An older, grayer ACE is alone in his living-room with TV sets, fax machines and multiple phone lines. He is surrounded by newspapers and files. He is very much the way we saw him during his earlier handicapping days.
RACE ANNOUNCER (From a television set) They're off and running...
ACE (Into telephone) Probable, but may be questionable. All right. Well, let me know as soon as you can find out.
ACE sets his cordless phone down and jots a few notes on a racing form. A television set shows a football game in the background.
ACE (V.O.) But in the end, I wound up right back where I started. I could still pick winners, and I could still make money for all kinds of people back home. And why mess up a good thing? And that's that.
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
An older, grayer ACE is alone in his living-room with TV sets, fax machines and multiple phone lines. He is surrounded by newspapers and files. He is very much the way we saw him during his earlier handicapping days.
RACE ANNOUNCER (From a television set) They're off and running…
ACE (Into telephone) Probable, but may be questionable. All right. Well, let me know as soon as you can find out.
ACE sets his cordless phone down and jots a few notes on a racing form. A television set shows a football game in the background.
ACE (V.O.) But in the end, I wound up right back where I started. I could still pick winners, and I could still make money for all kinds of people back home. And why mess up a good thing? And that's that.
He takes off his glasses, and gazes ahead.
I experienced the end of old Vegas and the birth of new Vegas as craps dealer in the casinos for 10 years.
An older, slightly disheveled figure, reminiscent of a classic internet sysop, sits hunched over a glowing CRT monitor in a cluttered basement. Empty pizza boxes and 2-liter bottles litter the desk. A faint smell of ozone and burnt coffee hangs in the air. This is Jeff Hunter's Mom's Basement, the heart of TOTSE.
SYSOP VOICE (V.O.) (Through crackling speakers) User 'xXx_AnImE_GiRl_xXx' has posted in 'Random'. Subject: 'OMG! Kawaii Desu~!'
SYSOP (Into a headset mic) Yeah, nah, that's going straight to /b/. And someone IP ban that "MOLOTOV EVERYTHING" macro, please. Again.
The Sysop scrolls through lines of text on the monitor, a chaotic mix of ASCII art, warnings about "Clandestine Chemistry," and fervent debates about the merits of "Gangster Rap" versus "Sonic Furries." A blinking Winamp skin dances in the corner of the screen.
SYSOP (V.O.) So, it all came down to this. Back in the day, we were slinging text files about phreaking, WILD SEX & trying to figure out if "Lannyism" was a real thing or just a really elaborate prank. Good times. Real good times.
He leans back in his chair, a wistful look in his eyes. The glow of the monitor reflects in his thick-rimmed glasses.
SYSOP And that's that.
He reaches for a dusty floppy disk labeled "The Totse Tapes," sighs, and inserts it into the drive. The whirring of the drive fills the silence.
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Too many ray-cists imo.
It's so disheartening as a member of the OMGWTFBBQ movement since 1998, pickwick would be crying into his jenkem if he could see what the community has become.
At one point we had a job, a girlfriend, a cat,a sports moped now we're smoking in the closet thinking our DEA dad called 911 on us to get us help for our cock addicktion.