Hey, I don't recognize your name. But Lostcause and I were talking about the very contriversial post at regarding the prewarning to 9/11 around March 2001. the one in details of highjacking planes and flying them into the WTC. did you ever prnt scrn the pages on totse?
"I think I'm vaguely remembering that. It was just after 9/11 that I checked out of &Totse because I went through a big move and life just happened. But, I think I remember that thread. I remember it being a big deal and then all of a sudden the twin towers went down, but - IMO - a lot of people wanted to bomb the twin towers and it was likely a coincidence, because fuck those people. To be completely brutally fucking honest I think Osama Bin Laden was trying to do us a favor. Wall Street and namely those towers are a cancer on this country and the world. I know a lot of innocent people died that day, and that's a serious shame, but I have a hard time believing you were just a super great person if you worked in the twin towers. There really just aren't many angels on Wall Street, so it's not like we lost a cure for cancer. Some innocent people died, but most likely, anyone working in that tower was benefitting from and supporting widespread corruption so I have a hard time feeling all that sorry for them."
I looked up the tenants of WTC 1 and 2.
WTC 1 you had some non bank related companies.
building 1 Hyundai Motor Group, AT&T Corporation, C&P Press, Chilean Government Trade Bureau, Chilean National Petroleum Company, Chilean Production Promotion Center, Chilean Trading Corporation, TradeWeb, Gayer, Shyu & Wiesel, Hill, Betts & Nash, Howly (US) Corporation, Leeds & Morrelli, Okasan International (American) (CS), RGL Gallagher PC, Richard A. Zimmerman, TEMENOS US, Bramax Manufacturing Corporation (?UB), IFG East, Boeing Aviation Technical Services, Newark Liberty International Airport. These were head offices of Chile's agriculture and petroleum exchange. but these are benefiting a once poor country like Chile. A huge benefit for them to build schools through their GDP.
TradeWeb was an early form of Amazon I believe. and C&P press (I looked up) is a company that prints books and labels. From children's schools to that of companies like UPS.
Building 2 Regus Business Centers, Corporation Service Company, New York State, Verizon, Guy Carpenter, Seabury & Smith, Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, Guy Carpenter
ATT corporate office in one and Verizon in the other. Building 2 had some insurance companies and attorneys. one being ACLU.
WTC 3 was the Marriott. I had two family members who were in management for the Marriott. Enough in which the HR director contacted one of my family members to shut down operations on the west coast. Just to let you know, people died in the hotel as well. while the 1993 bombing had fortified a section of the underground parking which happened to reinforce that Marriott in which a ton of people survived In that one section in a stairwell area.
"If he'd blown up a university or a nursery home or something I'd be ready to grab my pitchfork."
Grab your pitchfork. a nursery care worker watched the children of civil and military employees at the Pentagon. One lady nearly lost her baby and herself on that section of the pentagon.
[[This story was told by a few members on totse (toiletduk aka Victor) regarding Lostcause's Abortion Party and Ocean Beach. I went to meet up with them at a pre meetup at Toto Santos park in Concord. I met Mike Dame, Henry (from Henry Hallucination) and Smeagle were with Victor sitting at a car. I'm curious if Smeagle might be §m£ÂgØL?]]
Another reddit PM
I'm not sure. I met a lot of Totseans from the Bay Area and it was a long time ago. Did you ever accompany me to an abortion? Did we ever set off pipe bombs at Ocean Beach or break into the Saint Francis Hotel pent house? Because, then yes, we've met before for sure. Otherwise we might've in passing but I was too drunk to remember.
No to all. (How do you make bulletpoints on reddit?)
Not sure.
you're being silly.. right? you're doing it right now :|
**In PM to lostcause I can't find a followup response to You're being silly..**
I followed up with another PM Q:
"Why would you guys do shit like that? were these the bon fire parties I heard about.. that the Burning Man festivals from the 80s and 90s started? Was jeff friends with the artist guy? I'm fairly sure this was said before. I just don't remember details."
Because blowing shit up is fun. Mocking the seriousness of abortion by bringing a fucking party along is badass. Because the Saint Francis has excellent room service? Because all that shit is fun as fuck?
"I feel sorry you had to get an abortion. the woman I am with now says she was raped and had to get one as well. It just seemed a bit over the edge of "blowing shit up". I had pictured you guys throwing it in the ocean but thought of shrapnel. As for the St Francis. My friends and I would take that glass elevator when going into the city. it was a must do on the average list of shit to do prior to the internet. how fun huh? or the Fairmount to the restaurant..stare at the fancy people and then go back down. that was decades back but I'm guessing that was just a random thing to do for kicks. how did you get into the penthouse :/ ?? Also.. was this related to the burning man festival beach parties?"
(Lostcause said a few things that seemed contradicting. She told me she was living in Florida and was gone during that entire Mar-Sep period in one post but then said she left right after the 9/11 yet Archive shows her and I having conversations that entire summer in one area, but on the calender shows they never spidy the pages for 6 months straight. In one area she speaks of Z3M dying and her using the name but then changes it to a slightly different story)
Then we had a nicer conversation in which we shared a common interest
I originally wanted to research to maybe write books or short stories or have ideals for scripts. its sad if there is an element of disinfo in MUFON. but it seems like perhaps they fear how close we're coming to finding out things not of us humans. seems I recall (a few years back.. 2012?) the Vatican decided to get involved.. hyped up a big "tell all" then shut it down. even the media seemed to build it up.. then nothing.
My husband and I pay a flat fee each year. It's about $30, but we also pay to go to conventions, which vary in price depending on the location.
do you have to pay for this? I love how my interest in UFO and conspiracy stuff turns into it's own enigma wrapped in...
"small fee"