2018-04-19 at 8:39 PM UTC
[my p.a. supernal goa]
One rule: only a single word per person. If you list several, I'll take the first and only the first. Hyphenated phrases are okay, but be patient and I'll fit it in.
If you give me a word I don't know, I will look it up. If it's slang, I'll look it up on Urban Dictionary. If it doesn't have a definition, I will ask you or I might ignore it, so don't do pick words that aren't real.
This thread is going to function as my word bank. That means I'm committing to using each of your words at least once, and only one per post. If I can use any of your words more often than that, I will.
To find the word that you recommended, look through a page or two of my post history. They'll be the only words in bold on the screen. If it's been a day since you posted your word and you still don't see me using it, come back here and yell at me.
2018-04-19 at 8:52 PM UTC
[my p.a. supernal goa]
Alright, niggas, this thread is going to be my word bank. I'm committing to using each of your words at least once, and only one per post. If I can use any of your words more often than that, I will.
2018-04-19 at 9:16 PM UTC
[my p.a. supernal goa]
What the fuck where is all the words when I get back online there had better be THOUSANDS you cucks
2018-04-19 at 11:32 PM UTC
[my p.a. supernal goa]
I've used all of these words, some of them twice. What could you all possibly be busy with that prevents you from supplying me with more words? I'm starting to get very angry.
2018-04-19 at 11:40 PM UTC
I should have mentioned that was an ironic suggestion
2018-04-19 at 11:41 PM UTC
2018-04-19 at 11:42 PM UTC
I'v got 2
Full Transparency
Otherwise.. Transparency
2018-04-19 at 11:43 PM UTC
everythings just a big f^&*ing rap song to me
2018-04-19 at 11:45 PM UTC
[my p.a. supernal goa]
That would be the last thing he hears while he still has ears.