2017-09-20 at 2:57 PM UTC
I'm staying at a youth shelter and its a pretty good time. I became the most popular person there because I have a bluetooth speaker I gave away for like $3 (which im using to get online rn) and the food isn't half bad, pretty much everyone asks me for smokes or to make them bongs and how to cook meth recipes. They told me where to buy weed and one kid was high on meth trying to sell me some tek.
The only thing that sucks is trying to get a shower or take a shit in peace but oh well I probably won't be there long, lots of really chill people there too.
2017-09-20 at 3:20 PM UTC
so...you're saying youre the house bitch...
how many dicks have you sucked so far?
2017-09-20 at 3:33 PM UTC
No its a shelter for at risk youth ages 18-24