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  1. #1
  2. #2
    if anyonme would like to vist please let me knw and we can talk on skype
  3. #3
    [SIZE=72px][FONT=times new roman]Didn't read[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. #4
    what the fuck is wrong with your brain???
  5. #5
    I'm ok
  6. #6
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Sounds like you could use some money. Hypothetical situation: Heroin is extremely cheap in your country. If there was a foolproof way to mail it, with no risk on your end, would you be morally against it or adverse for another reason? This would be a situation where you would locate a good wholesaler, have a sample mailed to be tested:
    buy a kilo with money transferred to you (If you're the kind that thinks you would or thinks they could easily get away with running away with it, people you care about would be located as targets to kill as collateral; there's no excuse for something like this, it doesn't just happen, you have to consciously make that decision.), prepare it for delivery, and then simply mail a package.

    Compared to how much you currently earn and the cost of living, the equivalent of a days work could get you a month or two's salary.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do you have underage prostitutes in Myanmar? Have i asked you that before, i think i did.
  8. #8
    infinityshock Black Hole
    post pics of the chick your fucking

    unless its a ladyboy...
  9. #9
    sounds like you need a swift kick to the face
  10. #10
    When I saw your profile pic this is the first thought I had.
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