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[serious] Is the end times scenario seriously going to be carried out

  1. #1
    I know that jedis in the highest echelons of society run everything, I know that 9/11 was an inside job so the hooked nose menace could go through with the "greater israel project" and everything else under the sun is true.
    There is possible going to be an EMP attack against the US soon too ...

    On a scale of 0 to 9, 0 being nothing and 9 being happening, how truthful is it that there really is a satanic global cabal that is seeking to annihilate humanity?

    How can people be so ... fucking evil?
    Why would people want to go to such lengths to abuse humanity this way?
    It's like some faggot who gets off abusing little animals, and they keep doing it while knowing full well the harmless animals are incapable of defending themselves.
    What pleasure do you receive from that?
    There is so much more to existence.

    This is like a fucking nightmare.
    That doughfaced faggot lanny tried to upset me by mentioning doomsday scenarios while I was telling people about the breakthroughs of technology and the possibilities these new findings would unlock, but I never once thought that they would be designed from the ground up for evil.
    I guess I'm just naive, but I never once thought that humanity would be so corrupt on such a scale.
    I know there exists evil, even I can be capable of negativity, but I always saw evil as existing on a smaller scale.
    This is some fucking interstellar star wars battle of the civilizations evil shit.

    Are we fucked?
    Not to empower piece of shit trolls, but I am considering suicide ... but only if I can find a pain-free way.
    I don't and can't go on living in such a fucking horrendous fucked up timeline.

    The gifts of the Universe have been perverted for nothing and now what.
    Those of you who will be left alive will be subject to a THX1138/Ergo Proxy esque piece of shit socialist mind-controlled existence without any resemblance of individual freedom.

    If you're wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, go read and watch material on the global elite, 9/11, talmudism, zionism, satanism in the media and government, predictive programming etc
    When you keep seeing the same patterns time and time again, it stands to reason that there is truth to be seen.
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    When will the patterns ever end???!!!
  3. #3
    And here people were saying the elites are building underground bunkers to protect them from the backlash against A.I. and robotics.
    It's to protect them from the coming EMP attack and ensuing panic and chaos.

    If I were you I would start stocking up on food rations and water.

    btw they 100% can manipulate the weather and have done in the past (during 9/11)
    so why didn't they attempt to stop Harvey and Irma?
    Because they made those disasters happen for political reasons.
    Predictive programming on the net getting the masses ready for a series of events from August to September, look what happened.
    They're going to use North Korea as a puppet to initiate the EMP attack against us, once we're dead they'll use China and Russia as the new global powers and their populous as the worker bees.
    These animals aren't intelligent enough to create technologies on their own, that's why they keep humans around.
  4. #4
    TEOTWAWKI will come from the jedis (specifically Israel), I'm basically 99% certain of it. I'm not even racist, but it's just the way geopolitics have evolved to this point.

    There is one little trigger that will lead to the end of the world. That is nuclear weaponry. One of the major nuclear powers nukes the other, it sets off a chain reaction that puts the violation of the Concert of Europe pre WW1 to shame. The world will burn.

    And the most likely area that this nuclear chain will be set off in is Israel. Someone will get real tired of their shit real soon and attack them, and actually have the ability to do real damage. This will force them to use the Samson Option, and then the world goes to shit. Pakistan will most likely be the first to fire off at Israel in retaliation, and India is geared to strike upon the first nuclear launch from Pakistan, with no discrimination for targets since the assumption is that PK's nukes will fuck India. Game theory suggests that as a result, Pakistan will also fire off nukes at India since they know Indian nukes are coming whether or not they do. The same will be true for China and India, America and China, Russia and America.

    The world will end because the jedis will be too arrogant to go down alone.
  5. #5
    Well it's about damn time.
  6. #6
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
  7. #7
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery 0

    I want to believe

    If I end up making it to the year I can virtualize myself then leave this planet and civilization behind, then I'll start believing in a "higher power".
  8. #8
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Ah it's all shit made up to keep everyone scared,DOOM PORN.
    I've been hearing this shit since I was 8 years old,The rapture is just around the corner bla bla bla.
    Be afraid do what your told sit down and STFU.
    The whole world is a stage never forget that.
    Check this out you think NK is a threat,bullshit Kim works for the NWO.
    It's all shit and alot of people are going to die just to further the agenda.
    You all need to understand the nature of your enslavement.

    And yes the jedis run everything.
  9. #9
  10. #10
    So basically you just confirmed my suspicion that it's all happening.

    It's called predictive programming btw, they start subtly injecting their plans into the media decades in advance.
    Simpsons had 9/11 predictive programming back in the 90s, I saw a video earlier that they used predictive programming in shows from the 40s and 50s for events that wouldn't happen until the 21st century.

    Here is the important question though, why would they keep us around if they are so advanced?
    Assuming they have reached the point where they are sufficiently advanced enough to create robots, then they no longer need humans.
    Why not just use their tech to cause all the cattle to drop dead, there must be some motive behind keeping us alive.
  11. #11
    Greenplastic you're such a good goy, I bet you jerk off to interracial cuckporn while apologizing to yourself for being racist
  12. #12
    i see a rich nigga when i look in the mirror
  13. #13
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    In the last days, they will keep searching for a sign, but no sign will be given them, except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
  14. #14
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Why do you believe they will allow you a virtual heaven to flee to?

    All the VR/Tech companies are owned by jedis and co. You will upload yourself to an even more controlled hell.

  15. #15
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL In the last days, they will keep searching for a sign, but no sign will be given them, except the sign of Jonah the prophet.

    I think you mean Jorah the Andal.
  16. #16
    infinityshock Black Hole
    there's a dude, pretending to be a chick, who lost a writing implement up his asshole...sucking/fucking/huffing a deranged meth his parent house...and posting the shenanigans online.

    of course it's the end times.

    the only way that would get worse is if sploo joined in for a threesome.
  17. #17
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume I know that jedis in the highest echelons of society run everything, I know that 9/11 was an inside job so the hooked nose menace could go through with the "greater israel project" and everything else under the sun is true.
    There is possible going to be an EMP attack against the US soon too …

    On a scale of 0 to 9, 0 being nothing and 9 being happening, how truthful is it that there really is a satanic global cabal that is seeking to annihilate humanity?

    How can people be so … fucking evil?
    Why would people want to go to such lengths to abuse humanity this way?
    It's like some faggot who gets off abusing little animals, and they keep doing it while knowing full well the harmless animals are incapable of defending themselves.
    What pleasure do you receive from that?
    There is so much more to existence.

    This is like a fucking nightmare.
    That doughfaced faggot lanny tried to upset me by mentioning doomsday scenarios while I was telling people about the breakthroughs of technology and the possibilities these new findings would unlock, but I never once thought that they would be designed from the ground up for evil.
    I guess I'm just naive, but I never once thought that humanity would be so corrupt on such a scale.
    I know there exists evil, even I can be capable of negativity, but I always saw evil as existing on a smaller scale.
    This is some fucking interstellar star wars battle of the civilizations evil shit.

    Are we fucked?
    Not to empower piece of shit trolls, but I am considering suicide … but only if I can find a pain-free way.
    I don't and can't go on living in such a fucking horrendous fucked up timeline.

    The gifts of the Universe have been perverted for nothing and now what.
    Those of you who will be left alive will be subject to a THX1138/Ergo Proxy esque piece of shit socialist mind-controlled existence without any resemblance of individual freedom.

    If you're wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, go read and watch material on the global elite, 9/11, talmudism, zionism, satanism in the media and government, predictive programming etc
    When you keep seeing the same patterns time and time again, it stands to reason that there is truth to be seen.

    This looks like an amphetamine rant.
  18. #18
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]

    This is the new shit get used to it.
  19. #19
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I like amphetamine rants
  20. #20
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    I like ketamine pants.
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