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Have you bean to Egypt?

  1. #1
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I have not.
  2. #2
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
  3. #3
    infinityshock Black Hole
    egypt is a shit hole. literally. theres a reason the term 'bum fucked egypt' was coined.

    fun story:

    while parked somewhat off the coast of al-iksandariya (notice how it sounds like 'diarrhea'? yea...theres a reason for that) or known to the civilized world as alexandria, the locals pushed a garbage barge against my ship for everyone to dump their weeks-worth of accumulated trash. after several hours, the barge was about full and there were several tugs about to pull it away to replace it with an empty one. out of nowhere some random rust-bucketed piece of shit 'boat' (and i use that term loosely) puttered up to the full barge where a haji jumped out and started rummaging through the trash...selecting various items...and tossing them back into his boat. the retard eventually worked his way from the far side of the barge to the side touching my ship and for some unknown retarded reason, he started making an effort to climb from the barge into the ship. the marines werent too thrilled about that and very emphatically told him to gtfo. the retard haji either was ignoring the jarheads...or was too stupid to grasp the concept...and eventually made it to the point he was about eight feet away from actually being able to get onto the ship. the jarhead closest to me, who i had the best view of had just stuck his finger in the trigger guard of his M4 and i would testify in court that i saw him take up the trigger slack, at least...maybe was about to spark off a few rounds into the raghead...when the retard haji slipped or lost his grip, or whatever, and went ass over elbows into the bottom of the trash...face down. by the time he extricated himself from the assorted shits, the tugs had pulled the barge away from the ship.

    i think i had a story about going thru the suez...but i dont feel like typing anymore.
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