I was asked to stand for the pledge this morning at school and I wouldn't stand and my teacher said bradley please stand and I was like "fuck that george bush is an american idiot and so is jeb bush, their fucking retards except for darin bush, They started 9/11 and sent our country into a total tail spin of a hell hole!" and while going on my diatribe I realized I was standing.. but standing for something I believe in and then she told me to "please sit down or I'm going to give you another another demerit, bradley craighead neidemeyer"
So I sat down as I was defeated, I lost the battle but one day I will win the war against whats wrong with this country.
This is a man who caused endless terror groups to be formed from drone bombing 8 countries we arent engaged in hostilities with - but lets just forget that and blindly genuflect at the Great Obama.
Do the "white power" people also run in fear from darker skinned individuals or do they stand their ground and put up a fight? I'm not sure how it works, does anyone here know???
Oh hey Jill you might be able to answer this what with your White Power affiliation.
Originally posted by mmQ
Do the "white power" people also run in fear from darker skinned individuals or do they stand their ground and put up a fight? I'm not sure how it works, does anyone here know???
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
This is a man who caused endless terror groups to be formed from drone bombing 8 countries we arent engaged in hostilities with - but lets just forget that and blindly genuflect at the Great Obama.