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the last warrior to take out all of islam and destroy all muslims and defeat mohammed. our last hope

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Who gives a fuck about Saudi culture or German culture? More importantly, the fact that you think they are in fact enemies of the culture is just retarded. Makes no sense. Everyone is a fan of food, a roof and safety, and an enemy of whatever will deprive them of those. That's why they're fleeing their shitty countries. The question is of integration, not of whether or not you want to preserve your own culture, because nobody gives a fuck about that.

    - A Pakistani "Millionair" from Florida without identity
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Are you a fan of Sharia law?
  3. Originally posted by RisiR † Millions do give a fuck about their culture and reality proves that there is no utopian "together". Again, I live in the city with the second highest Muslim population in Europe. Most of them are western "Muslims" who are very vocal against the refugees and their savage behaviors.

    Tell me, when you watch a nigger video with niggers behaving like niggers, do you feel an urge to interact with that culture? Do you want them to be part of your life? Do you want to join them niggering?


    You care about your civilized culture and you value it over monkey lives.

    Culture is a way to unite people for political ends. Fuck culture. Culture is for dumb people. The essence of culture is to evolve exactly through channels like this. Nobody cares about whatever essentialist views of culture you might have, or they shouldn't.

    There is only one view that a pragmatic, humanitarian view person would consider: how do we raise the standard of living of our people as much as possible? In the long term, that is immigration and integration. The only consideration culture has in that is, how do we integrate them into our work force and stem criminality? That's it. America has done fine integrating it's immigrants and refugees. The problem in Europe is, singularly how they handle their refugees, not whether or not they should be taking them on.
  4. Originally posted by RisiR † - A Pakistani "Millionair" from Florida without identity

    Millionaire*. And please, I have plenty of identity. I'm just also a fan of realpolitik and pragmatism. Culture is shit when it comes to policy. Fuck your culture. Fuck all culture. Let's talk about facts.
  5. Originally posted by RisiR † Are you a fan of Sharia law?

    What the fuck does that even mean? Shariah law isn't one thing. I'm against religion, and religion in politics in general. But cracker ass people think they even u derstand the surface level of Islamic jurisprudence when they don't. What is Shariah Law? Can you tell me?
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon What the fuck does that even mean? Shariah law isn't one thing. I'm against religion, and religion in politics in general. But cracker ass people think they even u derstand the surface level of Islamic jurisprudence when they don't. What is Shariah Law? Can you tell me?

    I could only tell you what you already know and I'm glad I don't know more about it because it's retarded. I'm glad we agree.

    Answer the nigger questions. That's a fine analogy.
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Tell me, how much does America contribute to the current "refugee crisis"? Didn't your president ban people from Syria etc.?

    You are right, well handled.
  8. Originally posted by RisiR † Answer the nigger questions. That's a fine analogy.

    It's not remotely a good analogy, but says niggers are not all niggers.
  9. Originally posted by RisiR † Tell me, how much does America contribute to the current "refugee crisis"? Didn't your president ban people from Syria etc.?

    You are right, well handled.

    We took in something like 90K last year. Secondly, Trump being a tard doesn't wipe out the successes of the last decade.
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    That's a rough sketch of the USA over Europe as size comparison.

    The state I live in, Baden-Württemberg, took in 84,610 refugees in 2016.
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I live exactly where the car is.

  12. RisiR † 29 Autism

  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon It's not remotely a good analogy, but says niggers are not all niggers.

    Oh, please... we have been there before. Black people =/= niggers. I'm the one who took the stance against generalization first you nigger.

    Again, we are already super multi-cultural here. Since 3 generations. I have Muslims in my family. Italians, Turks, Polaks... all kinds of people. All the old migrants are furious because of the scum that lands here. They say they never needed an integration course and fuck, they are far from integrated but even they say they have never seen something like this.
  14. Originally posted by RisiR † That's a rough sketch of the USA over Europe as size comparison.

    The state I live in, Baden-Württemberg, took in 84,610 refugees in 2016.

    Perhaps the volume itself is an issue? Which is something nobody would deny, just by considering the extremes. But that's a very different conversation than whether it should happen at all.
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I said "at this point we shouldn't take in anyone" and I stand by that. Even though I have seen hundreds of children among the refugees. It is heartbreaking but we won't be able to handle all that. There is only so much humanitarianism and our economy won't profit from this.

    I'm sorry shithole countries but it looks like we can't fix your shit by putting your people in giant camps. We tried.
  16. Originally posted by RisiR † I said "at this point we shouldn't take in anyone" and I stand by that.

    Why would you say that? The issue is clearly not being able to deal with the ones you are taking in, and there is more than one way to approach that, and you can take a little of column A, little of column B. Preventing ghettoisation and integrating refugees properly isn't impossible. It's certainly a challenge, but it's an issue worth tackling because Europe's future depends on it.
  17. Originally posted by RisiR † I'm sorry shithole countries but it looks like we can't fix your shit by putting your people in giant camps. We tried.

    Of course not. Look at the USA; proper integration requires going a step further and working to make sure the people you take in are primed to slide right into your society. As I said, the way Germany is handling it]/b] is incorrect, but you're not justifying your belief that they shouldn't take any refugees at all.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote death to islam

    islam isnt a living thing. it can't die.

    practitioners of islam...mudslimes...are alive.
  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Why would you say that? The issue is clearly not being able to deal with the ones you are taking in, and there is more than one way to approach that, and you can take a little of column A, little of column B. Preventing ghettoisation and integrating refugees properly isn't impossible. It's certainly a challenge, but it's an issue worth tackling because Europe's future depends on it.

    What a bright future...

  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Of course not. Look at the USA; proper integration requires going a step further and working to make sure the people you take in are primed to slide right into your society. As I said, the way Germany is handling it]/b] is incorrect, but you're not justifying your belief that they shouldn't take any refugees at all.

    Do you see how small Germany is? Do you think the people involved aren't competent or do you think it might have something to do with the sheer number of people banging on our doors?

    Do you think the USA should take in more refugees than all of Europe combined and do you think all of them would be primed to slide into your society?
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