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"Make America great" Fuck you! America is already pretty great.

  1. #41
    Originally posted by aldra Seems self-evident to me. Further, ~25% apparently can't read beyond a fifth-grade level which would explain why Trump's presidential campaign was so effective.

    Why are you comparing the 'indispensible nation' with third world countries? Of course the master is going to live better than the slaves he exploits.

    1. It's just Guantanamo. It was just MKULTRA. And ARTECHOKE. AIR AMERICA. It's not like it could get out of control, right? Not like there's a pattern of government agencies showing complete contempt for the people they're supposed to represent and protect.
    2. I guarantee if you were to march down the street yelling about killing niggers and waving an NSDAP flag the police would get involved.
    3. athletic abilities. Hate crime laws, anti-paedophilia laws and anti-terrorism laws have undermined both the spirit and the letter of the first amendment.

    Not even worth addressing, really - the country that, up until 8 years ago, gave far more serious sentences for freebase cocaine (crack) vs the hydrochloride salt because it was a 'black person's drug' claims not to be racist because the rape capital of the world doesn't like black people. Yes I've been to the US, not recently though.

    I've traveled more than you.

    Back to the comparison to Nepal or Africa (lol). This is exactly the problem I'm pointing out. The US had every advantage and yet their infrastructure is crumbling, poverty is comparable with upper-third-world countries and the education system is sub-par.

    The US rose to prominence after WWII because it was the only industrialised country to not have it's economy and manufacturing base completely decimated. It was in a similar position after forcing Russia into an economic war of attrition, giving it almost 60 years of unchallenged economic and military dominance.

    What did it do with this massive lead on the rest of the world? Where did the profits go? Instead of remaining competitive and improving infrastructure, the so-called 1% hoarded the profits for themselves and instead of improving the quality of life for the people and building a sustainable future, they focused all their efforts into hamstringing the rest of the world. Wars of aggression to restrain 'communist' influence, 60+ operations to overthrow or otherwise interfere with 'unfriendly' foreign governments and proxy control of energy, using the flow of fuels to control the development of 'friendly' nations while halting the developments of 'hostile' nations.

    Basically - yes, living in the US is more comfortable than living in a third-world country. The sky is also blue and the water is also wet. Given every advantage in the world, US living conditions are far below what they could - or should - be. In a situation where they could've been truly prosperous, they instead chose to use it to export misery to the world and throw the scraps to the people.

    So much angst.
  2. #42
    Mental half breed pakies and white or whatever you are.

    Racist faggots. Here is a tip.. You're not a real American until you have family going back to at least the 1500s and settled in Virginia somewhere or the Carolines.
  3. #43
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 So much angst.

    everything is going to be just awful
  4. #44
    So, aldra is 14, anyone else?
  5. #45
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Nice rebuttal. The US education system at work
  6. #46
    None of the stuff you've posted is really irrelevant. You just took the opportunity of people talking about America to shit on America by bringing geopolitics into this. Yes, the CIA is fucked up. We get it. This thread isn't about that.

    As far as literacy goes, it totally depends on your standard for literacy. This study: has America at 7th, above Germany, Canada, France, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Belgium, etc.
  7. #47
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 None of the stuff you've posted is really irrelevant.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #48
  9. #49
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Last post in this thread, to clarify

    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 None of the stuff you've posted is really irrelevant. You just took the opportunity of people talking about America to shit on America by bringing geopolitics into this. Yes, the CIA is fucked up. We get it. This thread isn't about that.

    I suppose it's not relevant if you just want to compare the US to third-world countries, but why would you? They're shit by definition. I brought up recent history to compare the US to what it was capable of; ie. it's been on top of the world for the last 60 years or so but hasn't used that position to it's peoples' advantage.

    The CIA is really just an example to demonstrate that any 'rights' given to you by the state are flexible (not just in the US). The ATF, FBI and even private security companies have acted in the same way.

    As far as literacy goes, it totally depends on your standard for literacy. This study: has America at 7th, above Germany, Canada, France, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Belgium, etc.

    The ability to read and write. I saw that study when I was looking for statistics earlier; it's not so much literacy in the sense of reading and writing as it is civic literacy and participation in society - skimming over it I think one of the key differences is that they took libraries and availability of educational materials into account.

    I'm trying to be courteous here - you shouldn't be so dismissive just because you disagree.
  10. #50
    Because I think you're set on complaining. Comparing it to third world countries is the whole point. Most of the world has a far lower standard of living than any first world nation. Just be happy you live in a first world country, fuck. We've manipulated ROCKS into sending messages across the world so that we could have this discussion. ROCKS. Do you think you'd be this comfy if you lived in the 17th century? Fuck no. We discovered AC in the 1600's but then we killed all the Mayans and it took us another 300 years to invent it again.

    This discussion isn't really about America. I could've made the same argument for anybody living in any first world nation because nobody is happy anywhere it seems. But most people here live in America, and I do too, so I use America as an example.
  11. #51
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm not sure if you're trolling or just have no idea who Bill Krozby is, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    In addition to almost 7 years as a confessed bomb and tectonic plates expert, he's moderated the largest bomb and tectonic plate forum on the Internet (at over 2 million subscribers) for over a year. You think he doesn't know bombs and tectonic plates? In that time he's removed over 400 posts for not following subreddit guidelines. In addition to his moderation responsibilities he's one of the most active writers on

    You think Bill Krozby doesn't know bombs and tectonic plates?? Then how does he write articles about them on a site called bombsandtectonicplates? Several mainstream blogs have contacted him to ask about the recent bomb and tectonic plate phenomenon and each has been thankful and enlightened with what he had to tell them. It's not just limited to blogs though. Several companies have asked him to review their bomb and tectonic related ads to avoid a failure like Toyota's bomb and tectonic plate commercial. Just last week a major food company contacted him with a paid offer to help them on a new ad campaign. He declined when he researched the company and saw that they had contributed money to socially conservative groups.

    It's safe to say that Bill Krozby is one of the world's foremost experts on bombs and tectonic plates and in fact there is no one I can think of that has a bomb and tectonic plate resume as impressive as his. So please tell me, what are your qualifications to say that Bill Krozby don't know what about bombs and tectonic plates?

    youre an idiot
  12. #52
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    any country where the poor can afford to be obese and lazy is a great country in my book.

    the greatness of a country is not defined by its achievement or measured by its possession .... but by the kind of living condition of its people.
  13. #53
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre an idiot

    your an idiot for that was a parody poast.
  14. #54
  15. #55
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Yeah, but I'd hardly call it competence considering it is still above the standard of most of the world. I'm not saying it's the best nation on Earth or anything, but it's pretty delusional to think this is some gestapo shit hole. It's pretty fucking good being an American, and it's a good time in history to be alive. Less violence, disease, and poverty than at any point in human history. Having a cold sucks, but you know what's worse? Dying of a cold

    A country shouldn't aspire to competence, it should aspire to greatness. In business we have a saying:

    "if you ain't growin', you're a-dying"

    Your entire view of politics is built on "hehe at least we're not fucking Somalia hehe". I don't even know what the point is in you saying... anything. Yeah we're in a relatively good position but the problem is that the gap is closing and our growth and progress as a nation is stagnating due to improper handling of all of our resources and advantages as a country.
  16. #56
    Who said this thread held my views on politics? I'm just saying be grateful to be alive in 2017 in a first world country. If you want to bitch, go march for BLM. If you want to actually do something, call up your local politicians and find out how to get involved.

    But I'm tired of hearing about how horrible everything is.
  17. #57
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader your an idiot for that was a parody poast.

    youre an idiot for being an idiot.
  18. #58
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre an idiot for being an idiot.

    your an idiot for denying of being one thinking our idiocy cant see thru that.
  19. #59
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Who said this thread held my views on politics? I'm just saying be grateful to be alive in 2017 in a first world country. If you want to bitch, go march for BLM. If you want to actually do something, call up your local politicians and find out how to get involved.

    But I'm tired of hearing about how horrible everything is.

    It is pretty horrible. Everyone's suffering is in the context of their experience. Just because someone has it good to some starving kid in Niger doesn't mean he cannot experience comparable suffering. People want to be free, people want to be better off, people want their neighbours to be better off, they want everyone to be better off.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #60
    don't pretend to be parody'n you're all guilty for being evil racist totse fascist phaqz
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