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cucking a black / being cucked by marilyn manson

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I went to the cricket store to get my cellphone repaired, but on the way there i was stopped by the pigs while speeding, 2 motorcycle pigs I was so scared, they just spoke to me for a second and let me go. I went and bought some guava and a brew at the fiesta store. I was drinking my brew in my parking lot and told some lady walking her dog she has one cute pup, right then some black guy cuts thru the parking lot just to miss a 5 second red light like a total fuck

    I get out of my car and chase him down the street, he stops mid street. I'm already in buzzed cringelord territory here so I bang my fist on his window and yell "open the fucking door!" and he does surprisingly...

    I tell him how he made an illegal turn thru my parking lot and how people have died here because of that. He was like (he was a black) "are you fucking kidding me?" and I said, If I was kidding you I'd be doing a citizens arrest asshole!"

    the lady with the dog was still standing there like wtf? the guy drove off...

    but anyways I'm seeing slipknot and manson in 3 days i bought the tix 2 months ago but manson canceled because they didnt sell enough tix to make it worth their while.. but should be fun.

  2. #2
    fucking niggers man
  3. #3
    infinityshock Black Hole
    pics or it didn't happen
  4. #4
    All of these "cucking" threads make me anxious for the day that he uses that word on the wrong person IRL and comes back here later and posts a thread called "well guys, today I learned what the word "cucked" actually means *shiver*"
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