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Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
    US 6506148 B2
    Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.

    we are living in a cybernetic universe a simulacra if you will, FAM, its pretty scary

  2. #2
    mso8 Houston
    wakarimasen lol
  3. #3
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    copy-pastada party !!!!!!


    A European Declaration of Independence

    De Laudt Novae Militiae
    Pauperes commiliumes Christi Templique Solomonid

    By Andrew Berwick, London - 2011

    About the compendium - 2083

    "The men the European public admires most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the
    men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth."

    You can see a movie presentation of the compendium by visiting the below links. It will
    not be available for a long period so consider taking a backup copy of it:

    After years of work the first edition of the compendium "2083 - A European Declaration
    of Independence" is completed. If you have received this book, you are either one of my
    former 7000 patriotic Facebook friends or you are the friend of one of my FB friends. If
    you are concerned about the future of Western Europe you will definitely find the
    information both interesting and highly relevant.

    I have spent several years writing, researching and compiling the information and I have
    spent most of my hard earned funds in this process (in excess of 300 000 Euros). I do
    not want any compensation for it as it is a gift to you, as a fellow patriot.

    Much of the information presented in this compendium (3 books) has been deliberately
    kept away from the European peoples by our governments and the politically correct
    mainstream media (MSM). More than 90% of the EU and national parliamentarians and
    more than 95% of journalists are supporters of European multiculturalism and therefore
    supporters of the ongoing Islamic colonisation of Europe; yet, they DO NOT have the
    permission of the European peoples to implement these doctrines.

    The compendium, - "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence" - documents
    through more than 1000 pages that the fear of Islamisation is all but irrational.

    It covers the following main topics:

    1. The rise of cultural Marxism/multiculturalism in Western Europe

    2. Why the Islamic colonization and Islamisation of Western Europe began

    3. The current state of the Western European Resistance Movements (anti-Marxist/anti-Jihad

    4. Solutions for Western Europe and how we, the resistance, should move forward in the
    coming decades

    5. + Covering all, highly relevant topics including solutions and strategies for all of the 8
    different political fronts

    The compendium/book presents advanced ideological, practical, tactical, organisational
    and rhetorical solutions and strategies for all patriotic-minded individuals/movements.
    The book will be of great interest to you whether you are a moderate or a more
    dedicated cultural conservative/nationalist.

    Included are also demographical studies, historical statistics, forecasts and insights on
    various subjects related to the ongoing and future struggle of Europe. It covers most
    topics related to historical events and aspects of past and current Islamic Imperialism,
    which is now removed or falsified by our academia by instruction of Western Europe's

    cultural relativist elites (cultural relativism=cultural Marxism). It offers thorough analysis
    of Islam, which is unknown to a majority of Europeans. It documents how the political
    doctrines known as multiculturalism/cultural Marxism/cultural relativism was created and
    implemented. Multiculturalists/cultural Marxists usually operate under the disguise of
    humanism. A majority are anti-nationalists and want to deconstruct European identity,
    traditions, culture and even nation states.

    As we all know, the root of Europe's problems is the lack of cultural self-confidence
    (nationalism). Most people are still terrified of nationalistic political doctrines thinking
    that if we ever embrace these principles again, new "Hitler's" will suddenly pop up and
    initiate global Armageddon... Needless to say; the growing numbers of nationalists in W.
    Europe are systematically being ridiculed, silenced and persecuted by the current cultural
    Marxist/multiculturalist political establishments. This has been a continuous ongoing
    process which started in 1945. This irrational fear of nationalistic doctrines is preventing
    us from stopping our own national/cultural suicide as the Islamic colonization is
    increasing annually. This book presents the only solutions to our current problems.

    You cannot defeat Islamisation or halt/reverse the Islamic colonization of Western Europe
    without first removing the political doctrines manifested through multiculturalism/cultural

    I have written approximately half of the compendium myself. The rest is a compilation of
    works from several courageous individuals throughout the world. I originally planned to
    add a database of high quality graphic illustrations and pictures. However, the document
    (file) would have been un-practically large which would complicate the process of efficient

    Distribution of the book

    The content of the compendium truly belongs to everyone and is free to be distributed in
    any way or form. In fact, I ask only one favour of you; I ask that you distribute this book
    to everyone you know. Please do not think that others will take care of it. Sorry to be
    blunt, but it does not work out that way. If we, the Western European Resistance, fail or
    become apathetic, then Western Europe will fall, and your freedom and our children's
    freedom with it... It is essential and very important that everyone is at least presented
    with the truth before our systems come crashing down within 2 to 7 decades. So again, I
    humbly ask you to re-distribute the book to as many patriotic minded individuals as you
    can. I am 100% certain that the distribution of this compendium to a large portion of
    European patriots will contribute to ensure our victory in the end. Because within these
    three books lies the tools required to win the ongoing Western European cultural war.

    As already mentioned; the compendium is a compilation of works from multiple
    courageous individuals throughout the world. I have spent more than three years writing
    and/or compiling most of the content. None of the other authors have been asked to
    participate in this project due to practical and security reasons but most of them have
    made their material available for distribution. The needs of the many outweigh the needs
    of the few. This is the reason why I have decided to allow the content of this
    compendium to be freely redistributed and translated. Consider it my personal gift and
    contribution to all Europeans. The sources are not embedded into the document for this
    reason (easier to use and distribute the various articles). However, it is required that the
    author(s) are credited when the material is used.

    As such, the intellectual property of this compendium belongs to all Europeans across the
    European world and can be distributed and translated without limitations. Efficient
    distribution and circulation will be possible if those who agree with at least some of its

    content, principles or ideas contribute to spread the information. If you are reading this
    you will know that many people will be interested in obtaining the compendium (3
    books). Let's use this momentum to our advantage as it will surely benefit our struggle.

    I'm depending on you to distribute the book or some/all of its content to as many
    patriotic European political activists as possible. Let them know what is going on and
    what is required of each and every one of us. After all, we do not only have a right to
    resist the current development, it is our duty as Europeans to prevent the annihilation of
    our identities, our cultures and traditions and our nation states! Please contribute to
    distribute the compendium to as many patriotic minded Europeans as humanly possible
    in all 26 European countries. This is only be the beginning...!

    By including the "legal disclaimer" in "Book 3; "will allow everyone to distribute the
    content without violating any European laws. If you are still in doubt feel free to delete or
    change the wording in certain chapters before distribution.

    Please help to make this book available through various torrents, blogs, websites, on
    Facebook, on Twitter, on forums and through other arenas. It is truly a one-of-a-kind,
    unique and great tool that can and should be used by all cultural conservatives in the
    decades to come.

    Priority objective - translating the book to German, French and Spanish.

    I highly recommend that especially a French, German and Spanish patriot takes
    responsibility and ensures that this compendium is either distributed and/or translated to
    your respective language. It should be distributed to torrents, websites, Facebook groups
    and other political groups where there are high concentrations of cultural
    conservatives/nationalists/patriots. I have been unsuccessful to efficiently distribute the
    compendium to especially French, German and Spanish speaking individuals due to
    language barriers. It is therefore essential that someone steps up and takes responsibility
    to distribute it to as many as humanly possible. If you, yourself, are too busy, unavailable
    or unable to contribute to help translate it, please do contact one of many cultural
    conservative/nationalist intellectuals/writers/journalists in your country. Contact
    individuals you know who are not afraid to operate outside the boundaries of political
    correctness. We, the right wing Resistance Movements of Europe depend on efficient re-
    distribution of this vital information included in this compendium. The efficient
    distribution of this book to all nationalists of Europe may significantly contribute to future
    regime shifts. Because within this compendium lies the tools and knowledge on exactly
    how to replace our current regimes. I really hope someone will accept this very important
    task and contribute; because if you won't, no one will...

    Extracting info from the document or convert from a Word file to a PDF file +
    translation service

    It's easy to convert the document from a Word file to a PDF file or any other format
    providing you have the Microsoft Word/Office software (preferably Word 2007 or newer).
    If you do not have this software you can either download the free "Word Viewer" which
    allows you to view, print and copy Word documents, even if you don't have Word
    installed. Just do a search for the key word "Word Viewer" at the following site: or use the following direct download link:

    http ://www. microsoft, com/downloads/details. aspx?display la ng=en&FamilyID=3657ce88-7cfa-457a-9aec-f4f827f20cac

    You can also just buy the full Office package or download a free trial from the Microsoft
    site: or alternatively, go to one of the following torrent sites to
    download it for free: 3. 5.

    2. 4. 6.

    You must first download a torrent application. The best torrent application (uTorrent) can
    be downloaded here: If you want Word 2007 for longer than the 60 day
    trial it is likely you will have to download a serial code which allows you to unlock the
    software permanently or at least extend the trial period for 6-12 months.

    I chose to send the compendium as a Word file for the following reason:

    1 . MS Word is one of the most common and popular software formats

    2. Significantly easier to edit the document compared to PDF

    3. A Word file is significantly smaller than a PDF file (3,5 MB vs 8-10 MB)

    4. The quality of the images are conserved a lot better than in a PDF

    5. Distribution: it is easier to avoid spam enhancements with a file smaller than 5 MB

    Since I have chosen to send the document in Word format you can easily extract all
    information and the images from the Word file. I deliberately avoided locking the
    document for this reason. If you want to extract the images from word you can do the

    1. Simply open MS Paint (standard Windows program), copy the image from Word and paste it in Paint. You then save
    the image in Paint as a jpg or any other format.

    It is easy to convert the file, if desired, to a PDF file or any other format. Simply save the
    Word file as a PDF file. As for extraction from a PDF file; several software programs
    including newer versions of Adobe Acrobat allow conversion and extraction. Just google
    the word; "PDF to Word converter" or download the following free converter software:

    As for a free and powerful translator service; the google translation service offers a
    powerful and relatively accurate tool:

    Display using kindle/nook/iPad

    Kindle, nook or iPad is a hardware platform (LCD board) very suitable for reading e-
    books and other digital media. It costs as little as 100-200 USD on the second hand
    market. Also, there are other hand held devices like iPhone. All you have to do is select
    Word as input and kindle/nook/iPad/iPhone as output and transfer the file.
  4. #4
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    it's called the 'eat shit kurt eichenwald' effect

    it'd actually be fairly straightforward to wire an electromagnet to an oscillator to experiment with this, I might do it FOR SCIENCE
  6. #6
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Huhuhuh, Bill Krozby is a rere.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Malice Huhuhuh, Bill Krozby is a rere.

    actually you are, you simplify everything to fit into you're tiny lil box, you ree ree
  8. #8
    everyone is stupid except me
  9. #9
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    copy paste party ...


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    __ / : ___\ ; /___ ; \ __ Release, we did. We know,
    ,'_ ""--.:__;".-.";: :".-.":__;.--"" _`, it's been a while. But we
    :' `.t""--.. '<@.`;_ ',@>` ..--""j.' `; are back with a new
    `:-.._J '-.-'L__ `-- ' L_..-;' release for you! Now before
    "-.__ ; .-" "-. : __.-" clicking on the issues link
    L ' /.------.\ ' J above because you can't
    "-. "--" .-" wait, please read this :)
    .-j/'.; ;"""" / .'\"-. This is the official CFP
    .' /:`. "-.: .-" .'; `. for P70. Phrack is an
    .-" / ; "-. "-..-" .-" : "-. underground zine, from
    .+"-. : : "-.__.-" ;-._ \ hackers for hackers.
    ; \ `.; ; : : "+. ; Therefore, we depend on
    : ; ; ; : ; : \: your contributions.
    ; : ; : ;: ; :
    : \ ; : ; : ; / :: You probably already know
    ; ; : ; : ; : ;: the rules:
    : : ; : ; : : ; : ; + 7-bit ASCII
    ;\ : ; : ; ; ; ; + English language
    : `."-; : ; : ; / ; + DO USE OUR PGP KEY BELOW
    ; -: ; : ; : .-" : + AND DO INCLUDE THE
    :\ \ : ; : \.-" : ANTISPAM KEYWORD
    ;`. \ ; : ;.'_..-- / ;
    : "-. "-: ; :/." .' : Any subject could be
    \ \ : ;/ __ : eligible. Please get in
    \ .-`.\ /t-"" ":-+. : touch with us in case of
    `. .-" `l __/ /`. : ; ; \ ; questions.
    \ .-" .-"-.-" .' .'j \ / ;/
    \ / .-" /. .'.' ;_:' ;
    :-""-.`./-.' / `.___.'
    \ `t ._ /

  10. #10
    slava ukraini
  11. #11
    infinityshock Black Hole
  12. #12
    infinityshock Black Hole
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