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Any of you profesional tech niggas ever go to conferences?

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Seems pretty cool imho. Of course on the SEC side you have DEFCON, BlackHat and all the Bsides ones. But i am sure there are also developer specific cons, or networking or whatever.

    Any of you ever went to such an event and if you did what was your impression?

    Also, as a side note some guy i know who apparently is Head of OSS Technologies at some company was asking me to meet up with him at NullCon in India. Sure bud, if you fly me out there and get me lodging. I'll risk the potential rape/organ theft in that case. But that's pretty unfair of me to say about the guy from what i could tell he seemed legit. In any case, i don't know if i would be comfortable meeting people from my online group of security people i talk to in the fleshnet. On one hand it seems pretty cool, but then you have this Micheal Hutchins debacle where the FBI arrested this Malware Research guy because he wrote a hook that somehow ended up in a banking trojan. Oh well.
  2. #2
    mso8 Houston
    not yet. some defcon talks are very painful to watch though, but i guess that the profession just attracts those kinds of people right. someones gotta put up with them
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mso8 not yet. some defcon talks are very painful to watch though, but i guess that the profession just attracts those kinds of people right. someones gotta put up with them

    I usually don't watch recordings of con talks unless it's about a very specific subject that i am interested in. If you don't mind me asking in what sort of capacity do you work in tech? InfoSec, specifically? DevSecOps, or some type of role in a SOC? Also, does your employer give you opportunities to attend conferences?
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh sorry i forgot, you enrolled into uni for CompSci right? My question then would be, what role are you looking to fill after your education? Given any thought to that yet? What is your goal so to speak.
  5. #5
    mso8 Houston
    yeah thats right. i havent thought about it extensively yet but cryptography and hardware is pretty interesting to me. maybe ill stay in research who knows. as of now im attending classes, gonna cross that bridge when it comes though
  6. #6
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I went to a weapons symposium one time where some muslim followed me around for about an hour trying to sell me anti-ship missiles.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mso8 yeah thats right. i havent thought about it extensively yet but cryptography and hardware is pretty interesting to me. maybe ill stay in research who knows. as of now im attending classes, gonna cross that bridge when it comes though

    Cool man, crypto is some complex stuff i have no formal education in CompSci so forgive me if i seem a little ignorant with regards to this but i assume you have the opportunity to specialize further down the road in your education? Computer Science is a broad field, hence why i am asking.

    Originally posted by infinityshock I went to a weapons symposium one time where some muslim followed me around for about an hour trying to sell me anti-ship missiles.

    Seems like an interesting experience. Although the type of weapons and conferences i am most interested in are with regards to the cyber theater.
  8. #8
    mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Cool man, crypto is some complex stuff i have no formal education in CompSci so forgive me if i seem a little ignorant with regards to this but i assume you have the opportunity to specialize further down the road in your education? Computer Science is a broad field, hence why i am asking.

    yeah its a very broad field. the usual assumption is that you become an ENTERPRISE(tm) Codemonkey, especially when you are a layman and dont really think about it. but you can do tons of shit, my college has a big program for bioinformatics and theoretical computer science as well.
  9. #9
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie Seems like an interesting experience. Although the type of weapons and conferences i am most interested in are with regards to the cyber theater.

    not what i consider interesting.

    cyber weapons...arent.
  10. #10
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I may go to DefCon this year but I'm not sure yet. I've never been to any conferences.

    Crytography is interesting. I hope to get into it soon.
  11. #11
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock I went to a weapons symposium one time where some muslim followed me around for about an hour trying to sell me anti-ship missiles.

    did you asked for free samples ????
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