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Survival Gear / General Discussion

  1. #21
    Kek Houston
    which makes you the retarded douche. That's literally the highest form of ignorance.

    Saying someone is ignorant doest make it so when you are ignorant of their own experience with the matter.


    You literally did not read my post if you think that my points are as moot as you say they are. Also saying you did this for a living is unverifiable. I mean its entirely possible but every time I argue with you and you get in a tiff it just so turns out that you either taught a college class on the subject, have military experience, or make a living out of sitting in a cabin with a bunch of survival gear. I literally do not give a fuck about your "creds" unless you can provide information that I find useful rather than your personal gear preference.

    Pretty fucking gay and stupid, bro.

    I guess you disagree with FM 21-76 then vetbro. Im sorry that you find the fact that a minimalist is more likely to survive with sufficient will and knowledge than the most materially prepared individual who freaks the fuck out when he drops his flashlight batteries in the water whose will is not strong offensive

    you didn't fucking read it.

    I didnt fucking read to kill a mocking bird either but I aced the test. Fuck reading something in full dude my mind works where I can look at a paragraph in full and pull out keywords and information rather than need to read every single word individually. My whole "Didnt read" would be better understood as didnt read verbatim but skimmed most paragraphs.

    You're such a fucking faggot kek, I used to like you,

    I am sorry you feel that way. Someone who gets this angry over a disagreement on a broken spinoff of somethingaweful forums would not fare well when their equipment fails and their plan goes to shit.
    spare yourself the embarrassment next time of not admitting to the entire forum that you didn't read the either of the posts your criticizing. It just makes you look stupid.

    Yup. Im SOOOOO embarrassed. Nigga I live to argue on the internet. Saying that im embarrassing myself is retarded because I literally have an ongoing thread about cultivating psycic power and becoming a demi god. I am a Trump supporter faggot. Do you think I really give a shit if you think that I look stupid? I am confident enough in myself and my ability that I need not seek approval on a forum based on a forum based on a forum based on a forum based on a network.

    So really if you arent going to post any more information about survival or techniques that come in handy then stop rageposting because it is really making me think you are just some faggot.

  2. #22
    Kek Houston
    The reason I ask is because your point doesn't seem to apply to me - as as every time I've been in one of these "survival scenarios" I was already prepared with the right training, the right mindset, and the right equipment to survive.

    Thats because it sounds like whatever you were doing wasnt a true survival scenario. What me and CF are trying to get at is that a survival scenario is where you dont have your stores of gear. Where a bear quite possibly could maul you and if you do not get medical attention for your broken rib that broke skin from that fall from the jetty you are probably gonna die.
  3. #23
    EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Saying someone is ignorant doest make it so when you are ignorant of their own experience with the matter.

    You literally did not read my post if you think that my points are as moot as you say they are. Also saying you did this for a living is unverifiable. I mean its entirely possible but every time I argue with you and you get in a tiff it just so turns out that you either taught a college class on the subject, have military experience, or make a living out of sitting in a cabin with a bunch of survival gear. I literally do not give a fuck about your "creds" unless you can provide information that I find useful rather than your personal gear preference.

    I guess you disagree with FM 21-76 then vetbro. Im sorry that you find the fact that a minimalist is more likely to survive with sufficient will and knowledge than the most materially prepared individual who freaks the fuck out when he drops his flashlight batteries in the water whose will is not strong offensive

    I didnt fucking read to kill a mocking bird either but I aced the test. Fuck reading something in full dude my mind works where I can look at a paragraph in full and pull out keywords and information rather than need to read every single word individually. My whole "Didnt read" would be better understood as didnt read verbatim but skimmed most paragraphs.

    I am sorry you feel that way. Someone who gets this angry over a disagreement on a broken spinoff of somethingaweful forums would not fare well when their equipment fails and their plan goes to shit.

    Yup. Im SOOOOO embarrassed. Nigga I live to argue on the internet. Saying that im embarrassing myself is retarded because I literally have an ongoing thread about cultivating psycic power and becoming a demi god. I am a Trump supporter faggot. Do you think I really give a shit if you think that I look stupid? I am confident enough in myself and my ability that I need not seek approval on a forum based on a forum based on a forum based on a forum based on a network.

    So really if you arent going to post any more information about survival or techniques that come in handy then stop rageposting because it is really making me think you are just some faggot.

    I'm not going to let you derail my thread. Pretty much every time you have a disagreement with someone on this forum (not just me), you simply don't read what they write and start responding to it as if you did - totally misrepresenting most of your opponent's argument (just like what's happening here).

    The name of the fucking thread is "Survivalist Gear." You're seriously going to walk into this thread and complain that it talks about gear too much? Then you're going to argue since I don't post my PI here you've somehow proven I've made all this up? Alright, fine, that's cool, but I'm not repeating myself again about over-reliance on gear. I also will not mistake Captain Falcon's point with yours. You literally came in here, said you didn't read the post, "disagreed" with things I've never said, and are still arguing with me about something I actually agreed with you in the original post (which aldra pointed out, but I guess you didn't read that either).

    If you want to talk about survivalist strategies, we can talk about that too. Captain Falcon and I both posted links about trapping in the thread. I disagree with him, but it didn't devolve into a butthurt fest. Aldra asked an intelligent question about bows. I want more input on this.

    If you're going to act like a tranny in a college classroom who wants to talk to halt class in order to talk about their feelings, nobody is interested. If you want to actually contribute to the thread, you can. We're all listening. What strategies would you share?
  4. #24
    And that makes sense - if you're talking about a short camping trip. Remember, I was out there for like a year. Also, the idea of survivalism isn't that you get to pick and choose whether or not you just "stay home." The idea is that something happens that disrupts the way we're living life and you have to adapt to it.

    No. I'm talking about being caught out in a situation where you don't have your entire neckbeard zombie survival kit with tactical dildonics technology. This is about surviving with a small pack you can keep under your car seat or in your trunk. You're not going to have your shit on you. And you're not going to have to survive a year on camping gear. Here's the type of situation you can in fact be faced with; you are driving interstate through mountainous terrain. Your brakes fail or you are a little sleepy. Your car tumbles 40 feet into a ravine. You are barely conscious. Your cell phone is busted and there is no safe way to climb up to the road without walking for several miles. You need to stay alive for 2 days so you can make your way up to the road and get help. Good luck not knowing how to survive without an air conditioned tent. Or you could have a complete but barebones kit that you know how to use and make it.

    Granted, I went out on my own fruition, but you wouldn't last a week with just the stuff you stated. To be blunt, you don't even have a way to reliably purify water from what you listed (assuming you even find a clean water source in nature).

    3 steps to purifying water to an acceptable level:

    1. Find water. Put it in a pot

    2. Start a fire and boil water

    3. Pour water through some fabric to remove particles of lint and bugs and shit. The more layers the better.

    That's it. Drink it.

    Also, even if you somehow could make a trap out of the little you had (which you could, but you'd end up destroying what few supplies you had), you wouldn't get enough ammino acids. You also wouldn't be able to build a very reliable trap.

    If you have a couple of clif bars in your pack (covered under "some food if you can't catch your own"), you will have the calories necessary to survive for at least a couple of days. For anything longer than that, learn how to kill a bird or a rodent, or stop being squeamish and learn to identify and eat some bugs, and at least a couple of types of common wild plants that are safe to eat.

    As for making a reliable trap:

    1. Find a big rock, a stick to support said rock and something to pull the stick away (you can make some pretty reliable string by knotting together strips from springy twigs).

    2. Set it up to easily fail.

    3. Find a way to get animal under the rock (many ways to do this, but looking for tracks is a great one).

    4. Pull the stick away.

    Congratulations, you have meat.

    The video you posted is a great point of my original post. Namely, you've got thousands of people liking it, but the guy in that video is kind of full of shit. Pouring your water through a cloth will enhancement out really big pieces of dirt, but it's not enhancementing out any pathogens. You could of course boil it as well, but that's still not reliable if it has traces of pollutants in it (which it probably does, it's 2016).

    Alfie is awesome but as I said, less extreme survivalists. This is for the kind of person who wants to go camping with minimal gear, and unrelated to my point, which is that the highest chance you have of getting into a "survival situation" is one where you won't have a tonne of shit. You're going to mostly be trying to stay alive for a couple of days until you can make it to a road and a car comes by, for example.

    Trust me, I'm on your side about most "survivalists" being a bunch of fat guys who have way too much gear, but that's not what's going on in this post. My point is, if you want to last for more than a few weeks, you're going to need shit you can rely on. You'll also probably end up needing things you didn't realize you did, like mouse traps.

    I don't think we disagree on that tbqh. I'm just saying that what your "kit" should be is your wits and the amount of stuff you can reasonably get in your car, because the only people who seriously prepare for a TEOTWAWKI-SHTF situation with thousands of dollars of gear (which could reasonably lt you live for weeks if not months) are fat neckbearded wannabe commandos who will buy the kit, maybe go out into the wilderness twice and then go back to playing the videogames that put them on to the idea.

    That's the thing, actual survival situations are a struggle to survive the first 48-72 hours so you have time to get rescued. You are not going to become Grizzly Adams and be capable of living out in the wild for months, fighting your way back to civilization with your trunk full of goodies that you took out to do groceries and didn't bother putting back in. It is "dig a hole with your car headrest's prongs so you can pull a root out", not "pull out your Xuandong Chinese Military Survival Shovel and scale a cliff".

    While learning how to trap shit is overall good advice, anyone who makes blanket statements about what's always bad in survival scenarios is retarded.

    There will literally never be a survival situation where you will have or have use of, a bow. You are not shooting 6 point bucks or keeping your bow under your car seat.

    It always comes down to your situation. If aldra is in a position where he has to worry about self-defense a bow is going to serve him in ways that a trap wouldn't. I agree it's helpful to trap, but bows are great because they can have multiple purposes and you can reuse arrows. I don't know if you've ever tried to build a trap out of things you find in nature after it has recently rained (I have), you're going to have a really shitty time and almost nothing is going to be outside.

    See, the clear difference in our points of view is that you're preparing for Mad Max or The Walking Dead, or some sort of planned trip in the outdoors. That is no more survival than taking a cruise is sailing.

    I get your greater point that you want to travel lightly, and it's a point that's well spoken. However, not every excursion is a two week long camping trip, and if you don't bring the right stuff or know how to use it you're going to die.

    If you can plan for exactly where you are going then sure take whatever you want. I am personally saying, if you want to actually get functional skills that will help you live where others would die, then you have to learn how to survive without reliance on carrying WalMart with you.
  5. #25
    Kek Houston
    Falco's post really drives at what I am getting towards. I would expand on his point about bows in that you will not, without the skill of an amazionian tree dweller, be able to create a reliable hunting bow in a real survival scenario. A spear or sling would be much more economical in terms of the energy skill and materials requited to create and use it effectively. It would be even more efficient to create a trap as falcon described or if you are by the grace of god near a river or water source a trap for fish is easy enough to jerry rig. A more involved method like this would be quite prime but simpler methods could still prove quite useful.

    When I talk about first aid being necessary information like knowing that atourniquet should be at least two inches wide to provide adequate compression and should not be on longer than two hours. Another example is that a sling should support the entire forearm from elbow to wrist rather than just be a strip of cloth that you rest your wrist on. There are a lot of important bits of information like this that you I imagine has much more life saving potential than any gadget out on the market or any amount of planning and supply gathering.

    I am very surprised at you. For a guy with the name EasyDoesIt you seem awefully threatened that people like me and the Captian are against reliance on tools and gadgets when the name of the game is survival. It seems our ideas of survival and your are very different. Camping is fun but be it a weekend trip of a three week trek it is not survival. Survival is as I said, finding yourself in unfamiliar territory with no shelter, food, water or direction. Survival is relying on yourself and your wit to return you to the comfy cradle of civilization. It is not some Bear Grylls excursion where the medical team is standing by. It is where one small step determines if you die in the forest or come out with a story to tell.
  6. #26
    Kek Houston
    I mean you link a fucking Bluing Touch Up Marker. I think the last thing that you are worried about are minor scratches in your weapon when you are trying to get out with your life. Sure its a nice thing to have when you are "roughin it" or going on an extended hunting trip but its not a "survival item".
  7. #27
    Bivvy bag, alice pack, knife, hatchet, small handsaw/artisan saw, hammer, 8kg of parboiled rice, small pot, matches and lighters, purification tablets, rope, tarp, canteen, fishing line and a couple hooks.

  8. #28
    TORTILLA Houston
    dont forget your hormones
  9. #29
    dont forget your hormones

    If it comes to survival situations I'll be forced to forgo them. Or I'll have to source them naturally from pregnant deer piss and spearmint.
  10. #30
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Samsung Galaxy S6 64 GB w/ unlimited talk/text/data plan, Alienwear 18 customizable laptop w/ Intel® Core™ i7-4940MX processor, 4-cores, 8MB Cache, Overclocked up to 4.4GHz w/ Intel TurboBoost, 18.4" WLED FHD (1920 X 1080) TrueLife Display, Dual NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX™ 970M with 6GB GDDR5 each (NVIDIA SLI® Enabled), 16GB Dual Channel DDR3L at 1600MHz, Slot-Loading Dual Layer DVD Burner (DVDR/RW), and an 8-cell Lithium Ion (86 wHr). a 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro Wireless mouse, a pair of Ultrasone Edition 5 Closed-Back Headphones, a Bowens Creo 1200 Power Generator, an unlimited supply of ale, and a couple fish hooks.

  11. #31
    TORTILLA Houston
    Samsung Galaxy S6 64 GB w/ unlimited talk/text/data plan, Alienwear 18 customizable laptop w/ Intel® Core™ i7-4940MX processor, 4-cores, 8MB Cache, Overclocked up to 4.4GHz w/ Intel TurboBoost, 18.4" WLED FHD (1920 X 1080) TrueLife Display, Dual NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX™ 970M with 6GB GDDR5 each (NVIDIA SLI® Enabled), 16GB Dual Channel DDR3L at 1600MHz, Slot-Loading Dual Layer DVD Burner (DVDR/RW), and an 8-cell Lithium Ion (86 wHr). a 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro Wireless mouse, a pair of Ultrasone Edition 5 Closed-Back Headphones, a Bowens Creo 1200 Power Generator, an unlimited supply of ale, and a couple fish hooks.


    Wish Granted, but you forgot about the internet connection.

  12. #32
    Solar USB laptop charger and everything to cook a pound of meth all I need
  13. #33
    EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    No. I'm talking about being caught out in a situation where you don't have your entire neckbeard zombie survival kit with tactical dildonics technology. This is about surviving with a small pack you can keep under your car seat or in your trunk. You're not going to have your shit on you.

    Once again, basically most of your post is irrelevant because we're talking about two separate scenarios. Going to build a cabin in the woods and live there for a year is going to require a different set of tools than surviving a car accident. You're simply going to take more gear unless you're some kind of retard or feel like you have something to prove.

    Here's the type of situation you can in fact be faced with; you are driving interstate through mountainous terrain. Your brakes fail or you are a little sleepy. Your car tumbles 40 feet into a ravine. You are barely conscious. Your cell phone is busted and there is no safe way to climb up to the road without walking for several miles. You need to stay alive for 2 days so you can make your way up to the road and get help. Good luck not knowing how to survive without an air conditioned tent. Or you could have a complete but barebones kit that you know how to use and make it.

    You're strawmanning my point. Making it out like I don't know how to survive a scenario like this simply because I described a longer one with more preparation is asinine. I would disagree with your load out anyway. I have a small BoB in my car at all times (it's just a little backpack) that has enough stuff to last me for three days. It weighs less than 27 lbs. You'd be surprised what you reliably fit into it without it being a huge hassle.

    3 steps to purifying water to an acceptable level:

    1. Find water. Put it in a pot

    2. Start a fire and boil water

    3. Pour water through some fabric to remove particles of lint and bugs and shit. The more layers the better.

    That's it. Drink it.

    No, it's not, you will most likely get fucking sick. This is my point about you guys who are talking shit. You're trying to make this great point about how being a "true" survivalist is just surviving with minimal gear, and yet you don't know how to purify water. Can you do that and get away with that method for a little while? Maybe, if you're at a clean source of fresh water to begin with, which totally defeats the purpose of needing to purify it anyway but so good luck finding an underground spring in the desert (as per your scenario). Also, that method doesn't treat the water for pollutants, which exist en masse in contemporary society (even in the wilderness).

    As for making a reliable trap

    1. Find a big rock, a stick to support said rock and something to pull the stick away (you can make some pretty reliable string by knotting together strips from springy twigs).

    2. Set it up to easily fail.

    3. Find a way to get animal under the rock (many ways to do this, but looking for tracks is a great one).

    4. Pull the stick away.

    Congratulations, you have meat.

    Jesus Christ Falco, you have no idea what you're talking about! Lol, and how are you planning on luring an animal into this "trap?" With the Cliff bars you mentioned? This isn't even a good trap man!

    If your scenario of minimal gear and little preparation, you'd be better off making a snare because it requires less gear. Or just eating bugs for protein (which you mentioned, so good on you).

    Alfie is awesome but as I said, less extreme survivalists. This is for the kind of person who wants to go camping with minimal gear, and unrelated to my point, which is that the highest chance you have of getting into a "survival situation" is one where you won't have a tonne of shit. You're going to mostly be trying to stay alive for a couple of days until you can make it to a road and a car comes by, for example.

    And it's a fair point. But just concede my point was talking about something totally different, which is a denomination of survivalism known as "homesteading."

    I don't think we disagree on that tbqh.

    I agree with you.

    I'm just saying that what your "kit" should be is your wits and the amount of stuff you can reasonably get in your car, because the only people who seriously prepare for a TEOTWAWKI-SHTF situation with thousands of dollars of gear (which could reasonably lt you live for weeks if not months) are fat neckbearded wannabe commandos who will buy the kit, maybe go out into the wilderness twice and then go back to playing the videogames that put them on to the idea.

    Like I said, apples to oranges. I don't think leaving contemporary society to live in a rustic cabin for a year makes me a fat neckbearded wannabe. I mean, I've already been in enough scenarios with little preparation to prove myself my knowledge and skills are accurate. I don't like going out and recreating them by camping. Even then, if you're going out camping, it's not really the same thing because the adrenaline of a real "OH SHIT" scenario makes it totally different.

    There will literally never be a survival situation where you will have or have use of, a bow. You are not shooting 6 point bucks or keeping your bow under your car seat

    Not true. Even in your scenario, a bow will get you meat more efficiently than a trap. It's not unrealistic to think you can have one in the trunk of your car.

    See, the clear difference in our points of view is that you're preparing for Mad Max or The Walking Dead, or some sort of planned trip in the outdoors. That is no more survival than taking a cruise is sailing.

    ...Building a cabin out in the woods and transitioning into being self sufficient is not a camping trip, sorry. Totally different. You'll need a lot of shit to help you transition.

    tl;dr - Yeah I agree with you that you should learn to survive with minimal stuff because that's the most likely "survival scenario" is one you don't plan for, but the original post is about me moving off the grid for a year and transitioning into self sufficiency and all the gear that I used to get me there. Crashing your car in the desert is not the purpose of this post, and "homesteading" is still a real component of survivalism.

    Also, I implore you that the dude's way of purifying water is really a bad method. Spending $13 on a .05 lb water enhancement and keeping it in a backpack in your trunk (with other supplies) so you don't drink motor oil doesn't make you neckbeard.
  14. #34
    EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    I mean you link a fucking Bluing Touch Up Marker. I think the last thing that you are worried about are minor scratches in your weapon when you are trying to get out with your life. Sure its a nice thing to have when you are "roughin it" or going on an extended hunting trip but its not a "survival item".

    According to your scenario, you won't even have a weapon, so I'm not sure what your point is.

    Also, I'm not sure how much weapons training you've had, but minor scratch on your weapon will destroy the bluing, cause it to rust, and potentially and render it useless in less than four months if you use it frequently in damp weather.
  15. #35
    All I need is beedrill and canned sardines and I can live forever
  16. #36
    EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    All I need is beedrill and canned sardines and I can live forever

    Pfft, what are you some kind of neckbeard gearqueer?

    We're talking about the most likely, ultimate survival scenario. You're going to be driving through Death Valley Desert 100 miles away from civilization with nothing in you car, which you manage to drive off a cliff like a dumbass after it gets struck by lighting during a hurricane, sustaining horrible injuries all over your body. You will have to survive for 72 hours using only your wits and minimal gear.

    You and easy play pretend survivalist by actually having "supplies," but that's because you're fucking pussies. Only us true survivalists have endured real scenarios.

    You will have to find clean water, so hobble out of your car with nothing but tattered clothes and start digging a hole in the (desert) ground with a cactus needle. After you've dug thirty miles into the earth's crust, you might find a dinosaur fossil that you can suck on for sustenance. While you're digging, you need to cut off your finger and use it as bait in a super reliable trap that is based off the documentary "Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote."

    By the way, all of this is being done after you've sustained a concussion from the accident, so good luck. If you were just the awesome survivalist like we are and not some kind of faggot neckbeard zombie survivalist edgelord, you'd make it.
  17. #37
    Why would I want to survive in such a scenario?
  18. #38
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why would I want to survive in such a scenario?

    Excellent point, just maroon me with a pistol and one bullet, when i get tired of it i'll take a cap to the dome(head).
  19. #39
    EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Excellent point, just maroon me with a pistol and one bullet, when i get tired of it i'll take a cap to the dome(head).

    The army actually has a handbook they give to everybody which has a section on military psychology. It was kind of helpful I guess.
  20. #40
    Kek Houston
    According to your scenario, you won't even have a weapon, so I'm not sure what your point is.

    That is my point you retard. If you cant see it you are an idiot. Sure the bluing can get fucked in 4 months from a minor scratch and ruin your weapon but in a real scenario if you have been out there for longer than a week you are probably dead. Your entire post to falcon is retarded as well. Thinking that his trap wont work? Sure its not as refined as others but it will work just fine and is a great general outline for more elaborate trapping methods. And thinking you cant boil water to make it safe? You have been indoctrinated by water enhancement companies if you really think that you will die from boiling and straining water you find.

    You say you are talking about homesteading and that going to build a cabin in the woods is the same thing as having to survive. These are not extensions of survivalism but are extensions of camping. Again you are confusing survival for "I have all this tacticool shit and will go live in the woods until it gets uncomfortable".

    I like you you said if I want to talk survivalist strategies you would be receptive but you completely skip the post where I actually posted survival strategies and methods of trapping just to spout some bullshit about "weapons training". I grew up around guns. I have taken my fare share of firearms safety courses. I have read my share of books and information on the subject and used enough firearms to know that your "weapons training" term is just some veteran bullshit used to say "OH Civives dont know shit! Hur dur I had basic!". Go fuck yourself dude. If you want to contribute to your own thread then respond to my statements regarding survival rather than bitching about a criticism of an item that is obviously of no use in a survival scenario that isnt just an extended camping trip.
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