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I got toni pregnant

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    We're naming the kid milo Unless it's a girl Then we're naming her Molly
  2. #2
    Sharpie Houston
    Milo? ...Eew...

    ...but whatever I guess.
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know a girl named Molly she is a qt.
  4. #4
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Milo as in milo aukerman, vocalist of the band who made the album sploo listens to every day 30 times a day But that aside I'm 16, toni is 17, how the fuck do I tell my parents in 9 months that I have a kid now?
  5. #5
    Sharpie Houston
    …But that aside I'm 16, toni is 17, how the fuck do I tell my parents in 9 months that I have a kid now?
    Oh......Shit...... you aren't even out of fucking school yet....

    Best piece of advice I can give you, concerning this is "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst". Seriously.

    Also, they're gonna know before 9 months... her bellys gonna start getting bigger sooner than that, and she wont be able to hide it from her parents forever. They're going to ask who the father is, and she's going to tell them you are, and when that happens your parents will know, shortly there after.

    The only thing thats seriously gonna help you in this situation, is money. ....but you haven't even graduated highschool yet.... Jesus christ, I hope your parents are kind.

    Like I said.... Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. ...Sorry.:(
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What kinda' name for a girl is Toni anyway.
  7. #7
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    She's italian

    Her full name is Tonimarie
  8. #8
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    I hope to god you're trolling. Can you imagine raising a child with your fucked up genes? Statistically, that kid is absolutely fucked and so are the both of you. Research this yourself. Keeping it would be an unbelievably stupid decision that would harm everyone involved, there is no good reason to go through with it. If she can't be swayed by reason, which is common among women, slip it in her food or drink; I would consider it fully justified due to the damage you'd be prevented, how the state can force you to pay child support despite the enormous asymmetry, and the suffering the child will face, who never consented, asked, to be born.

    Fuck what the feminists say. "It takes two to make a baby." One person only has to deposit sperm in a vagina, not necessarily having the intention to induce pregnancy, the other has the ability to decide whether to keep it for 9 months while the father has no say, regardless of how foolish the decision is, how bad the circumstances would be for her child, forcing everyone else to contribute to what will almost be guaranteed to be a massive net loss to society throughout life. Emotion, entitlement, female privilege, cultural/societal biases, evolutionary psychology, biological instinct and predispositions/traits.
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    We're naming the kid milo Unless it's a girl Then we're naming her Molly

    sorry troll harder. spud boi
  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    We're naming the kid milo Unless it's a girl Then we're naming her Molly

    pics or it didnt happen
  11. #11
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Welcome to the land of failed dreams
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