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Scrawny TTFN

  1. #1
    scared town people Yung Blood [my reversely metatarsal legionella]
    You cannot force me to leave, I will not let any of you hold that power over me. I choose right now to make my departure from the escape pods. Enjoy the spam.

    Free avatars


    Today is the day I officially declare this a dead forum, there is nothing here, no reason to post. It's no longer the TEMPLE OF THE SCREAMING ELECTRON or Zoklet I could post about meth cooking and fringe science. You should all just leave Lanny and his custom user title friends here because they are the ones that destroyed any chance of this place becoming a real community.

    This place could be as good as ever Totse was, if Lanny decided to pull his head out of his ass. Just sayin', because it's true. Nobody ever wants to hear the truth. Attack the messenger. Rid those evil demons of facts, examination and conclusions. Beat down those pesky realities, and stomp all over those unpalatable notions of logic and common sense. That was the Zoklet way! And that's why there ain't no more Zoklet. In fact, that's why there ain't no more Totse. People with no sense. People who really just didn't give a fuck. People who didn't know what the hell they are doing! Sure, they might be nice enough, but that's not what we are talking about. We are talking about a terminal lack of vision. We are discussing the chronic cock-blocks of a defeatist mentality. We are reminiscing a tired, old, failed mindset of mistakes, apathy and incompetence. This place could be as great as Totse ever was, but it doesn't just happen on its own. It takes planning. It takes work. It takes an interest. It takes imagination; Lanny, as cool as he is, just doesn't have that, and that's the single and only reason why this place will never be as good as Totse was. Simply stating a fact, is all.

  2. #2
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    the jolly green giants cock

  3. #3
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Narc you dumb noob. girls urethra ain't like our dicks, its made to stretch to allow them to give birth

    youre an anatomical genius...
  4. #4
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre an anatomical genius…

    I think he's confused urethra with birth canal.
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