can you get apparently pretty freakin lame you are literally only funny once every hundred posts
    Enraged again I see.
  7. #27
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Enraged again I see.

  8. #28
    Good as rage creates imbalance.
  9. #29
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    so how bout them triangles
    how bout them boardgames
    how bout them foot fetishists
    how bout them gays
    how bout them crossdressers
    how bout them southerners
    how bout them heroin addicts
    how bout them crossdressers
    how bout them nihlists
    how bout them popular music artists
    how bout them abstract artists
  10. #30
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Good as rage creates imbalance.

    the only thing unbalanced here is your posting style
  11. #31
    the only thing unbalanced here is your posting style
    That which is beyond our comprehension we cast stones at when we are not balanced.
  12. #32
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    That which is beyond our comprehension we cast stones at when we are not balanced.

    Is that what you are doing by posting your corny, outdated insults and observations? Makes sense, I guess.
  13. #33
    Is that what you are doing by posting your corny, outdated insults and observations? Makes sense, I guess.
    I bet you're so mad right now if you had a cheesy gordita you would punch it right in the face.
  14. #34
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    fuck gorditas
  15. #35
    fuck gorditas
    Yup. Mad.
  16. #36
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    no, literally, have intercourse with gorditas, dark rodent
  17. #37
    no, literally, have intercourse with gorditas, dark rodent
    What other foods do you rape?
  18. #38
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    What other foods do you rape?

    I'm a fiestasexual
  19. #39
    So how many times have you been asked to pull up your zipper and leave the market?
  20. #40
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    took you all day to come up with that zinger, eh, dick rodent?
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