2017-08-16 at 7:02 AM UTC
You only have to watch about 5 seconds of any major sport to see what the dominant race is :)
2017-08-16 at 7:34 AM UTC
Races don't exist. They are a jedi fabrication that allows them to draw arbitrary and hazily defined distinction between groups of people do it is easier to divide and conquer them.
2017-08-16 at 5:13 PM UTC
your dick is genetically inferior to my dick
2017-08-16 at 5:16 PM UTC
I'll spray my genetics all over your tits.
2017-08-16 at 5:36 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
I don't think it's a question of genetic inferiority as much as it's the environment that many black men and women were born into. They were looked down upon, made music, and rose up against the people that felt they'd never make it.