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immigrant kills a whyte and gets away with it in frisco

  1. #21
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 She was so pretty too.

    well don't just state that and then leave us in the dark. poast pix so we can fap to them.

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Lanny Exactly 0% of this country belongs to you in any way.

    Do you really think the homeless population is just "smelly old mentally ill hobos"?

    I'd like to think so, at least the SF BLM protests have been a moronic display that I'm pretty well convinced are just used as a excuse to loot. Have you ever seen me defend BLM or its tactics?

    You're right about the homeless population. Many people who are fully employed are living out of their RVs or cars or Hotels. one because they just can't find an affordable apartment in their income range, and find it's safer to park in a good neighborhood than rent what they can afford.

    Somewhere I have a pretty cool video I took back in 2014-15 of a riot breaking out in the Castro/Mission area when I first started driving. it starts off as a march chant and then people running with cops trying to keep them in line. I didn't stick around after that.. thats when store windows were being broken and people attacking cops.
  3. #23
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Issue313 His ancestors literally conquered and tamed the country.

    what if his ancestors literally owned slaves ??? should he be paying his ancestors debt with his hand, mouth and ass ????

    it always amazes me how these people are so eager to take and claim the rewards of the generations past but will not take any of their sins and debts.
  4. #24
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 You're right about the homeless population. Many people who are fully employed are living out of their RVs or cars or Hotels. one because they just can't find an affordable apartment in their income range, and find it's safer to park in a good neighborhood than rent what they can afford.

    Somewhere I have a pretty cool video I took back in 2014-15 of a riot breaking out in the Castro/Mission area when I first started driving. it starts off as a march chant and then people running with cops trying to keep them in line. I didn't stick around after that.. thats when store windows were being broken and people attacking cops.

    Why is sisco so fucked up? Serious question. Theres all these people that live here in austin from that area that talk about how badass it is but then turn around and say a lot of negative things like the lack of affordable housing and the crime. Same thing with people from dc that live here.

    Ive never been to California so i wouldn't know
  5. #25
    I'd rather be friends with the mexican than the white bitch, so....... good?
  6. #26
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Why is sisco so fucked up? Serious question. Theres all these people that live here in austin from that area that talk about how badass it is but then turn around and say a lot of negative things like the lack of affordable housing and the crime. Same thing with people from dc that live here.

    Ive never been to California so i wouldn't know

    Housing is pretty much the only issue. I mean there's the normal stuff of course, but cost of living eclipses everything else so if you have money it's an amazing place to live, but there's a big swath of people that either just can't hope to exist here or just barely manage to make ends meet. Which is a shame since the it has a long history of being a labor city, but there's not much you can do with demand oustrips supply to this degree.
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Why is sisco so fucked up? Serious question. Theres all these people that live here in austin from that area that talk about how badass it is but then turn around and say a lot of negative things like the lack of affordable housing and the crime. Same thing with people from dc that live here.

    Ive never been to California so i wouldn't know

    It was once paradise and housing was affordable. there wasn't so much "Forced "segragation as you see in other states but when given the chance to live anywhere it seems most people lived in neighborhoods of their own race anyways. it's only an issue when forced.

    The last forced segragation of San Francisco was probably 1959 or 1960 when Justin Herman forced blacks to sell their beautiful homes including Victorian homes in the Fillmore, that African Americans bought just after WWII..they bought when Japanese were forced out during WWII and those homes were moved in 1950s and 60s, to build neighborhoods like Japan Town (Apparently he had a thing for Japanese women and didn't like the blacks and convinced City Hall to claim eminent domain). he was a major city builder/planner between 1950s-1980s (though I think he died in the 70s. He was from Texas I believe. they just recently chose to rename Justin Herman Plaza to the name of some other Political figure (Minority I believe)

    since the 1990s.. many people from all over the world are buying property, and many not living in them. This is Happening in Cities like London (which was the cause of the great London Squaters in recent years. I believe peaking in the 1990s.. free fucking rent in large homes)

    Arabs are purchasing Homes for tax incentives. It's just an investment thing for them. this plus all the work needed for techies starting out at 6 figures a year, drove rent up 5 times what it was in some areas just 5-6 years ago. Now happening in Oakland.

    So they remember the past as being good times, layed back and chill. now it's becoming like LA with traffic and rent is like that of Manhattan.

    So they're pissed off about that
  8. #28
    I mean yeah.. What Lanny said. Once a Great Labor City with strong Unions now turned Supply and Demand to Higher education degrees.
  9. #29
    Originally posted by Lanny Not particularly, no.

    I don't really get what you're trying to say here. My point from the beginning is that an isolated homicide is a pretty insignificant thing. It's not something that would even be remarked upon on national TV if it wasn't a political talking point.
    This is exactly the same point that idiots tried to bring up about BLM.

    The point is that someone from outside your tribe preying on your tribe is a prestige thing. It has nothing to do with individual lives. As an atomised individual without race, loyalty or attachment you won't understand.

    The fact that you clearly don't like homeless people or mexicans doesn't really have anything to do with it.
    I met like one homeless person and one Mexican in my whole life. I'm not American.

    I have read Kaczynski though, and he says that when someone interprets anything said about a group as an insult that group that they actually look down upon that group.
    10-13 seem relevant to you Lanny.

    It's a good thing I didn't ask you what your relative attachment to the shooter and victim was in this case. People your age of your race and culture get murdered on a daily basis but you don't care about that unless playing of your outrage lets you vilify mexicans apparently.
    Same shit, restated. If I hate anyone it's Anglos and Shitlibs. They have no loyalty to each other. For instance Steinle's family have more or less cucked, and said they'll accept the verdict and go to church. I can't imagine doing something like that on one of my dead relatives.

    Yes, not smashing windows is indeed a societal rule and something I think is good. I don't understand why that would warrant comment or what the controversy around it would be.

    Destroying property is a sensible step to take in voicing discontent, and works a hell of a lot better than hurting people (who the rich don't care about).
  10. #30
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ok, ok, we get it bro. You're a lunatic fringe racialist, no need to beat us over the head with it. If you take "members of my racial tribe are the only morally relevant agents" as a premise then go for it but we have nothing to talk about. You've attached your identity to that notion and I haven't. You're clearly trying to pick a fight here but this argument isn't going anywhere since we'll never agree on the most basic premises any meaningful conclusion can be drawn from.

    Enjoy being excluded from the modern world guess?
  11. #31
    The modern world goes on outside of San Francisco, Dublin and other high rent dens if exploitation.

    And I think we implicitly agree, the most valuable contribution shitlibs will make to the future will be by dying out.
  12. #32
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Issue313 The modern world goes on outside of San Francisco, Dublin and other high rent dens if exploitation.

    And I think we implicitly agree, the most valuable contribution shitlibs will make to the future will be by dying out.

    Lil bro shitlibs will always be around
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 It was once paradise and housing was affordable. there wasn't so much "Forced "segragation as you see in other states but when given the chance to live anywhere it seems most people lived in neighborhoods of their own race anyways. it's only an issue when forced.

    The last forced segragation of San Francisco was probably 1959 or 1960 when Justin Herman forced blacks to sell their beautiful homes including Victorian homes in the Fillmore, that African Americans bought just after WWII..they bought when Japanese were forced out during WWII and those homes were moved in 1950s and 60s, to build neighborhoods like Japan Town (Apparently he had a thing for Japanese women and didn't like the blacks and convinced City Hall to claim eminent domain). he was a major city builder/planner between 1950s-1980s (though I think he died in the 70s. He was from Texas I believe. they just recently chose to rename Justin Herman Plaza to the name of some other Political figure (Minority I believe)

    since the 1990s.. many people from all over the world are buying property, and many not living in them. This is Happening in Cities like London (which was the cause of the great London Squaters in recent years. I believe peaking in the 1990s.. free fucking rent in large homes)

    Arabs are purchasing Homes for tax incentives. It's just an investment thing for them. this plus all the work needed for techies starting out at 6 figures a year, drove rent up 5 times what it was in some areas just 5-6 years ago. Now happening in Oakland.

    So they remember the past as being good times, layed back and chill. now it's becoming like LA with traffic and rent is like that of Manhattan.

    So they're pissed off about that

    You gotta understand, unaffordable property is a feature, not a bug.

    Segregation is illegal, so how do you keep your neighbourhood free of those awful poor people? Force rents up to where no one can afford to live there, prevent public transport from expanding, and enforce anti-vagrancy laws.

    It's not supply and demand, it's class warfare.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lil bro shitlibs will always be around

    They don't breed tho. They've been on a down trend for ages.
    Like meet any Quakers lately?
  14. #34
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Issue313 The modern world goes on outside of San Francisco, Dublin and other high rent dens if exploitation.

    And I think we implicitly agree, the most valuable contribution shitlibs will make to the future will be by dying out.

    they're not so much a subset of the human species but more like a mental schizophrenia or amphetamine psychosis...only worse.
  15. #35
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Issue313 You gotta understand, unaffordable property is a feature, not a bug.

    Segregation is illegal, so how do you keep your neighbourhood free of those awful poor people? Force rents up to where no one can afford to live there, prevent public transport from expanding, and enforce anti-vagrancy laws.

    till they put affirmative action in place and make unsegregated housings mandatory.
  16. #36
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader till they put affirmative action in place and make unsegregated housings mandatory.

    no one wants to live around handsome and well tanned individuals. even other handsome and well tanned individuals
  17. #37
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock no one wants to live around handsome and well tanned individuals. even other handsome and well tanned individuals

    then the more reason for affirmative actions.

    i'll be starting a petition, for your local area. may i have your first name ???
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Issue313 The modern world goes on outside of San Francisco, Dublin and other high rent dens if exploitation.

    And I think we implicitly agree, the most valuable contribution shitlibs will make to the future will be by dying out.

    See, I'm just reflecting where I live. I don't think most locals brag about "Oh San Francisco is better than anywhere else" I hear that from other people all the time. from all over the country. You want to know who harps about how great they are and Californians suck (can't drive in snow) People from Fucking Oregon.

    They think they're better than everyone else. I know there are tons of places 10 times more expensive in rent on average the SF. but I'm just talking about the modern experience.

    The only time I speak up and it sound braggish is when other people say how much our area Sucks. So what makes you better? You think because Parker and Stone (Who moved to LA) speak facts about "San Franciscans love to smell their farts"? It was funny as fuck, and true for some old money friscans. yet most techies are like Hawiaan Wealthy, they're laid back and sometimes dress in warn old shoes.

    One day, Parker and Stone and their writing crew were probably talking about San Francisco pride.. and started saying this at a "table read" and now it's perceived to be fact. WE ALL SMELL OUR FARTS
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