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sexual safe spaces

  1. #21
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Why are you defending this now? Your op states 'I'm not into watching a bunch of renfest nerds watch some stupid slut get tied up' now you're entirely on the other side of the fence trying to convince people it's a good idea and the right thing to do. Just realize that there's a high probability you're gonna DIE DIE DIE. XD

    I'm not trying to convince anyone on anything. Are you upset about something mq? You're like the most sensitive man on the internet next to enter...
  2. #22
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm not trying to convince anyone on anything. Are you upset about something mq? You're like the most sensitive man on the internet next to enter…

    Ha. HAHAHAHAHA. It was a question you knobhead. Are you dense?
  3. #23
    Show up to the party with the wrong gauge of rope.

    Act all embaressed and frustrated when you fail to tie her up and if anyone says anything or steps in get aggresive and yell "FUCK WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING"
  4. #24
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Ha. HAHAHAHAHA. It was a question you knobhead. Are you dense?

    You seem confused
  5. #25
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    You seem confused

    You're right. I'm wrong.
  6. #26
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You're right. I'm wrong.

    No worries bud. Tell chootie, archie and i said hi
  7. #27
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Well I just got back from the bdsm meet up , it was quite the experience. It ent up with me sitting naked between 2 fat chicks watching wil and grace on dvd lol!
  8. #28
    Well I just got back from the bdsm meet up , it was quite the experience. It ent up with me sitting naked between 2 fat chicks watching wil and grace on dvd lol!

    wait, you were the only guy there?. What?. What the fuck is going on.
  9. #29
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    nah there was other guys there. In fact in one room it was all guy in a circle around this naked fat chick and they were shoving her around, just tossing her all around the room to each other lol. It was some dudes house out in the country that we went to. The guy to girl ratio was fairly even, though I think that there were more girls though. And I ent up not going home with the chick that invited me but whatever.
  10. #30
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    There was a girl there that was just walking around in an adult diaper, my "friend" that invited me told me that that girl has a fetish for being a baby. weird huh?

    I guess I'm just not "open minded" enough... I said "what the fuck..." and she got pissed off at me and told me to quit being rude.

  11. #31
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Nigga we don't want cringe reviews we want footage. You telling me you couldn't bust out your cell phone and take some video? DANG m8. FOR DANG SHAME.
  12. #32
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you can get kicked out for that. And trust me being an outsider I probably wasn't too trusted. We even had to sign a log with our names and address... just to be safe.
  13. #33
    There was a girl there that was just walking around in an adult diaper, my "friend" that invited me told me that that girl has a fetish for being a baby. weird huh? I guess I'm just not "open minded" enough… I said "what the fuck…" and she got pissed off at me and told me to quit being rude.

    I will buy the body cam for you if you promise to wear it 24/7 and record your life. You could be famous on like, chaturbate or something.

    ^you can get kicked out for that. And trust me being an outsider I probably wasn't too trusted. We even had to sign a log with our names and address… just to be safe.
    It was all an elaborate heist. They have been inviting the upper echelon of your community to deranged sex parties to lower their inhibitions and provide them with sexual distraction while their PI is harvested unscrupulously. They plan to use the very ropes these elites bring to the parties to tie them up then, empty their house of all valuables. They kick open the door, wearing full gimp suits only to find a drunk Bill Krozby on cam on TC making his cat archie dance to the rhythem of the music coming out of his laptop.

  14. #34
    inb4 Bill Krozby got herpes anyway

    No but, I'm glad you went. Sounds weird. Did ANYBODY have sex? Are you gonna go again?
  15. #35
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    I honestly don't think im ever going to go to something like that again. Unless it was with a group of people I was cool with. Nobody at this meet up was even smoking weed. All they provided was some weak ass pinot grigio wine. And a lot of the girls seemed like they were trying very hard to be edgy so they could bag a milton (beta provider)

    Everyone was talking about pokemon go and topics I just am not well versed in. Someone mentioned the legends of zelda and I said I've never played it before, and a couple people thought that that was down right blasphemous, even my "friend" knowing that I used to work for blizzard several years ago.

    Oh yeah and some girl mentioned how she was reading hillary clintons book and described her as a "powerhouse"

  16. #36
    Everyone was talking about pokemon go and topics I just am not well versed in. Someone mentioned the legends of zelda and I said I've never played it before, and a couple people thought that that was down right blasphemous, even my "friend" knowing that I used to work for blizzard several years ago.

    Oh yeah and some girl mentioned how she was reading hillary clintons book and described her as a "powerhouse"

    A shiver went through my entire soul reading this post.
  17. #37
    bling bling Dark Matter
    u would love surrounding urself with mntally diseased ppl
  18. #38
    bling bling Dark Matter
  19. #39
    hey fuu\uck you
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