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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry

  1. #1

    I realise that women like this aren't going to be able to carry our race into the future, no matter how much people like me like like to meme it.

    A staggering three-quarters of ‘Generation Y’ will be obese or overweight by the age of 40. PERSONs-are-set-to-become-the-worlds-fattest-generation-put-them-in-camps/

    I am so so sorry.

    Health Survey for England figures, which have shocked health professionals, show 40 percent of those aged 16 to 24 are now overweight or obese. That’s along with 52 percent of those aged 25 to 34.

    This is literally a World War scale of public health crisis.
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol@ those droopy angel wings though
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    how the fuck do people even get obese

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    those arent women. theyre obese handsome and well tanned individuals...theyre not relevant to anything caucasian.
  5. #5
    Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    I hate obese people. Growing up as a skinny faggot in a place with a very large number of obese people was kind of hard, in a way that everyone makes fun of you or gives you shit because you're not a fat fuck like them. Now all these people around my age who continued being fat fucks are suffering from health issues like diabetes. I had some blood and piss tests and whatnot done a few days ago and I'm tip top, despite more than a decade of abusing alcohol and cigarettes. I mean, how do you get as fat as the women of OP's pic? How do they even wipe their ass after their giant shits?

    Oh oh but then they always say "b-but it's really hard to lose weight omg" No it isn't you fat piece of shit, it's literally one of the easiest things in the world. Just eat less and move around more. That's it. Cut out sugars and reduce carbs and go for a fucking walk you tub of fuck. "B-but it's genetics! It's a hormonal thing! It's my thyroid gland!" Bullshit, if it's really your thyroid gland there's meds you can take and they're not even expensive.

    I was on a bus the other day and this hambeast of a woman sat next to me and all she did was eat chips, cookies and shit for like four hours while mouthbreathing. She didn't even offer me a single potato chip. She got really mad when she couldn't get out of the seat and I told her it was really easy if you're thin to the point she began recording me with her phone when I was outside picking my baggage. Dumb fat cunt.
  6. #6
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    I wish I actually was obese. Getting fat is the real rockstar lifestyle, true hedonism. Even if funds hold out (rarely happens) you can go on a serious drug binge for like what? A decade? I could be a fatass in a mobility scooter for like 40 years. What better way to show your total contempt for our shitheap of a civilization than the utter debasement of its atomic parts, the human body. My grotesque bloated body spells doom for the medical system? Perfect, I get to pull bitches wasting their lives on a treadmill down with me. I couldn't ask for a better way to spit in the face of vanity.
  7. #7
    Lanny Bird of Courage
  8. #8
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Lanny I wish I actually was obese. Getting fat is the real rockstar lifestyle, true hedonism. Even if funds hold out (rarely happens) you can go on a serious drug binge for like what? A decade? I could be a fatass in a mobility scooter for like 40 years. What better way to show your total contempt for our shitheap of a civilization than the utter debasement of its atomic parts, the human body. My grotesque bloated body spells doom for the medical system? Perfect, I get to pull bitches wasting their lives on a treadmill down with me. I couldn't ask for a better way to spit in the face of vanity.

  9. #9
    as disgusting as it is to be fat, the whole "overweight" thing might be bullshit. How is it measured? BMI?

    BMI is a flawed system. To be within acceptable levels you would be malnourished (2000Cal/day)
  10. #10
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by BRiCK as disgusting as it is to be fat, the whole "overweight" thing might be bullshit. How is it measured? BMI?

    BMI is a flawed system. To be within acceptable levels you would be malnourished (2000Cal/day)

    You've said this at least twice now. Why? What is your metric for malnutrition and why does 2000 calories per day meet that definition?
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Lanny You've said this at least twice now. Why? What is your metric for malnutrition and why does 2000 calories per day meet that definition?

    Because if I actually count the amount of calories in some things, then it becomes apparent that 2000Cal aint shit.

    I have right now some cups of soup in the fridge, ~1000Cal each. I would probably not die off of 2 cups of that per day, but I will very much go hungry quickly. Even if I supplement each cup with a sandwich, it will still not complete a whole days of not being hungry. I am not a fat glutton or anything either.

    Will I really be able to gain muscle on this diet? Gaining muscle is something you want, weather you're trying to do it or not.

    Will I maintain what I have now on these 2 cups of soup per day?

    Judging by the predicted hunger of 2 cups of soup per day, I would say that I would actually lose weight. Both fat and muscle. And seeing as how some muscle is vital in maintaining healthy joints, and fat is a useful surplus, then 2000Cal aint shit.

    EDIT: AND YES not all calories are equal. But the "%dv" concentration camp-style ration does not take that into account either. The soup is a general example.
  12. #12
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by BRiCK Because if I actually count the amount of calories in some things, then it becomes apparent that 2000Cal aint shit.

    its not how much calories you consume .... but how much your body can absorb.
  13. #13
    The main thing about the "%vd" is that it just doesn't make sense. Its obviously some average, which means it doesn't apply to a lot of people. I'm sure that endomorph midgets would flourish with 2000Cal/day. But for a lot of people this is not enough. The body needs energy to repair itself, as well as to grow. People grow for a long time, even if the main growth spurt ends at a certain age.

    When I get my yearly physical, I see the BMI score that I get. Its always a little bit over the upper limit of "proper" weight for my height. SO then according to this, some average built guy is somehow overweight. This means that this system would rather see me skinnier for me to be "ideal" in their view. Yeah, I'd have a nicer physique if I lost all my fat, but doing this without losing muscle while remaining on a 2000Cal diet doesn't sound realistic.

    You are only a potential human until you are fully grown. If I was on a 2000Cal diet, my body would not reach its full growth potential. This means innards too, not just height and muscle/fat size.

    Of course then, its beneficial for the synagogue of satan that you remain malnourished. You're easier to control then.

    And when shit hits the fan and you depend on the government for everything, they will give you some bullshit ration that is less than what you need. Even if they could give you more without problem, they would still default to this made up value thats printed on all food packages to brainwash you.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by BRiCK I have right now some cups of soup in the fridge, ~1000Cal each
    Judging by the predicted hunger of 2 cups of soup per day, I would say that I would actually lose weight. Both fat and muscle. And seeing as how some muscle is vital in maintaining healthy joints, and fat is a useful surplus, then 2000Cal aint shit

    what in the hell kind of soup is that? A 2-liter of coke has less than 1000 calories
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Juicebox what in the hell kind of soup is that? A 2-liter of coke has less than 1000 calories

    I can see why this could be confusing. THey are 2 containers of 3 american cups each. so 6 cups total, distributed over 2 equally sized containers. Each individual cup is 320Cal.
  16. #16
    Originally posted by BRiCK I can see why this could be confusing. THey are 2 containers of 3 american cups each. so 6 cups total, distributed over 2 equally sized containers. Each individual cup is 320Cal.

    Oh, that makes sense
  17. #17
    2k calories a day is not universal. Most women are recommended around 2k, and most men around 2.5k. This is the sedentary count. If you are active, you obviously need to be eating more. Also if you are young and growing.

    I for example need about 2,700 with my activity level and weight and age and size etc. It's a very reasonable amount, I think. I can absolutely eat three good meals a day within this range, and I'm far from malnourished.
  18. #18
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Being overweight is not a health crisis in Japan. It is clear to me, that we, as white males, must procreate with a lot of Japanese bitches. It is the only way. It is not for nothing that they are considered to be honorable Aryans.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #19
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We will create a new super race of Northern European/Japanese hybrids, that will rule the world.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Vizier … How do they even wipe their ass after their giant shits? …

    They don't.
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