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I am the dreamer and you are the dream

  1. #1
    It is clear as the days go by that this timeline, this existence is just a fabrication of my mind and I am stuck inside some sort of virtual prison as a form of punishment, or maybe I forgot to time the BCI headband when I plugged into the nostalgia file to relive the first 30 years of my life ... either way I am ready to wake up.

    You are all nothing more than NPCs here to decorate my world as an animated backdrop.

    I think something and suddenly it comes into the public spotlight, I get high enough and visualize a scenario and it happens, I wish for world war three and suddenly it's all over the news and the exact players I imagined being involved are.

    I came to this conclusion in 2014, strange things began occurring the more weed I smoked, the more time I spent in vr and meditated on existence.
    I swear I connected to the cosmological "mindbank" internet of the mind ... more than that I actually literally touched the gears of existence personally, some of you know this "organism" as Godhead, I realize that I too am a fabrication of this realm but it had to be this way as this is the only environment for which I could be human and things like Japan, anime, weed and American indoor shopping malls could exist.

    I have some more predictions for the next 30 years, these may or may not come to fruition since this is just a spur of the moment blurt, I haven't tapped in to global-consciousness or smoked any weed (when I feel this magnetic pull in my mind that's when I know I am communicating with the Godhead and tapping into GloCon (global consciousness)).

    - The wall will be built but over the course of a few years, it's actually just a plot by the jedis to further weaken America and enrage the handsome and well tanned individuals and drive them against the Americans. If Trumpstein was really making America Great Again the wall would have been built overnight.
    - Kushner and Zuckerberg will run against each other in 2020 (I saw that much from the wired but here comes my own predictions) a revolutionary alt-right non-controlled opposition figure will either run or lead a revolution against the zionist occupied US (((government))) they will have an amazing hair cut
    - Japan will become the global superpower by 2025
    - China will collapse and all the communists will be murdered en mass via public executions
    - Poland and South Africa will lead the charge in the European Resistance movement against the jude
    - Steve Jobs isn't dead he's having sex with little boys in his underground bunker
    - Brain-to-computer interface technology will act as the double-edged sword that will destroy civilization. Some forces will seek to use it to ensalve mankind, but a resistance movement aided by benevolent A.I. will use the technology to free mankind and lead everyone to a new universe
    - islamics will be the only remaining people on earth since they will refuse BCI tech. The jedis will have mostly been wiped out with the remaining few begging for mercy (don't trust them)
    - Most people in the US will be living in either RVs/tents or giant apartments in megaopolises.

    It is also a strong possibility that we are at this moment in time reliving a past timeline, perhaps in the near future Total war will break out and in order to save humanity from complete extinction a group of white hats within the program will use time travel machines to reset humanity back to 1990 and give me another chance to save you all from the jedi world order.

    That's what's happening right now and it fucking sucks
    I could be enjoying my days as a hikikomori, but no it had to be this way again
    In the next life I'm going to attempt to make love with a human for once already, maybe I'll kill some handsome and well tanned individuals and get that frustration out of my system ... maybe I will even try out the dreamcast in the next timeline who knows.
  2. #2
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume It is clear as the days go by that this timeline, this existence is just a fabrication of my mind and I am stuck inside some sort of virtual prison as a form of punishment, or maybe I forgot to time the BCI headband when I plugged into the nostalgia file to relive the first 30 years of my life … either way I am ready to wake up.

    You are all nothing more than NPCs here to decorate my world as an animated backdrop.

    I think something and suddenly it comes into the public spotlight, I get high enough and visualize a scenario and it happens, I wish for world war three and suddenly it's all over the news and the exact players I imagined being involved are.

    I came to this conclusion in 2014, strange things began occurring the more weed I smoked, the more time I spent in vr and meditated on existence.
    I swear I connected to the cosmological "mindbank" internet of the mind … more than that I actually literally touched the gears of existence personally, some of you know this "organism" as Godhead, I realize that I too am a fabrication of this realm but it had to be this way as this is the only environment for which I could be human and things like Japan, anime, weed and American indoor shopping malls could exist.

    I have some more predictions for the next 30 years, these may or may not come to fruition since this is just a spur of the moment blurt, I haven't tapped in to global-consciousness or smoked any weed (when I feel this magnetic pull in my mind that's when I know I am communicating with the Godhead and tapping into GloCon (global consciousness)).

    - The wall will be built but over the course of a few years, it's actually just a plot by the jedis to further weaken America and enrage the handsome and well tanned individuals and drive them against the Americans. If Trumpstein was really making America Great Again the wall would have been built overnight.
    - Kushner and Zuckerberg will run against each other in 2020 (I saw that much from the wired but here comes my own predictions) a revolutionary alt-right non-controlled opposition figure will either run or lead a revolution against the zionist occupied US (((government))) they will have an amazing hair cut
    - Japan will become the global superpower by 2025
    - China will collapse and all the communists will be murdered en mass via public executions
    - Poland and South Africa will lead the charge in the European Resistance movement against the jude
    - Steve Jobs isn't dead he's having sex with little boys in his underground bunker
    - Brain-to-computer interface technology will act as the double-edged sword that will destroy civilization. Some forces will seek to use it to ensalve mankind, but a resistance movement aided by benevolent A.I. will use the technology to free mankind and lead everyone to a new universe
    - islamics will be the only remaining people on earth since they will refuse BCI tech. The jedis will have mostly been wiped out with the remaining few begging for mercy (don't trust them)
    - Most people in the US will be living in either RVs/tents or giant apartments in megaopolises.

    It is also a strong possibility that we are at this moment in time reliving a past timeline, perhaps in the near future Total war will break out and in order to save humanity from complete extinction a group of white hats within the program will use time travel machines to reset humanity back to 1990 and give me another chance to save you all from the jedi world order.

    That's what's happening right now and it fucking sucks
    I could be enjoying my days as a hikikomori, but no it had to be this way again
    In the next life I'm going to attempt to make love with a human for once already, maybe I'll kill some handsome and well tanned individuals and get that frustration out of my system … maybe I will even try out the dreamcast in the next timeline who knows.

    I don't even know what to think of posters like you. Like do you really believe all this shit or are you just trying to make some weird troll attempt? I can't figure out which is weirder/more stupid.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    more than that I actually literally touched the gears of existence personally

    haha gay

    this is why your dad kicked you out and you have to live in a car
  4. #4
    Originally posted by greenplastic I don't even know what to think of posters like you. Like do you really believe all this shit or are you just trying to make some weird troll attempt? I can't figure out which is weirder/more stupid.

    I realize this might all seem way over your head right now but you just have to let go and believe

    strange things are about to happen over the course of the next 20 years
  5. #5
    Originally posted by aldra haha gay

    this is why your dad kicked you out and you have to live in a car

    actually what happened was that my ojiji and obaba closed this world and opened the next without having paid off their mortgage (assholes)
  6. #6
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Shut up bitch.
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume - islamics will be the only remaining people on earth since they will refuse BCI tech. The jedis will have mostly been wiped out with the remaining few begging for mercy (don't trust them)

    not gonna happen. if anything the mohameddans will be the first sub-species to go extinct...if not the entire sub-species, at the very least, the religion.

    i dont see der juden getting wiped out. i see them doing something stupid (something else) that pisses the goy off and they finally get pogromed into oblivion except for a few stalwarts that practice in secret, the way christians did before they were legalized...or the way wiccans did before it became a fad.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume - Most people in the US will be living in either RVs/tents or giant apartments in megaopolises.

    i can see something along those lines happening. the way property rights are going 'they' dont want the peons to own anything so they can be dependent on the over seers...the same as it was back in the old fiefdoms. its the same mindset the aristocracy always adopts: they want everything and everyone else cant have anything.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Shut up bitch.

    How about you shut the fuck up you little NPC piece of shit
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Originally posted by infinityshock not gonna happen. if anything the mohameddans will be the first sub-species to go extinct…if not the entire sub-species, at the very least, the religion.

    i dont see der juden getting wiped out. i see them doing something stupid (something else) that pisses the goy off and they finally get pogromed into oblivion except for a few stalwarts that practice in secret, the way christians did before they were legalized…or the way wiccans did before it became a fad.

    i can see something along those lines happening. the way property rights are going 'they' dont want the peons to own anything so they can be dependent on the over seers…the same as it was back in the old fiefdoms. its the same mindset the aristocracy always adopts: they want everything and everyone else cant have anything.

    A few years ago I predicted that once solar tech reached the point where a solar roof on an RV could power everything inside and the vehicle would be 100% electric then most people would end up living in those, then I saw myself driving onto a seastead that supported my ideologies on life.
    The way thigns are going though I doubt seasteads will happen soon, there are lots of social wars that will need to be fought first on the land.
  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume A few years ago I predicted that once solar tech reached the point where a solar roof on an RV could power everything inside and the vehicle would be 100% electric then most people would end up living in those, then I saw myself driving onto a seastead that supported my ideologies on life.
    The way thigns are going though I doubt seasteads will happen soon, there are lots of social wars that will need to be fought first on the land.

    im somewhat familiar with solar...and while it has advanced exponentially in the last few decades, and where it relates to mobile power source, it is still far and away a long distance from becoming reliable to the point it can be depended on even 90%-ish without having the need for a more dependable source of electrons. fossil-fuel-powered generator...shore-hookup...etc. as it is now, even with the best technology, (which is out of reach for most people due to price) mobile power sources still require their deep-cycle batteries to be capable of being fed by either a shore-hookup (50amp or 30amp / 110VAC or 220VAC) or getting their power from a fossil fuel source, namely a dedicated generator, or the vehicles engine powering an alternator/generator/inverter.
  11. #11
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Some interesting bs at least.
  12. #12
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume How about you shut the fuck up you little NPC piece of shit

    If I was your dream, you could make me shut up. Cunt.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery If I was your dream, you could make me shut up. Cunt.

    Not everything I can control, like having bad poops or waking up in the middle of a wet-dream.
  14. #14
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Being an NPC doesn't sound that bad. I mean, if i were an NPC i wouldn't notice i was one in any case.
  15. #15
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Not everything I can control, like having bad poops or waking up in the middle of a wet-dream.

    You can control both of those things. Queer.
  16. #16
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
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