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The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
2017-09-04 at 4:12 PM UTC
2017-09-04 at 4:43 PM UTCThe store ran out of my protein powder I like, which has creatine in it, which is why I like it. So now I've got to weigh out my 5g every time and it's kind of annoying. Oh well.
2017-09-04 at 6:22 PM UTC
Originally posted by hydromorphone Hey PoC, Just thought you'd like to relish in the fact because of all the shit I didn't order on Friday like I kept telling myself I had to. Couldn't remember why, and with all the stress and anxiety, I didn't. Just figured out why now: Labor Day. The PO is closed too, how I remembered. So pat yourself on the back for that one.
I still hope things work out for you. Sorry you thought I tried to use, manipulate or ever hurt you. SHould show you I aint making up my memory loss. Ordering medicine isn't something I'd forget to do on purpose, but hye, I want to be like this, right?
I did try to tell you last night I was sorry and took blame for what happened, but you know… for all the times you blamed how badly you treated me on your mental shit, that was the one and only time I ever blamed something I did (or lack thereof) because well… do a little research on epilepsy. I know damn well what's happening isn't panic attacks, I've dealt and still deal with those fairly regular. Panic attacks usually don't cause the person to convulse and/or fall out causing them huge bruises and contusions on their head, face and other parts of their body. It has certainly contributed to the physical pain beyond the contraction of muscles from going out all the time- its why I didn't want to get up to answer the phone. I had to re-read the conversation just to remember what you'd said and what I'd said from the point after I'd told you not to keep calling back.
I love you, for whatever that's worth.
I didn't ask to be like this, and I certainly didn't want to be anybodies victim. If I just laid there, and gave up like most people would have, then I'd probably have been believed, but because I tried a good deal to fight through it, well, of course I should be fine… just like you, you without any physical ailments, and with just your mental shit you say you can't work. I never truly wanted to lay down and die… as bad as shit got, as sick as I got, yeah, a good deal I wanted to die. I wanted to roll over and die, and be weak, but I wasn't. I still somehow made it, made it for my son, made it for you, and kept trying… but it really is all too much and how it kills me to be riddled like I am with all this shit tearing at my flesh and mind.
If you wonder how I stood with Tye, then why don't you ask him. I loved you, Joe. Sorry you werent the only person I loved, but I loved you only shy of my son in a way I never had before, in a way I never thought I could. Sorry I failed to show you that. I truly am. I truly am sorry the shit wrong with me defeated me yet again. I tried at least, and well, it was sweet while it lasted.
I love you. Sorry for it all
Post last edited by Wick Sweat at 2017-09-04T21:39:29.622682+00:00 -
2017-09-04 at 8:34 PM UTCHydro is the kind of bitch who doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
2017-09-04 at 9:27 PM UTCJust thought I'd compile hydro's recent craziness for anybody who didn't bother reading her walls.
Originally posted by hydromorphone You're right about Joe. I shouldn't have jumped to defend such a piece of vile shit.
According to texts to a mutual friend he also did some grimy narcy shit making reports that will fuck up my life even worse.
I called him back a few times encouraging him to kill himself
PoC isnt mentally ill, he's fucking just a piece of shit.
I didnt fuck up anyone's fucking life like he did, twice now, and this last time, in a serious, irreversible way.
Me posting anything about PoC is basically a warning. If you know or have dealings with him, be careful. He will betray any trust you place in him. He has zero honor, and deep down is just a selfish little boy who cries wolf.
As for posting shit in a "public" forum, please recall, I never instigated anything negative about either PoC or §m£ÂgØL, that was all on them, I just responded and continue to do so when I feel fit to.
What really prompted me to post anything is the fact PoC went through and held my account hostage for ordering my medicine. If you trust him, he will betray your trust and use manipulative tactics to abuse and use you to get what he wants.
I love you.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2017-09-04 at 9:31 PM UTC
2017-09-04 at 9:34 PM UTC
2017-09-04 at 9:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by Wick Sweat https://vocaroo.com/i/s1JkylCYa5Vi
Why'd you delete it you fag? -
2017-09-04 at 9:42 PM UTCIt should be thea now
2017-09-04 at 9:45 PM UTC
Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Aww man, that's depressing. He was fun to talk to before he got back on dope. RIP.
Yeah. I make it a point to try to remember people like that. A friend from high school who died in a motorcycle crash had a birthday a couple of weeks ago, and a friend asked if I wanted to go to the gravesite. Drove over, and could see there were a ton of people there. Just walked back to the car. Didn't want to deal with the entourage, the whole song and dance. He got into some really scummy shit, but he was always popular and apparently that carries over to the afterlife. But unpopular friends who died from OD or sleep apnea or suicide....no one ever talks about them, or visits them, or leaves candles and shit on their death sites. Idk. Makes me angry. Everyone should matter. Everyone should be remembered.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2017-09-04 at 9:46 PM UTC
2017-09-04 at 9:47 PM UTC
2017-09-04 at 9:57 PM UTCRIP ilovechronicThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2017-09-04 at 10:06 PM UTC
2017-09-04 at 10:16 PM UTCAddiction is not a disease, and rehab is bullshit.
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/avyavb/this-neuroscientist-argues-that-addiction-is-not-a-disease-and-the-rehab-industry-is-bullshit?utm_source=vicefbus -
2017-09-04 at 10:21 PM UTCMy life has been a lie! God is dead! The government's lame! Thanksgiving is about killing Indians! Jesus wasn't born on Christmas, they moved the date, it was a pagan holiday!
2017-09-04 at 11:24 PM UTC
2017-09-04 at 11:27 PM UTC
would you rape her y/n
she got raped LOL
(rape) (LOL)The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2017-09-04 at 11:34 PM UTCi just thought of a difficult thought experiment ethical dilemma
would you rather have consensual sex with a white girl, or be legally allowed to rape a nigger girl one time like ooga booga booga? -
2017-09-04 at 11:44 PM UTC