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Anyone here ever been sexually coerced or sexually harassed?

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I have plenty of times, because I'm a I've been a druggy off and on. But hell even when I was working at a good job and was making money to where I didn't need help with drugs or booze, I've had girls overstep boundries to touch me.

    I was talking on the work phone for work, and this girl about 10 years younger than me shoves me up against the phone while I'm drunk and punches me in the asshole, leading to the phone falling down off the wall and breaking. And everyones like wtf..? and shes like lol well i gotta go my shift is up, sorry about that, I grew up with a lot of brothers... tehe!

    So later that night I'm still working and its around midnight and she comes in wearing rollerskates, just showing up to be a lil ho, so I jump over the counter behind her and kick her in the ass really hard, and she slip and falls ,and everyone starts freaking out, he just hit a girl!... herp durepadew!

    Nothing happened because of it, I just kind of wanted to get back at her. I've had a couple of slammers come over to offer me drugs that they claimed were free because they wanted to help me, then started rubbing their pussys all over me, expecting something, several times I said no, and they got really pissed . A few times i just went with it just to get it over with...

    Anyone here ever had stuff like this happen to them? I was actually fired for sexual harassment several months ago, just for telling a co-worker he was a fat faggot and that I would kill him if he ever called me again. While drunk and not even at work. It's a crazy world we live in, i guess..

  2. #2
    yes thats why I don't drink or do meth around females anymore, they just become aggresive rapists and try to steal my seed. Assuming the guy always wants sex is sexist and forcing them to do it is rape. Pulling the condom off mid fuck when I'm drunk, am I supposed to just sit there or pull a knife out of my ass?.

    If I even stare at a girl in public though I'm a terrible mysoginistic rapist pig.
  3. #3
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    lol I have a feeling that this shit is completely spun around. I find it hard to believe any woman or man would go out of their way to fuck you, much less 'coherce' you into it by giving you drugs. I wouldn't want to fuck someone who isnt into me, that is probably the most unattractive thing ever which no good sex could ever come from. On top of that, its not like you're some sex god here with a body to die for. You are marginal at best. I lol at your fantasy world you live in. You must have a lot of charisma IRL to get the bitches you do, or I'd imagining it going the other way around with the free drugs, because you don't have much to offer a sexual partner physically. Either way, I seriously pity anyone who'd be willing to fuck you.
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    the woman version of rape is when she claims to be on birth control or says she 'cant get pregnant' in an effort to trap a guy. the equivalent for a guy is to verbally coerce a chick into having sex. the other female-on-male version of rape is when she surreptitiously removes the rubber during sex, digs the rubber out of the trash or holds cum in her mouth then squirts that shit up in herself to get pregnant. i guarantee the above situations happen just as often...if not more so...than the conventionally discussed version of rape...yet i never hear about that shit.

    one chick i was banging (ive posted pics of her) would always come up with excuses to not wear a rubber or why we shouldnt wear a rubber. we were in a non-commited relationship and she started banging some other dude and literally a month later he knocked her up. that wasnt odd or anything.

    another chick who i hung out with, that was a virgin...who i didnt want to fuck because fucking virgins sucks...would repeatedly try to have unprotected sex. the first time she did have sex with a different dude BAM she got pregnant.

    ive had several chicks claim to be pregnant by me even tho we always wore condoms. none of them were. one chick who claimed she was pregnant by me had a friend who was trying to hook up with me and told me all the stupid shit she would say and do.
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If some bitch punched me in the asshole, i'd knock her the fuck out. Thankfully i live in a civilized part of the world, more or less.
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I was once coerced into sexually harassing women
  7. #7
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Pretty much everyone I work with calls me a faggot or a 'cock boy' throughout most of my shift. The bussers, the managers, servers, all of 'em. The other cooks will intentionally save their pans with hot grease and accidentally fling them at me when we're busy. Oh they like to call me a little fuckin' bitch too. That's probably their favorite. I tried to talk to my boss and even he said I should stop acting like a sissy ass and get the fuck out of his face, so.. yeah, I've dealt with it, and I do on a near daily basis.
  8. #8
    Pretty much everyone I work with calls me a faggot or a 'cock boy' throughout most of my shift. The bussers, the managers, servers, all of 'em. The other cooks will intentionally save their pans with hot grease and accidentally fling them at me when we're busy. Oh they like to call me a little fuckin' bitch too. That's probably their favorite. I tried to talk to my boss and even he said I should stop acting like a sissy ass and get the fuck out of his face, so.. yeah, I've dealt with it, and I do on a near daily basis.
    Are you joking or on probation or do you just really really need that job and secretly love the abuse you disgusting sissy bitch? *spits in face*

    We can easily plan how you can burn that shit down, kill them all and get away with it. Just say a word.
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