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Are you racist?

  1. #81
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader correct, they're superior vermin.

    no, there is no superior vermin. vermin is vermin.
  2. #82
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock no, there is no superior vermin. vermin is vermin.

    your wrong.

    they're vermins that evolve and thrives while others gone extinct.

    these vermins are the superior vermin.

    I mean ..... other vermins like rats and ticks have to work to latch themselves onto human, but niggers ...

    not only the white men gone out of their way to bring them (your) here .... but also paid for it.

    Paid. To bring vermins into their house. And then theres affirmative ....
  3. #83
    Discount Whore 2.0 Houston [retell my unflavored scrape]
    I like how you just admitted blacks are superior infinitycuck
  4. #84
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by mmQ TROUGHBOY!!!!!!!!

    *deafening calliope music*

    I actually meant to thank this earlier but this account was banned and my temp is apparently on low-post-lockdown
  5. #85
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Discount Whore 2.0 I like how you just admitted blacks are superior infinitycuck

    you making up a fake reality doesn't make it so.

    let the PCP wear off and try again.
  6. #86
    im a zimmy
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