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Why I hate banks and the government
2018-02-11 at 5:13 PM UTC
Originally posted by benny vader only a child would believe that.
lol … what bank have only 15k.
nigerian bank ???
several banks have tried it with me on several occasions...several of them involved security being called...and police came once. one time was a 30 minute argument in the lobby with the bank manager...after she tried to get me to come into her office so the rest of the peons couldnt see/hear the argument.
i got my money every time. -
2018-02-11 at 5:25 PM UTC
2018-02-12 at 11:37 AM UTC
Originally posted by infinityshock false.
while it does depend on the individual bank itself, and the amount of actual cash on hand varies depending on the day…and even the time of day…they keep enough cash available in their vault to accommodate any reasonable transaction.
they lie about that whole 'we only have $20 in cash' thing.
and, wachovia is a shit bank…dont ever use them. i think they even went out of business.
You've never cashed anything but a paycheck. Stop trying to discuss topics you have no information on. -
2018-02-12 at 2:36 PM UTC
2018-02-12 at 3:10 PM UTCYeah, if your bitcoin were backed by the government in case your bank shut down.
2018-02-12 at 3:31 PM UTC
2018-02-12 at 3:37 PM UTCBanks have done nothing but fuck me over and make my life harder.
2018-02-12 at 5:08 PM UTC
2018-02-15 at 5:30 AM UTC
2018-02-15 at 10:37 AM UTC