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Being a health freak so by 2060 life extending medicine will be public

  1. #1
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    Niggas always assume I'm a health freak because I give a fuck about impressing compromised hoes

    No cunt

    I wish to live as long as possible so in my 60s/70s medical advances will enable people to live up to 150/200 years old as long as you can afford it

    Even one google executive came out saying MOON PERSONs will be the first generation to take advantage of this

    Am I drinking the koolaid or is this literally real life
  2. #2
    Life extension is supposed to be available by the 20s
    It would be here right now if we weren't wasting all our money on zionist wars.
    I have been reading about this stuff since 2013, all the blogs and articles point to the 2020s as when "they'll" allow the general public access to these technologies/medicines.

    The tech is already there if you do enough research

    if anarch-net would gather together and work as one we could pool together our resources and brain-power and create a working opposition to the oligarch-controlled zio-human civilization

  3. #3
    BTW the retards on this planet call me autistic or schizo but I have known about this stuff for years

    We have the ability to prolong our existence indefinitely.
    That's why I am so confident, because I know that I'm going to live forever ... even if things go wrong in this timeline there is always the next because at this point after so much experience and evidence I am convinced that reincarnation is real.

    Lets have some fun
    Either we kick the jedi in the oven and achieve technological utopia or we allow (((them))) to nuke the planet and start all over again
    either way

    the jedi never wins
  4. #4
    RestStop Space Nigga
    I'll just take the Oath of Baphomet or sacrifice a few small children instead. HIGH END!
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    bla bla bla.

    the cure for diabetes was sposed to happen ten years ago.

    there will never be a publicly-available (read: to the peons) life-extension methods. the aristocracy dont want the proles to live any longer than they have to because they take up resources that the aristocracy would rather monopolize. the only possibility for this happening, if the technology existed, was if there were the need for a massive increase in human population...such as a catastrophic die-off of humanity for whatever reason, interplanetary war, or colonization of non-terrestrial bodies.

    reference the movie: 'in time'
  6. #6
    The people hired by "them" to create these tools are also smarter than them

    the universe isn't so feeble that a few wealthy kikes could run the entire show
  7. #7
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Daily Am I drinking the koolaid or is this literally real life

    Koolaid. Most common reason people believe in this shit is because the coincidence of antibiotics and industrialization in our history have created an anomalous situation where life expectancy has been on the up slightly for a while now. The grand claims are mostly a statistical trick though, our medieval counterparts who survived childhood, and for women who survived childbirth, could expect to live into their 70s. I mean bringing down our civilization's child mortality rate is a tremendous thing but it means our average life expectancy goes up without you getting to live any longer. There's also the question as to how long the "golden age" of antibiotics and industrialism is going to last. I think it's pretty well agreed upon that the former is ending and we're gonna be fucked. As for industrialism, seems like there's a dozen different ways that's got an expiration date on it.

    The hope for elimination of senescence does have one interesting quality: it demonstrates that even clearly false hope of the possibility for eternal life is existentially uncomfortable. It's easier to cope with your demise when it's truly inevitable. I remember one of those Rick Roderick TV lecture things where he said "death is one of the last democratic institutions in this country" and he was right, rich and poor alike have the same upper bound one their lifespans, even if the averages are different. So you're definitely going to die, but look on the bright side: at least you'll die the same as everyone else, not as happenstance because you failed to buy the correct infomercial projects or because you couldn't afford to extend your existence.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Death.. The great Equalizer
  9. #9

    Keeping your blood sugar and iron levels low and lifting weights is key. Consuming animal fats/coconut oil and avoiding seed oils is also good.

    Being healthy means not just living longer, but keeping your standard of life longer.
  10. #10
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock reference the movie: 'in time'

    that movie is not for people 55 and over.
  11. #11
    You can be as healthy as you want to but you can still get hit by a drunk driver and none of it would matter
  12. #12
    Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    y u scarin me
  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Daily Niggas always assume I'm a health freak because I give a fuck about impressing compromised hoes

    No cunt

    I wish to live as long as possible so in my 60s/70s medical advances will enable people to live up to 150/200 years old as long as you can afford it

    Even one google executive came out saying MOON PERSONs will be the first generation to take advantage of this

    Am I drinking the koolaid or is this literally real life

    prolly sipping the koolaid as they haven't came out with the cancer/aids vaccines yet.. those will probably be around by 2030 i'd imagine.
  14. #14
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Daily y u scarin me

    cause you're easily scared. /thread
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Issue313

    Keeping your blood sugar and iron levels low and lifting weights is key. Consuming animal fats/coconut oil and avoiding seed oils is also good.

    Being healthy means not just living longer, but keeping your standard of life longer.

    But power benching is considered dangerous for the heart valves and blood vessels. it places a lot of stress on them. It's better to do moderate weight lifting for toning and do bike riding or other forms of arobics.

    Unless you're a Mountain climber or a Firefighter or solider or something that requires lifting heavy shit all the time such as your weight and gear, it's not considered a good lifestyle to liftweights all the time. unless you're competitive.. but it still will put strain on your body in the long run.
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 But power benching is considered dangerous for the heart valves and blood vessels. it places a lot of stress on them. It's better to do moderate weight lifting for toning and do bike riding or other forms of arobics.

    Yeah they never talk about joints and wearing them out. High reps is better for you, but you need to work the muscle to exhaustion and keep a long time under tension (ie. go slow, and keep going till the muscle burns). A good weight to use is one you can do between 10 and 20 reps with good form.
  17. #17
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Issue313 Yeah they never talk about joints and wearing them out.

    yea .... dint do reps.

    just lift and hold.
  18. #18
    bling bling Dark Matter
    even if they dont find a way to extend life span massivley even if it takes a 1ooo years thats only a blimp on the landcape
  19. #19
    I sorta look forward to dying. I view it as a sort of a break, before I reincarnate into one of my descendants. I hope I'm not as malaffected by kikery in that life as I was in this one.
  20. #20
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Issue313 before I reincarnate into one of my descendants.

    Is this something everyone gets to do or just you?
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