whether it's a form of the word or not.. it stands
Fair skin, Blonde and Blue
At Target.
It's not American (insert any nationality). it's new members. except maybe Indian people which are westernize, others are like "WAT DA FUK U IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOR"
I know these mother fuckers are thinking this. My girlfriend even says they're assholes to her because she's Americanize Asian.
but I lived part time in this part of the bay in my teens. from like 16-19 years of age.. went to Highschool in the area. It's like maybe what New Yorkers went through. I'm not being racist but culuralist?
Originally posted by Kolokol-1
Starting to see why everyone here hates minorities now?
No, I don't hate Minorities because I'm feeling what it feels like.. n stuff
The generations of whatever culture that lived here for over a century are cool
the implants treat it like it's their country. including Europeans (which are few but I experienced it) the libtards state we all must assimilate. STFU LIBTARDs
it's not a race thing, though someone will play that card... i give little fucks
It's "This is not America anymore" wasn't that a David Bowie song?
fuck your meth and you racism and your fucking love for totse
and my post on facebook/mikepense is real and from the heart.. go look up peet dy
and fuck lawless San Francisco. It used to be a pretty cool town.
I'll never be hired now.. I rock the boat again and I'm proud to not sell out. fuck your fucking corruption and wanting to create a one world dystopia
off topic, do you think it would be a rush to decapitate yourself? or even possible? how about with a butter knife. what happen to singularity.. what nonesense.
Theor selling racism their selling sexism their selling anything they can get their fucking ears on. I hope California falls into the whole fucking ocean