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Beaten by cops

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I went to my probation meeting, and it was going fine and then woke up in the hospital with bruises all over my body and face. I was stone cold sober when I went in, I was punched in the face and have a huge black eye and my hands are swollen because I was cuffed while having a seizure and was tied to a bed in a hospital by my wrist with some asian cunt telling me I was fighting the cops. I don't remember any of that. evidently thats common of people that have seizures to not remember things, I don't see why It took a punch in the eye and 4 cops to handle me when I'm having a seizure.

    I called for an incident report and they can't find it now.

    It's such bullshit, I have cuts and scrapes and bruises all over my body just because I went to pay off the rest of my fines. I keep waking up dizzy and throwing up the last few days and I haven't even been drinking or doing anything the last few days. My probation officer called my parents and my old work telling them I was in the hospital and my parents are all weirded out. It's fucking bullshit.
  2. #2
    You're being gang stalked.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Even my parents who are skeptical of everything in my life think I got beat and are concerned. This is so fucked up. This re-affirms that cops are the biggest fattest pussys ever. Guy comes and pays money, has a seizure, four fat pigs jump on a skinny guy and beat him, then they shoved a shot of ativan up my ass "to calm me down" and then tie me to a bed in a hospital with some dyke asian nurse yelling at me.

    Man that was for sure one of my biggest fuck days I've had in a while. I'm going to do something.

    Thats not even all of it, I have a gash on the underside of my chin, and bruises and cuts all over my arms from being hand cuffed and bruise all over my knees.

    They need to let me off probation, who knows, maybe I might just have another seizure there and they will flip out again.
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm not taking any position other than as being thoroughly entertained by the ridiculousness of it...but...I've seen many, many people have seizures and 9 times out of 9.5 the seizure-ee winds up causing bruising as bad as, or worse than, yours to themselves. one diabetes dude knocked his own front teeth out after falling flat onto his face
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I just don't know what to think man, I've had seizures twice before about six years ago and I wasn't hand cuffed and woke up beaten all over my body with a black eye, if you look at those marks it looks like i had nuckles scraped across my face and into my eye.

    my chin is busted up, and my face, I have swollen hands and marks all around my wrist from being hand cuffed (since when do you handcuff a person having seizures?)

    something went wrong here, i would love to see the video and hear the audio. If it was just me seizuring then I'd be fine with it, but everyone seems to think I got beat up, especially considering "im a wife beater" and at a probation office.

    and since when is it normal to tie someone to a bed that had a seizure, and then when they wake up give them little explanation. They fucking drugged me too, and they released me with a bus pass, I got back to the probation office, and got back to my car, all the way back home at every red light i would fall asleep from the drugs they gave me.

    This was fucked up and obviously several people dropped the ball. I take responsibility for myself when I'm by myself, but These assholes had me in their custody. I'm going to try and use this to my advantage
  6. #6
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Im going to be nice (Im assuming youre butthurt bad because you know I am right deep down, hence making a second thread like a faggot for the same fucking topic), and give you my two cents on this. First, infinityshock is correct and that a lot of people who have seizures, depending on type and duration, can get pretty fucked up just from violent thrashing and uncontrollable movements, especially if in a bad area (sharp corners of desks and walls and the like). Having dealt with with epileptic animals and people enough times to know a thing or two about what happens, my advice, for the sake of the person suffering a seizure is first and foremost to protect the head- like seems what happened to you, if indeed you did suffer a seizure, you likely hit corners of all sorts of shit while flailing around. Id always try to get the person or animal on their side, and grab them from behind, and hold them tight until its over, to prevent them from causing head trauma (from personal experience, be mindful of your own head, as the person or animal often will jar their head back toward you violently- keep your head tucked low to avoid getting smashed in the teeth). If you can't do that for whatever reason, drag or move them away from any corners, or objects that could harm them, like in the center of a room. Pretty much, besides IVing or IMing valium/ativan or other benzo, there isnt much one can do to help a person suffering a seizure other than waiting for them to come out of it. If I were you, I would suggests you see if you can get copies of the cameras in the area (this is a probation office, I would be shocked if there are none, everywhere, even the shittiest stores has them these days) so you can see what actually occurred. Also, was there anyone else in the area who saw what went down who isnt LE (pigs protect pigs), while they'd hesitate to say shit on the record, they might give you a better idea of what happened unless they were already 'hushed up'. This all could also be a case of you actually having a seizure and the pigs completely doing all the wrong things to aid you in this medical event- after all, they dont get a lot of training to handle shit like this and what little they do they forget or dont care.An idiot could have grabbed youand pushed you against a wall, which you uncontrollably thrashing your head with force, causing a good deal of the trauma I can see from the pics. If I were you, Id do the best I could to get to the bottom of this and you might need to see a lawyer to get those answers wers and possibly, if it wasnt, or they made actions which are contrary to training and general medical advisement or out right were harmful, making your injuries worse than the episode by itself would have been, you might have a lawsuit. I dont believe you will get off probation just because of thisthough, you signed up for it, so you've gotta stick it out until a judge signs off on it for the minimum time at the very least you have to do. Sometimes they offer leniency in cases that are being sentenced, like give house arrest, probation and the like.. Probation is considered to be a mild form of discipline anyway, and just like anything else, you could have a seizure anywhere, including a grocery store, or work- will you stop going there as well? Your options are to wear a helmet like a retard or have someonego with you everywhere who is aware of howto handle your condition. I would advise you to tell people such as employers, coworkers and any new faces at peobabtion that you have seizures and the best way to handle them.
  7. #7
    … Your options are to wear a helmet like a retard…
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Im going to be nice (Im assuming youre butthurt bad because you know I am right deep down, hence making a second thread like a faggot for the same fucking topic), and give you my two cents on this. First, infinityshock is correct and that a lot of people who have seizures, depending on type and duration, can get pretty fucked up just from violent thrashing and uncontrollable movements, especially if in a bad area (sharp corners of desks and walls and the like). Having dealt with with epileptic animals and people enough times to know a thing or two about what happens, my advice, for the sake of the person suffering a seizure is first and foremost to protect the head- like seems what happened to you, if indeed you did suffer a seizure, you likely hit corners of all sorts of shit while flailing around. Id always try to get the person or animal on their side, and grab them from behind, and hold them tight until its over, to prevent them from causing head trauma (from personal experience, be mindful of your own head, as the person or animal often will jar their head back toward you violently- keep your head tucked low to avoid getting smashed in the teeth). If you can't do that for whatever reason, drag or move them away from any corners, or objects that could harm them, like in the center of a room. Pretty much, besides IVing or IMing valium/ativan or other benzo, there isnt much one can do to help a person suffering a seizure other than waiting for them to come out of it. If I were you, I would suggests you see if you can get copies of the cameras in the area (this is a probation office, I would be shocked if there are none, everywhere, even the shittiest stores has them these days) so you can see what actually occurred. Also, was there anyone else in the area who saw what went down who isnt LE (pigs protect pigs), while they'd hesitate to say shit on the record, they might give you a better idea of what happened unless they were already 'hushed up'. This all could also be a case of you actually having a seizure and the pigs completely doing all the wrong things to aid you in this medical event- after all, they dont get a lot of training to handle shit like this and what little they do they forget or dont care.An idiot could have grabbed youand pushed you against a wall, which you uncontrollably thrashing your head with force, causing a good deal of the trauma I can see from the pics. If I were you, Id do the best I could to get to the bottom of this and you might need to see a lawyer to get those answers wers and possibly, if it wasnt, or they made actions which are contrary to training and general medical advisement or out right were harmful, making your injuries worse than the episode by itself would have been, you might have a lawsuit. I dont believe you will get off probation just because of thisthough, you signed up for it, so you've gotta stick it out until a judge signs off on it for the minimum time at the very least you have to do. Sometimes they offer leniency in cases that are being sentenced, like give house arrest, probation and the like.. Probation is considered to be a mild form of discipline anyway, and just like anything else, you could have a seizure anywhere, including a grocery store, or work- will you stop going there as well? Your options are to wear a helmet like a retard or have someonego with you everywhere who is aware of howto handle your condition. I would advise you to tell people such as employers, coworkers and any new faces at peobabtion that you have seizures and the best way to handle them.

    Can you even paragraph bitch?
  9. #9
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Can you even paragraph bitch?

    She explained this once and my phone actually does this too- even when I do make a longer post into paragraphs it will still block it back up like this after I post it. What she doesn't know and what I didn't know until I experimented with it was that if you edit your comment afterward and then break it into paragraphs, it should stay that way.

    Anyway, she tried to give you advice and that's all you have to say? Is it a requirement of yours to want to start unnecessary fights with nearly literally everyone? This isn't zoklet PEEO circa 5 years ago. Learn to accept some GOT DANGED INPUT mr. craighead. jeepers H. creepers where'd you even get those peepers?

    inb4 "it was just a joke mQ calm down you whimpering frothy slampig cuck" XDXDXD
  10. #10
    Even my parents who are skeptical of everything in my life think I got beat and are concerned. This is so fucked up. This re-affirms that cops are the biggest fattest pussys ever. Guy comes and pays money, has a seizure, four fat pigs jump on a skinny guy and beat him, then they shoved a shot of ativan up my ass "to calm me down" and then tie me to a bed in a hospital with some dyke asian nurse yelling at me.

    Man that was for sure one of my biggest fuck days I've had in a while. I'm going to do something.

    Thats not even all of it, I have a gash on the underside of my chin, and bruises and cuts all over my arms from being hand cuffed and bruise all over my knees.

    They need to let me off probation, who knows, maybe I might just have another seizure there and they will flip out again.

    No wonder you are such a whiny poster. Look at you. You're a tiny little girly boy.
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuck the poe-lease.
  12. #12
    You need a couple more beatings to get the fuckboi out of you but at least it's a start.
  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol why did you even bump this thread darkie? You're a coward, I would rock your old wannabe motorcycle ass if you ever gave me the chance you fucking faggot.

    And as for riser, you're a tag along little bitch

  14. #14
    Merlin Houston
    Get a statement from the hospital as well. They must have billed you?
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