And the united nations is try to do damage control the machete twins walk through holding each others hands with their machetes wearing nothing but leather thongs, so they ask the bangoom en tagoom bro's to step in and save the world.
The bangem tageoom bro's aproach the portal where the machete twins are standy there holding eachothers hands and bangoom tageoom bros say... we're gonna bang these 2 chicks, we're gonna fuckin bangem!
and the machete twins say in unison "we're gonna cut your dick heads off" and the bangem tagem bros look at each other wearing nothing but speedos and sun glasses and smile at each other and say "we're fuckin' gonna bangeeooom!"
to be continued....
Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-08-19T21:04:40.043740+00:00
someone send someone over to Bill Krozbys for a welfare-check. he ODd on crackrock again.
on second thought...never mind. theyll find him in a few days drowned in his backtub...or face-down on his kitchen floor dead from drowning in his own vomit and piss.
Originally posted by infinityshock
someone send someone over to Bill Krozbys for a welfare-check. he ODd on crackrock again.
on second thought…never mind. theyll find him in a few days drowned in his backtub…or face-down on his kitchen floor dead from drowning in his own vomit and piss.