All I had to do to get an internship was to compete against other contest to lay the longest terd. So my I had a 4 day notice after I was entered and I did a bunch of heroin and ate a bunch magnesium before the "shit off" and we were lined up on a track in the studio covered with paper towels, and they told us to go.
So we had to squat and walk at the same time to lay it out and I made a 33 incher and I won.
Jason and debb from 101x the austin rock station were judging it, it and debb is a brit girl and she literally bent down and smelled my terd and stood up and said " thats a smelly terd" while waffing her hand. But she congratulated me as the winner. And she asked if I rather get skeletonwhich tickets instead of being on the air and i agreed.