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Got beat up by the cops

  1. #21
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^wow just wow fam....

    Well I'm glad I could finnally help you get rest in the back of your bum-friends pickup truck. =)

    I actually just had sex 30 minutes.. ago and I'm pretty sure she wasn't named bubba, and wasn't on probation. lol

    at least she has a job, a house, and a yard where her dogs can play in...

    You should be on probation for pulling a gun on poor little §m£ÂgØL, he's only a boi

    if you and §m£ÂgØL are so butthurt over me, then maybe you should reconsider spreading lies about having a child with each other, its pretty weak.
  2. #22
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Why would the cops 'be on top of you' if you were having a seizure? False flag.

    I considered it being a false flag... no I actually did... i probably had a seizure, my po prolly freaked out hit the panick button , cops came in and think im just be a wild lil homo writhing around on the floor on drugs and proceed to punch me in the eye and hand cuff me, then later they say...

    herp durp you did it to urself durin' teh seizure...
  3. #23
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I actually just had sex 30 minutes.. ago and I'm pretty sure she

    pics or it didn't happen

    you should staple a body-cam to yourself and post your misadventures on the internet. you'd make a fortune.
  4. #24
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Do they have surveillance footage? Body cams perhaps? You could have grounds for a lawsuit if it legitimately went down the way you said it did. A nice little lawsuit to get enough $$ for Bill Krozbydogs to get up and running. I don't think cops should be punching people in the face that are having seizures.
  5. #25
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Do they have surveillance footage? Body cams perhaps? You could have grounds for a lawsuit if it legitimately went down the way you said it did. A nice little lawsuit to get enough $$ for Bill Krozbydogs to get up and running. I don't think cops should be punching people in the face that are having seizures.

    I dont know for a fact that thats how it went down though, I'm naturally a paranoid person. Who knows they probably tried to help me, theres not a lot you can do for a person having a seizure, though I do think its fucked up that they hand cuffed me, my po said when I "came to" I got up and tried walking out and that the cops tried to hold me back and I started shoving them. I was so out of it. I guess what else can a cop do to restrain you... shits crazy fam

    My shiner got more intense, when I woke up this morning I could barely open my eye

  6. #26
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    pics or it didn't happen

    you should staple a body-cam to yourself and post your misadventures on the internet. you'd make a fortune.

    I probably wouldn't make a fortune tons of people do that stuff. Plus Id just use an IP cam in the corner of my room
  7. #27
    seems pretty likely, i had a friend that randomly passed out when we were all talking in a circle, he fell and then came up a second later squaring up trying to look for whoever hit him all pissed off while we were all laffing
  8. #28
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    seems pretty likely, i had a friend that randomly passed out when we were all talking in a circle, he fell and then came up a second later squaring up trying to look for whoever hit him all pissed off while we were all laffing

    what seems pretty likely?
  9. #29
    that you would have a seizure and then come out of it thinking that someone jumped you or something because you are confused and theres a bunch of cops on top of you
  10. #30
    GoIIum Houston
    that you would have a seizure and then come out of it thinking that someone jumped you or something because you are confused and theres a bunch of cops on top of you

    Bill Krozby is used to men being on top of him.
  11. #31
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    that you would have a seizure and then come out of it thinking that someone jumped you or something because you are confused and theres a bunch of cops on top of you

    i dont see how that seems unlikely

    and i didnt I didnt really come to until and hour later while strapped to a hospital bed and didn't think i got jumped by cops until the next day when my eye was closed shut and I have bruises all over my body
  12. #32
    thats why i said it seems likely, not unlikely
  13. #33
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    thats why i said it seems likely, not unlikely

    oh gotcha, you worded it strange, I really have no fucking idea what happened it sucked.
  14. #34
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    As a matter of fact, Ive been resting in a very lovely home, in a very nice neighborhood that has a huge yard for my dogs. This guy even has a huge library with books of every topic imaginable- Ive actually been catching up on a lot of reading this week. My friend isn't a bum. He decided to go outand live his life the way he chooses to and that brings him happiness- for some reason he decided to stay and help me when I really needed it and I am incredibly grateful for that. He has become part of my family and no matter where he goes in the world, I will always do what I can to help him and make sure he is in my son's life- my son loves him and he loves my son, so much so he has said he feels as though he is like a father to my son, and that would be accurate. Im the one who owns the vehicle- I have a Tahoe, which I often referto as a truck, because well under the hood she's all the same. I used to have a pickup many years ago as well. I don't know why you act so superior to everyone because someone CHOOSES to live differently than most would choose- like somehow you working a minimum wage job,barely affording rent, and using and leeching off of your friends and/or fuck things is somehow better than me going out and seeing the country with my child- it goes against the grain of society, but its a choice Ive made, and thesame for my friend- we've chosen to go out and find happiness and appreciate the love and familial connections we share from a place of genuine care and concern- not what we gain from each other, how much each of us isworth in material things. For the shit with §m£ÂgØL, as crazy as its been, itsall true. My son is §m£ÂgØL's biologically. Nothing has ever been normal in my life, and like all the rest, his conception, and life hasn't been normal either. Im not a liar, a lotof shit I wish weren't so, but it is... I don't care if you believeit or not. Im thinking part of why youre so shitty toward me is because youre afraid of if it isn't and being 'duped' or something. Ifyouve actuallywentback throughall my posts Ive made, you'd see its all been jusvtakethings and distort it soyoucan 'prove' its not real, ormaybe because you drink so much and tend to get fucked unfairly regularly on mind distorting drugs you actually see it all distorted in your haze- I think its funny you so ademently believe I am a liar, because I know for a fact it isnt. You also make a lot of assumptions too- like me sleeping in the back of my friend's truck atm, or that my dogs don't have a safe and happy place to call home with a yard, or even that I actually have provided for them and my son myself. The worst thing going on in my life is my chronic health issues and I normally wouldn't wish ill on anyone in your situation, but man... Have you shown yourself to be such a fuckheaded nigger, who would and has made statements of horrible shit happening to my son and also during similarly frightening events regarding my health, you've said far worse than Ive said to you here. You go about calling people trash without thought all the time, when youre the biggest piece of trash here.
  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I never called anyone here trash, and §m£ÂgØL doesn't have a kid.

    You're a dumbass. At least I take care of my child and she has a stable home. Anyone that would have sex with §m£ÂgØL has got to be mentally unstable.
  16. #36
    We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    This thread is fucking hilarious. e drama at its finest.
  17. #37
    apric0t Houston
    funny that you bump this considering he got the living shit kicked out of him again yesterday
  18. #38
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
  19. #39
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by apric0t funny that you bump this considering he got the living shit kicked out of him again yesterday

    Well that's why I'm sure he bumped you stupid bitch
  20. #40
    We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Well that's why I'm sure he bumped you stupid bitch

    It was actually just random. I get bored and start browsing old threads from like page 700 something. As much of a fucknut as you are Bill Krozby, you do post some entertaining stuff occasionally, unlike that faggot WellHung and a bunch of other people.

    Don't know why hydromorphone won't just get a job or something, then again I never understood fat people, or narcissists, or fat people that think they're the shit.

    This morning a fat jewish hambeast walked past me and called me a nazi, the way all the rest of the brown nosing shit-forbrains stalkers do, and I ran up with a knife in my hand and said "sorry I just gotta cut this stick" and she nearly shat herself. Nobody was fucking with me for a while after that although I'm sure they'll continue to.

    EDIT: hambeast/mudshark, likely a kike, unsure
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