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Meh, I never..

  1. #21
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Real Mizled was funnier.
  2. #22
    mizled Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Sophie Real Mizled was funnier.

    ..never did understand why you always capitalized my name, oh well 0L
  3. #23
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mizled ..never did understand why you always capitalized my name, oh well 0L

    Because it is appropriate in English to capitalize names. Also, since we have a billion alts here(They're still all spectral) i am going to need some sort of confirmation you are the real Mizled. If you can tell me the nickname the real Mizled had for me i'll know it's you. And if you know it without being the real Mizled i will be thoroughly impressed and we will be friends regardless.
  4. #24
    mizled Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Sophie Because it is appropriate in English to capitalize names. Also, since we have a billion alts here(They're still all spectral) i am going to need some sort of confirmation you are the real Mizled. If you can tell me the nickname the real Mizled had for me i'll know it's you. And if you know it without being the real Mizled i will be thoroughly impressed and we will be friends regardless.

    no caps Wolf.
  5. #25
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    fuck that, we need tits for proof. it is the standard globally accepted way to prove a girl on the interwebs. accept no substitute.

  6. #26
    mizled Yung Blood
    Old tits past their prime
    Posting such is heinous act
    Fear the saggy sacks
  7. #27
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mizled

    no caps Wolf.

  8. #28
  9. #29
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Motivation Gender Therapy.
  10. #30
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mizled Old tits past their prime
    Posting such is heinous act
    Fear the saggy sacks

    bullshit. I have socks older than you.

    tits or gtfo.
  11. #31
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Zzanny free art take while hot limited edition

    wen dose my ban expire

    you're a gibbering douche...but nice job. looks good.
  12. #32
    kill yourself ugly old cunt
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Sophie Real Mizled was funnier.

    mizled was never funny
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