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>philosophy major

  1. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Zanick mean a philosophy minor isn't pretty worth it.

    doing minor is my philosophy.
  2. Originally posted by benny vader doing minor is my philosophy.

    youre so goddamn annoying
  3. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus youre so goddamn annoying

    is that exclusive ???
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 I agree. He's still young enough to change.

    I think there's an age where people probably won't change for their whole lives. Probably around 30 or so.

    Hey honest Q. What do you mean by that? "Won't change after 30.".
  5. its just one of his infantile assumptions about the course of life
  6. Originally posted by mmQ Hey honest Q. What do you mean by that? "Won't change after 30.".

    Personality-wise. You're essentially done developing by that point. If you are a narcissistic asshhole, you will probably be one to the day you die. If you are a pathological liar, you will probably be lying with your last breath. It is three decades of setting yourself into the way you act and finding people who either accept it or put up with it, good or bad.

    Can you quit smoking, drinking, selling drugs, thievery, raping, etc? Of course. But the personality and opinions and ways of living are there. You probably won't think that Mexicans have stopped ruining the country. And if you do, you will find something else to be judgemental about. The topic itself may change, but the attitude towards life will not.

    Now, what is at the heart of people at the age of 30 is known only by the person themselves. And maybe those closest if they have them. But I don't think anybody here would disagree that convictions are harder and harder to change as people get older. This is why you have all these 20 somethings waiting for the baby boomers to die off. It has always been this way. There is always a generational gap. The fucking Mayans even wrote about it.
  7. 99% of the people who have a college degree on this website studied liberal arts.

    I hope you faggots make good sandwiches.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Originally posted by 杀死所有的白魔鬼 Personality-wise. You're essentially done developing by that point. If you are a narcissistic asshhole, you will probably be one to the day you die. If you are a pathological liar, you will probably be lying with your last breath. It is three decades of setting yourself into the way you act and finding people who either accept it or put up with it, good or bad.

    Can you quit smoking, drinking, selling drugs, thievery, raping, etc? Of course. But the personality and opinions and ways of living are there. You probably won't think that Mexicans have stopped ruining the country. And if you do, you will find something else to be judgemental about. The topic itself may change, but the attitude towards life will not.

    Now, what is at the heart of people at the age of 30 is known only by the person themselves. And maybe those closest if they have them. But I don't think anybody here would disagree that convictions are harder and harder to change as people get older. This is why you have all these 20 somethings waiting for the baby boomers to die off. It has always been this way. There is always a generational gap. The fucking Mayans even wrote about it.

    i know, you read a pubmed study that one time, therefore people are the same from the ages 30-100
  9. Sploo, my opinion comes from talking to people. Not pubmed. Old people, young people, doesn't matter.

    When is the last time you talked to anybody new who wasn't your age?
  10. every day

    believe it or not other people have brains and their brains adjust to circumstances and they adjust their identity to connect to that. i guess your inferences were just bad
  11. Who?

    You don't work. Presumably have never worked. All you do is go to school.

    Who are these people you're talking to?
  12. im not a fedora neckbeard i talk to people constantly i know you had to hitchhike 3000 miles to lose your virginity but that isnt the case for everyone/anyone

    today some brownskinned girl asked me for my number after pwning the neuroscience discussion in class and my first thought is coercing her into sexual slavery. i control situations you fucking beta faggot
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by lempoid loompus hey remember when my iq is like 40 points above yours so i view you as a lesser being

    remember when you assigned yourself an IQ based on nothing because your worthlessness is just too much to bear?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by Lanny remember when you assigned yourself an IQ based on nothing because your worthlessness is just too much to bear?

    remember how i could destroy you on any standardized test possible? of course you dont because you're constantly googling things to check your psuedoreferences. this has been your coping mechanism ever since your dad got eaten by worms
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What was your SAT or ACT score sploo?
  16. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    didn't read thread but sploo I want the best for you so I just want you to consider the following neutral points

    >socially anxious
    >lesions in brain
    >high IQ
    >addicted to drugs
    >potentially mild assburgers
    >quantitative brain

    your character traits all point to a STEM degree, not to a liberal farts degree. it is entirely possible to become successful with a liberal farts degree, but about 75% of that is down to being socially savvy, networking, building and maintaining relationships. are you really capable of this. why aren't you sperging out on engineering or computer science instead of word salad degrees that are only worthwhile if you have other monetizable skills of which you have none
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle

    Hey im dumb. What's a pseudoreference?
  18. Originally posted by Lanny What was your SAT or ACT score sploo?

    those are achievement tests, not IQ tests. i'm sure you'd do great on achievement tests since that's where all of the pretentious psuedointellectuals come from, it's just intelligence tests that i've literally given hundreds of links to where you'd turn out to be, in actuality, a disgusting retard. i didn't take either of those btw
  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Please don't tell me the exact definition of those twk terms just give me a real good example . Faggots
  20. Originally posted by mmQ Hahaha.

    Hey im dumb. What's a pseudoreference?

    its when you refer to something and then do research afterwards to try to confirm your shitposting as intelligible
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