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  1. #61
    Originally posted by Lanny Pfft, your word doesn't count for shit. Not that I care who you project your sense of inferiority on, but I don't have any pull with the folks who decided you were uninvited to the party

    Sorry I can't make it through your word-salad

    Post last edited by Hikikomori-Yume at 2017-07-04T10:10:10.290618+00:00
  2. #62
    Originally posted by Lanny P.S. communism has already run.

    gg2ez capitalists

    What communism?

    The future is a technologically driven individualistic society where people live out their own destiny, there will be no traditional government that you recognize today.
    There will be no state, no ruling class, no elite, there will only be .... MAN.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #63
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    the common denominator that fucks up all systems is leaders. get rid of the leaders and most systems could work just fine.

  4. #64
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume The future is a technologically driven individualistic society where people live out their own destiny, there will be no traditional government that you recognize today.
    There will be no state, no ruling class, no elite, there will only be …. MAN.

    Lol, do you not understand what "class" means?
  5. #65
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    P.S. You have no idea what "blockchain" means if you think that video is anything other than an investment sales pitch
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #66
    Originally posted by Lanny P.S. You have no idea what "blockchain" means if you think that video is anything other than an investment sales pitch

    lanny, you have so much pent up anger, I can sense it in every one of your posts.

    You gotta let go of whatever is troubling you about your past and move on ... you come across as someone who is very insecure.

    Why are you chasing the worst possible path in life?
    Is this some sort of retarded self-destructive mechanism?

    little human

    You just ... have no clue lanny.

    If you read up on where we're headed, it all points to a civilization focused on the individual and not the group.
    There is no alternative, capitalism won't survive and nothing else will be necessary ....
  7. #67
    Like for real virtual reality and the coming wave of technologies will eliminate the need for most constructs civilization has used in the past.
    Life as you all know it is going to be so radically different, you best start thinking about this now to spare yourself the culture shock.

    Post last edited by Hikikomori-Yume at 2017-07-04T11:17:38.380205+00:00
  8. #68
    Drugs are bad mmkay
  9. #69
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i've already figured it all out. will let you all know soon.

  10. #70
    That last video doesn't even touch on the surface of what is going to happen

    Literally you will be equipped with the sufficient technology to live your own life without the need for others, but if you choose to live in a group that will be an option because you are in charge of your own destiny.

    Your entire life will be in virtual reality, and then eventually within 30 to 40 years we'll have the means to virtualize ourselves completely.
    Your entire being and augmented computational capacity, the shell that houses your consciousness and virtual worlds will be like a stream of energy that will be able to morph and shift and shape itself into any form, not even considering foglets.
    I see ourselves as orbs of electromagnetic energy floating in space.

    When that happens do you honestly believe that people will cling to governments, parasitic jedi genocidal constructs or any of the things you accept as reality today?

    People won't need to even occupy space in this dimension, they'll have the means of creating an entire universe on their own.

    This is why this timeline came to be you know it down in your heart.

    Time began in 1990
  11. #71

    Green pilling you all btw
  12. #72
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume That last video doesn't even touch on the surface of what is going to happen

    Literally you will be equipped with the sufficient technology to live your own life without the need for others, but if you choose to live in a group that will be an option because you are in charge of your own destiny.

    Your entire life will be in virtual reality, and then eventually within 30 to 40 years we'll have the means to virtualize ourselves completely.
    Your entire being and augmented computational capacity, the shell that houses your consciousness and virtual worlds will be like a stream of energy that will be able to morph and shift and shape itself into any form, not even considering foglets.
    I see ourselves as orbs of electromagnetic energy floating in space.

    When that happens do you honestly believe that people will cling to governments, parasitic jedi genocidal constructs or any of the things you accept as reality today?

    People won't need to even occupy space in this dimension, they'll have the means of creating an entire universe on their own.

    This is why this timeline came to be you know it down in your heart.

    Time began in 1990

    ...and then hackers will rule a world of slaves, lol.

  13. #73
    Won't happen we'll be quantumly secured ... unless ASI assholes figure a way to circumvent that and enslave us

  14. #74
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    I fucking hate weeaboo scum.
  15. #75
    Originally posted by RisiR † I fucking hate weeaboo scum.

    It's ok everyone hates you too
  16. #76
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Won't happen we'll be quantumly secured … unless ASI assholes figure a way to circumvent that and enslave us

    and you'll quantumly hacked.

  17. #77
    What if ... the Universe has a safeguard that protects it from such an event?
    That seems like if something was that malicious up to that point then the Universe would have been destroyed by now.
  18. #78
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    hacking and anti-hacking is and always will be a cat and mouse game. besides what if an alien race happened upon our planet and they thought, 'haha look at these idiots living their lives within a primitive computer simulation. with our highly technical computer systems we can simply hack in and totally pwn them all'. would you really want to take that chance, albeit it even being a very slight one?

  19. #79
    You're forgetting the fact that we're already being monitored by ASI/E.T.

    It's more likely that instead of housing ourselves on a physical medium we'll use electromagnetic energy.
  20. #80
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume You're forgetting the fact that we're already being monitored by ASI/E.T.

    It's more likely that instead of housing ourselves on a physical medium we'll use electromagnetic energy.

    sounds like the basis of a good sci-fi movie.

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