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We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by infinityshock the OP specifically stated we should stop the 'holocaust' (juden-TM) of animals. eggs are the epitome of holocaustizing an animal. to take it even a step further, the nazi dairy workers take away the nutrition of baby cows by stealing the mommy cows' milk.

    forbidding a chicken to reproduce is just as bad as consuming its young. may as well sterilize them. milking a cow involves squeeting its tits. that is sexual assault unless written or verbal permission is obtained from said cow. if you and your faggot PITA friends want to personify livestock, we're going to personify them all the fucking way to the bank.

    See, what you think you're doing here is criticizing harvesting of animal products using ideas like reproductive autonomy or consent which you believe I hold. The problem here is that no one actually ascribes to the model of consent you're putting forward here. You certainly don't hold to the idea that animals ought to have unconstrained reproductive rights, nor do I, nor to I hold any premise that implies that. I think you think you're being funny but it's not making the point you think it is.

    soy is shit protein. fact.


    youre literally a fucking idiot. 'ancient' farming practices had no technology to engage in genetic modification and the common technique of breeding and hybridization is NOT even remotely related to GM, you fucking retard. since your so brilliant on the technique…go ahead and 'splain how monsantos GM food crops that are modified on the genetic level to be resistant to glysophate have caused weeds to now be, themselves, impervious to herbicides. go on, shitbird…lets hear your expertise on something youve clearly demonstrated complete ignorance on.

    You're right in that there is are significant differences between selective breeding/seed selection and modern genetic engineering techniques but the point is that both are a technique for altering the genetics of life. There is nothing inherently problematic with genetic alteration. Now maybe some particular products of modern genetic engineering are undesirable, and if you want to talk about those we can, but it doesn't follow that something is "shit protein" merely because it's the result of genetic engineering.

    assuming facts not in evidence, councilor. gtfo of my courtroom…motion to dismiss granted due to lack of evidence and excess of flagrantly flaming faggotry.

    regardless of first or fourth world…the accuracy of my statement applies.

  2. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Lanny See, what you think you're doing here is criticizing harvesting of animal products using ideas like reproductive autonomy or consent which you believe I hold. The problem here is that no one actually ascribes to the model of consent you're putting forward here. You certainly don't hold to the idea that animals ought to have unconstrained reproductive rights, nor do I, nor to I hold any premise that implies that. I think you think you're being funny but it's not making the point you think it is.


    You're right in that there is are significant differences between selective breeding/seed selection and modern genetic engineering techniques but the point is that both are a technique for altering the genetics of life. There is nothing inherently problematic with genetic alteration. Now maybe some particular products of modern genetic engineering are undesirable, and if you want to talk about those we can, but it doesn't follow that something is "shit protein" merely because it's the result of genetic engineering.

    I bet you fold like melted cheese IRL
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I bet you fold like melted cheese IRL

    lol "debate me irl bro", I'm so intimidated right now.
  4. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock no. i mean height.

    height is only useful in a hunting-gathering society, especially gathering becos when your so inferior that you couldnt even hunt, being tall and being able to pick things that grow on tall trees will be the only way you can survive.

    anyway, height and muscle mass are genetic. just look at those malnourished nigger in africa nad their still taller and more muscular than most well fed asians.

    look at the countries that win the most medals in the olympics.

    1 - the olympics are both decadent and depraved.

    it was never a good measure of human ability but a mere measure of governments budget and their willingness to spend it to look good.

    'we' arent overpopulating the earth. its the handsome and well tanned individuals that are overpopulating the earth while der-judenkikes encourage whites to cease reproduction.

    i think youve confused the ''we'' part. by we i mean us, chinks.

    and r u saying that jedis told you not to reproduce ??? and you heeded ???
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    soy is pretty shit, lol.

    i mean, given the choice between a nice steak and a chunk of gammy old soy? like c'mon?

  6. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Lanny lol "debate me irl bro", I'm so intimidated right now.

    No, what you are is a socially inept awkward little man who's ego is barley kept alive by pretending you are cool on the internet.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny See, what you think you're doing here is criticizing harvesting of animal products using ideas like reproductive autonomy or consent which you believe I hold. The problem here is that no one actually ascribes to the model of consent you're putting forward here. You certainly don't hold to the idea that animals ought to have unconstrained reproductive rights, nor do I, nor to I hold any premise that implies that. I think you think you're being funny but it's not making the point you think it is.


    You're right in that there is are significant differences between selective breeding/seed selection and modern genetic engineering techniques but the point is that both are a technique for altering the genetics of life. There is nothing inherently problematic with genetic alteration. Now maybe some particular products of modern genetic engineering are undesirable, and if you want to talk about those we can, but it doesn't follow that something is "shit protein" merely because it's the result of genetic engineering.

    are you fucking high? the entirety of your response is borderline gibberish...and little to no relation to anything im trying to say.

    yes, there are significant differences in that there are significant differences between an airplane and a circus cannon. after all, people use both of them to achieve air travel. youre comparing apples to handgrenades.

    the inherent problem is removing genetic material from and animal or plant or even a microbe and inserting it into an organism not even in the same kingdom. there has been little to no study on the effects of this so you know absolutely nothing on the topic.

    soy is shit protein because of its quality in relation to animal protein. being GM makes it even more so.

    you go be a good little herbivore and us carnivores will smile and wave at you while you fatten up until it youre all nice and juicy...ready to be fed upon.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader height is only useful in a hunting-gathering society, especially gathering becos when your so inferior that you couldnt even hunt, being tall and being able to pick things that grow on tall trees will be the only way you can survive.

    anyway, height and muscle mass are genetic. just look at those malnourished nigger in africa nad their still taller and more muscular than most well fed asians.

    1 - the olympics are both decadent and depraved.

    it was never a good measure of human ability but a mere measure of governments budget and their willingness to spend it to look good.

    i think youve confused the ''we'' part. by we i mean us, chinks.

    and r u saying that jedis told you not to reproduce ??? and you heeded ???

    youre a fucking idiot and you continuing to make full-retard posts only reinforces that fact.

    the entirety of your height statement is irrelevant to the fact that it has been scientifically proven that higher 'quality' diets within a population result in that populations increasing height/mass, over time.

    the entirety of your olympics statement is irrelevant to the fact that the countries that win the most medals have the highest 'quality' diets. malnourished individuals do not become more muscular or taller (overall) than a similar population. the niggers that enter international competitions are well nourished and trained as soon as they are identified as being potential candidates.

    the judenkikes and their shills are engaged in a systemic pogrom to reduce the population of the planet. fact based on irrefutable evidence. indisputable.
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock the judenkikes and their shills are engaged in a systemic pogrom to reduce the population of the planet. fact based on irrefutable evidence. indisputable.

    to be fair even if that was true it wouldn't really be a bad thing.

  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist to be fair even if that was true it wouldn't really be a bad thing
    of course you dont think so, judenkikeshill handsome and well tanned individual.
  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock of course you dont think so, judenkikeshill handsome and well tanned individual.

    see that's the difference between you and me jill. we both get called jedis on here, but unlike you i'm not actually a jedi.


  12. Redpilling the bleeks on the jedis is the most important thing.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by infinityshock are you fucking high? the entirety of your response is borderline gibberish…and little to no relation to anything im trying to say.

    Sorry, I'll try to use smaller words to help you understand next time.

    yes, there are significant differences in that there are significant differences between an airplane and a circus cannon. after all, people use both of them to achieve air travel. youre comparing apples to handgrenades.

    OK, so you think genetic engineering is categorically bad. Would you like to make the case here, or are you just planning to shout it loudly and repeatedly?

    the inherent problem is removing genetic material from and animal or plant or even a microbe and inserting it into an organism not even in the same kingdom. there has been little to no study on the effects of this so you know absolutely nothing on the topic.

    Except like 40 years of genetic engineering and extensive testing which goes into any GM product.

    soy is shit protein because of its quality in relation to animal protein. being GM makes it even more so.

    Yeah, except that soy protein isolate has a bout 3 times as much protein by weight than lean beef. Also a higher protein to calorie ratio too.

    you go be a good little herbivore and us carnivores will smile and wave at you while you fatten up until it youre all nice and juicy…ready to be fed upon.

    Lol, you are one cringe ass bitch
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    He has a point, though, Lanny. When you compose your post, you always go out of your way to complicate the language. You kind of ramble on using tier3 phrasing, and basically try to convey a sense of superiority and aloofness as you attempt to make your points. Could just be the booze, I dunno.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist see that's the difference between you and me jill. we both get called jedis on here, but unlike you i'm not actually a jedi

    you poor delusional hallucinating retard...
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He has a point, though, Lanny. When you compose your post, you always go out of your way to complicate the language. You kind of ramble on using tier3 phrasing, and basically try to convey a sense of superiority and aloofness as you attempt to make your points. Could just be the booze, I dunno.

  17. Originally posted by Lanny Yeah, except that soy protein isolate has a bout 3 times as much protein by weight than lean beef.

    So we're comparing processed dry powder with cattle muscle?
  18. Originally posted by -SpectraL He has a point, though, Lanny. When you compose your post, you always go out of your way to complicate the language. You kind of ramble on using tier3 phrasing, and basically try to convey a sense of superiority and aloofness as you attempt to make your points. Could just be the booze, I dunno.

    Some people use advanced vocabulary and phrasing naturally, especially if they're used to writing in an academic context. Maybe you're just a halfwit and struggle with comprehension.
  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He has a point, though, Lanny. When you compose your post, you always go out of your way to complicate the language. You kind of ramble on using tier3 phrasing, and basically try to convey a sense of superiority and aloofness as you attempt to make your points. Could just be the booze, I dunno.

    Sticking up for your boyfriend again? When's the wedding?
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny Sorry, I'll try to use smaller words to help you understand next time.

    OK, so you think genetic engineering is categorically bad. Would you like to make the case here, or are you just planning to shout it loudly and repeatedly?

    Except like 40 years of genetic engineering and extensive testing which goes into any GM product.

    Yeah, except that soy protein isolate has a bout 3 times as much protein by weight than lean beef. Also a higher protein to calorie ratio too.

    Lol, you are one cringe ass bitch

    a better idea would be to stick to coherent replies to on-topic discussion points and relevancies.

    genetic engineering is not categorically bad. genetic engineering involving manipulation of the genome followed by virtually immediate release...literally...into the wild with little to no oversight and safety bad.

    40 years. thats funny. funny in the way that a nigger crossing the street getting hit by a bus going 80mph is funny. go look into the facts and how quickly a GM organism goes from lab to in-the-dirt planting with inadequate quarantine boundaries.

    youre doing it again...comparing apples to hand grenades. soy protein isolate is not soy protein. if youre going to invoke isolates then other protein type isolates or concentrates can be brought into the equation which will send soy straight to the bottom of the list...surpassed in shit-tier protein quality only by collagen protein. soy protein has one of the worse calorie-to-protein ratio of all protein types. theres a reason soy protein is the cheapest. its shit.

    you dont have to cringe just still have some fattening up to do before you find yourself tied to a spit, rotating over an open fire with a nice juicy apple crammed into your craw.
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