lol wouldn't it be funny if one day in kentucky during a church service some toby keith mother fucker came out singing "if i can only imagine" and all these lil whyte weaks started swaying and then all of a suddenly a bunch of niggers came out with negresses grinding on their legs singing "so watch me whip so watch me wip so watch me nay nay! do tah stanky leg!"
bring a whole new meaning to the blood of christ.. if you know what i mean
Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume
godflesh is normie tier plebe shit go to /mu/ they post godflesh threads all the time if hot topic were still around they'd be selling their t-shirts
hot topic is still around tho, and just because hot topic carries something doesn't mean its "bad" I'm not a gay like that that automatically thinks things are uncool just because other people like them, you pleb.