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The Autism Quotient Test - Everyone here should seriously take it.
2017-07-29 at 12:45 AM UTCwhat causes a lack of interest in masturbating?
2017-07-29 at 12:50 AM UTC
2017-07-29 at 1:44 AM UTC
Originally posted by Malice Not saying I'm commanding everyone to, I just think everyone should for their own benefit, and so we can compare.
I hope you're joking and don't actually believe there's going to be some sort of genocide of autists.
Although…, can you imagine a film centered around that? Where the world's greatest weaponized autists, autistics with the cognitive power of nuclear bombs, or possibly more accurately incredibly powerful laser/concentrated energy weapons, (There are literally PhDs, possibly nobel prize winners, who have/had Asperger's, it doesn't effect your intelligence), began banding together, forming a secret base and recruiting others in a war against the normies, finally putting their skills, their most ingenious schemes, when finally forced into a brutal struggle for survival. Oh, and of course pharmacological augmentation would play a major part, just gaining as many advantages as currently possible.
It'd be so easy to outmaneuver them. The normies would just have to code their communications by speaking in sarcasm. -
2017-07-29 at 1:46 AM UTCWelp, just realized how long this thread is. It is no longer worth the potential for opportunities for ill jokes.
2017-07-29 at 2:16 AM UTC23, and half the shit is related to my meth use.
2017-08-03 at 8:39 PM UTC
2018-02-13 at 2:51 PM UTC
Your score was 23 out of a possible 50.
Scores in the 0-25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits.
Take that, everyone. -
2018-02-13 at 3:50 PM UTC8 out of 50.
2018-02-13 at 4:11 PM UTC
2018-02-13 at 11:30 PM UTCI got a 4
For my own well-being and general enjoyment of this website I will assume users claiming to have scored higher than this are merely trolling -
2018-02-13 at 11:33 PM UTCi always get between 23-28
i was misdiagnosed with asperger syndrome because i have severe social anxiety disorder and was addicted to dissociatives
my cognitive empathy is above average. im good at picking up nonverbal cues and talking to people but feel too anxious to do so in person
whenever i see a psychiatrist regularly they confirm it was a misdiagnosis
tl;dr: unrelated mental illness + drug abuse + high IQ + social anxiety can be misinterpreted as aspergers by doctors who dont know wtf they're doing -
2018-02-13 at 11:35 PM UTCSeemed no one had Autism in the 70s because of coke
2018-02-13 at 11:37 PM UTCI am pretty sure I used to be autistic, but at some stage I transcended autism and became to an autiste what an autiste is to a normies. I am therefore a meta-autiste, an autist's autist.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2018-02-13 at 11:38 PM UTC
2018-02-13 at 11:39 PM UTC
Originally posted by too many posts on a new account i always get between 23-28
i was misdiagnosed with asperger syndrome because i have severe social anxiety disorder and was addicted to dissociatives
my cognitive empathy is above average. im good at picking up nonverbal cues and talking to people but feel too anxious to do so in person
whenever i see a psychiatrist regularly they confirm it was a misdiagnosis
tl;dr: unrelated mental illness + drug abuse + high IQ + social anxiety can be misinterpreted as aspergers by doctors who dont know wtf they're doing
i do believe i have somewhat of a "schizophrenic personality"
can you imagine a psychiatrist genuinely being able to distinguish between PDD-NOS/mild aspergers and symptoms of schizoid/schizotypal personality disorder? -
2018-02-13 at 11:52 PM UTC12/50
Not autistic! Yaaaaaaaay! -
2018-02-13 at 11:55 PM UTC
2018-02-13 at 11:58 PM UTC
2018-02-13 at 11:59 PM UTCI got a 17/50. Honestly thought I’d be more autistic than that
2018-02-14 at 12:05 AM UTC