2017-08-22 at 2:45 AM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
asking if i tried the bunt cake she allegedly baked and brought me saturday night. went to my fridge and theres no bunt cake, I went to my pantry theres no bunt cake.
I don't even eat cake so I know I didn't eat it. Saturday night all I did was eat sardines before going to sleep. And when I woke up the next day at 3pm and made some udon noodles..
I'm pretty confused right now. I don't know if I threw it away and just don't remember but I don't think thats the case.
I think I might just tell her it was good, I don't want to come off as an asshole and be like "whut bunt cake?" and then she's just going to think I drunkenly threw it away.
2017-08-22 at 2:57 AM UTC
you retarded faggot...stop making threads and shitting up the forum with the stupidest shit that has ever existed. at least when sploo splooges everwhere it has the train-wreck factor going for it.
you have nothing other than flagrant retardation and stupid-id-id-ity.
the only thread you should be making is one posting pics of you hanging from a rope and naked from the waist down with a giant dildo crammed into your crap hole.
you retarded nigger faggot.
2017-08-22 at 3:01 AM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
^thats rich coming from you. And if you don't ever like my threads why do you always feel the need to post in them?
A lot of my threads have multiple pages of discussion and conversation so evidently they aren't all that bad. mmmmmk?
2017-08-22 at 3:12 AM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
^your threads are never useful and the few that you make are almost always the same. Now get out of my thread and go lick a cats ass, you goober.
2017-08-22 at 3:14 AM UTC
idiotscock threads usually include him raving about negro penus and drinking cum
2017-08-22 at 3:16 AM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
^pretty much, he's deranged.