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Cocky little fat face fuck!

  1. #1
    Watch this, yet it gets really arrogant of him and NK for editing it in this fashion at 1:15 to 1:25

    He's saying "Trump is asking for it"? Right. I think he's got that backwards.
  2. #2
    lol It's bigger and black

    He's trying to frighten the Americans especially make White men feel inferior! hahaha

    can we just step on this bug once and for all. before he advances that much more.

  3. #3
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 lol It's bigger and black

    He's trying to frighten the Americans especially make White men feel inferior! hahaha

    can we just step on this bug once and for all. before he advances that much more.

    for all i know, its your the ones that went to his front door and did the gun rattling.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by benny vader for all i know, its your the ones that went to his front door and did the gun rattling.


    ermmm backstory first, please.
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    which country has a history of burning the other one down again
  6. #6
    What the fuck is with this femenist anti american attitude on this site?

    Yes, Aldra You're not an American but you're an Aussie and they went stricture on taking away rights than the US during the bullshit Bush years.

    and I would say it was probably Russia if you consider conventional wars through the years. Maybe Germany during WWI and WWII
  7. #7
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 ermmm backstory first, please.

  8. #8
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 and I would say it was probably Russia if you consider conventional wars through the years. Maybe Germany during WWI and WWII

    it was Japan during world war 2, and the US, usurping the core scientific group of Unit 731, continued their brutal germ warfare experiments five years later as they were driven out after bombing every single building in the country.

    I hope you taste the VX personally.
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Aldra is freakin fascist
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Watch this, yet it gets really arrogant of him and NK for editing it in this fashion at 1:15 to 1:25

    He's saying "Trump is asking for it"? Right. I think he's got that backwards.

    I'm a CIA agent. Don't try to delete any evidence from your current computer device. We are closing in on you as I type this, you nosy POS.
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Im cia as well gang.stalking division. Totse2001 you better edit your post now or you're in for a world of pain. You're cruisin for a bruisin, pops
  12. #12
    everyday my penis grows weaker and my balls hang farther down.

    I lack "Gives fucks"

    KABOOOOOOSH, Drops the mic
  13. #13
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra it was Japan during world war 2, and the US, usurping the core scientific group of Unit 731, continued their brutal germ warfare experiments five years later as they were driven out after bombing every single building in the country.

    I hope you taste the VX personally.

    I was not in a good way when I posted this, I don't actually wish nerve agents upon you

    I just don't understand why people demonise NK so hard - I probably wouldn't want to live there, but they've been shaped by nonstop aggression and hardship since WWII.

    1. The US actively prevents reunification talks between NK and SK as an end to the 'conflict' would mean there'd be no need for US military deployment

    2. Back in the 90s, the US made an offer to NK - if they halted their nuclear (energy only at the time) research they were promised the lifting of sanctions and energy aid (natural gas refinery tech or something). The US walked away from the deal because they insisted on inspecting just about every NK military site, even though no such thing was included in the agreement. Understand that NK made big, concrete steps toward dismantling their nuclear energy program and got nothing in return:

    so why should they make the effort again?

    3. Trump and pals are continually echoing that diplomacy has failed, but what exactly have they brought to the table? Diplomacy is compromise; demanding NK disarm is not diplomacy.

    4. The US (and others, but specifically the US is leading the charge) have been mounting aggression since the partition - ranging from crippling sanctions (and even sanctions on other countries where NK migrant workers travel to and from) to those constant military drills simulating NK's destruction. Do you not see why they feel they need some sort of deterrent?

    5. Not five years after the NSDAP leadership was convicted of war crimes, specifically targeting civilian infrastructure such as dams and farms, the US was doing the exact same thing to NK.

    6. Speaking of the NSDAP, it's well-known that the US and Russia tried to grab up as many German scientists and engineers as possible to the point where it's probably more accurate to say Nazis put man on the moon, not Americans. Operation Paperclip is common knowledge; what isn't is that the core team of Imperial Japan's Germ Warfare UNIT-731 was also recruited by the US, and after they were driven out of NK, they used germ weapons as a sort of 'scorched earth' policy. The US DOD denies it to this day, but China and NK have evidence in the form of a massive spike in specific diseases (rubella and scarlet fever if I remember right) in towns in the wake of the US' departure. There are even (apparently, I haven't seen them) interviews with captured US pilots speaking of the chemical weapons they dropped, safety and handling details as well as markings that could be independently verified

    And now for the fun part - nuclear weapons are for show only; they're a deterrent. Kim is a weird little guy but he's not an idiot- he's always stated NK will never initiate a first strike because it'd take very little nuclear firepower to wipe NK off the map... It's all about being part of the big boys club and having something to ward off further aggression.

    I can think of two very serious ways that NK could attack and (not defeat, but) either cripple or collapse the US:

    1. NK has stockpiles of and the capacity to mass-manufacture nerve agents or other chemical weapons. They also have ~70 diesel-electric submarines that run almost silently and can fire SLBMs that are officially unaccounted for (the subs, not the missiles). Given how many major cities are on the east coast even a single sarin/tabun/etc. missile would cause a monstrous number of deaths.

    2. Power. This ties into nuclear, but not specifically - if either a medium-yield nuclear weapon (systems like THAAD couldn't stop it because it'd detonate too high up) or EMP device were used, the power grid would absolutely eat shit and need to be rebuilt almost from scratch - combined with the popular JIT paradigm, it's predicted over 90% of the population would starve in a matter of months.

    ***I just ate a bunch of somas so I'll have to reread later to make sure this post makes sense.

    Post last edited by aldra at 2017-12-04T22:29:58.397875+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #14
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by aldra I was not in a good way when I posted this, I don't actually wish nerve agents upon you

    dont feel bad. theres nothing bad about wishing nerve agents, special agents or whatever it is on others.

    thats just your druggs feeling.
  15. #15
    This old guy told me that the same chemicals used in Raid is that of mustard gas.

    and some former employees at the plant suicide after the agents got to them over years of exposures. these dudes wouldn't even wear the proper scrubs while filling containers on the assembly line after working there for so many years. as if it was too much trouble and too hot to put them on every day.. especially during summers hitting over 80-105.
  16. #16
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 This old guy told me that the same chemicals used in Raid is that of mustard gas.

    they switched to vx in the late 90s to early 2000s.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by benny vader they switched to vx in the late 90s to early 2000s.

    You're saying it's the opposite of what he told me? or is that a troll move
  18. #18
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 You're saying it's the opposite of what he told me? or is that a troll move

    how so ???? was he saying that mustard gases are being used currently ????/

    mustard gases cost more to make than vx.
  19. #19
    Originally posted by benny vader how so ???? was he saying that mustard gases are being used currently ????/

    mustard gases cost more to make than vx.

    I thought they were the same thing. stop shouting at me phaggot
  20. #20
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 This old guy told me that the same chemicals used in Raid is that of mustard gas.

    modern bugsprays are organophosphate nerve agents very similar to sarin; pretty sure the guy who originally synthesised the family was looking for new and effective pesticides and died from exposure

    Originally posted by benny vader mustard gases cost more to make than vx.

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