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So long, Captain Faggot! Shouldn't have fucked with me! :)

  1. #41
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Could you post your chat logs with the PI removed?
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Obbe Could you post your chat logs with the PI removed?

    yeah I'm putting them in my next comic
  3. #43
    Dfg Tuskegee Airman [compulsively riposte the emigrant]
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock Hello Mr Dfg

    Who told you that you could use the term Totsean without asking me first for suggesting it and having a first place for the village of totse

    Hi good sir. Not sure if I recall your nick, can you mention your original nick please.
  4. #44
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    he's totse2001

  5. #45
    Originally posted by Enter I pretended to be a girl on kik and catfished him. Will post the results in comic form eventually. I told him if he deleted his accounts and never returned, I wouldn't post the PI he sent "her", so I'll stick to my word at least hahaha.

    Always try to find the one weakness in your enemy. His was loneliness.

    COMPLETE bullshit. There are no girls in kik.

  6. #46
    Everything in this thread is based on Enter being a benzo'd retard
  7. #47
    Tell us your kik screen, enter.
  8. #48
    Haha cucked
  9. #49
    mso8 Houston
    lulz. good job, playa
  10. #50
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist he's totse2001


    I think you scared the bastard back to Pakistan.

    DgF tell us some more classic Wire er Vice versions of truth
  11. #51
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Or maybe Dfg was Captain Falcon all along and Lanny told him to use one account or the other. Have you ever considered that?

    *Night Gallery intro*
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #52
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    *Tales From the Crypt outro*
  13. #53
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    *52-week loop of Unsolved Mysteries theme*
  14. #54
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
  15. #55
    BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL

    I watched that, Night Stalker, Twilight Zone (80-90s version as well) and Outer Limits as a kid.. whenever I could. I think part of my UFO curiousity (Without being a probed guy) may contribute a little to it. 60s and 70s shit was better TV as well.

    Karen Black- Trilogy of Horror?
  16. #56
    PM me
  17. #57
    Originally posted by Fox Paws PM me

    (Don't do it he's a police officer of the law)
  18. #58
    stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Bumped for return of OP and alleged victim

    Post proof or OP is a faggot

    See the latest in the tardfight here:
  19. #59
    You should have instantly deduced that it was bullshit, based off the fact that he promised you an Abandoned Neutrons comic.
  20. #60
    Ghost Black Hole
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