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In Sud Afreka Sport is Srs Bzns
2018-03-06 at 5:51 PM UTC
South African triathlete Mhlengi Gwala, 26, … was training near the University of KwaZulu-Natal at 03:15 when he was approached by three men and dragged into the surrounding bushes…
"He tried offering them his cellphone and money, but they pinned him down and tried to saw off his leg," said De la Porte.
"…cycling in the Durban area was robbed by three people this morning, Then they attempted to saw off both legs with a chainsaw. Blade too blunt and only got half way through one and started on the other. …" -
2018-03-06 at 5:55 PM UTCWhy are they still calling them robbers when the objective obviously wasn’t to steal his money?
Or is it cuz they were trying to “steal” his legs lmao -
2018-03-06 at 6:01 PM UTCi dont know what is more hilarious...that the dumb niggers tried this or that they tried it and failed to cut through something as trivial as a leg with a fucking chain saw.
2018-03-06 at 6:02 PM UTC
2018-03-06 at 6:05 PM UTCCould be for muti (black magic).
Or just the coaches recruiting for next paralympics. -
2018-03-06 at 6:07 PM UTC
2018-03-06 at 6:21 PM UTCgod damn.
2018-03-06 at 7:56 PM UTC