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If I were Fascist dictator of China
2025-01-31 at 11:53 PM UTCI would:
*Ban characters and switch to Pinyin (they all use it to type).
*Ban wet markets. Use canned, frozen and irradiated food.
*Use clothes driers. They all insist on hanging their clothes in the filthy air.
*Get the tap water drinkable. Bring in Western experts.
*Invest in low cost family housing instead of luxury high rises.
*All kids must learn to swim and participate in a sport.
*Tax breaks for having kids, no tax after 4.
*Gov't matchmaking service.
*Kick the girls out of the men's colleges and educate boys for good jobs.
*Ban masks. They do no good and create litter.
*Set up breeding camps in Africa to produce chink babbies.
*Leave Taiwan alone. Most of their tech comes from or thru Taiwan.
*Build a decent jet engine and take over the airliner market.
*Cut back unprofitable rail and expand airline service.
*Create proper eugenics services (the Chinese abort or kill defective babbies).
*Reestablish orderly succession. They can't get rid of Xi if they wanted to. -
2025-02-01 at 12:34 AM UTCYou absolute barbarian!
2025-02-01 at 12:46 AM UTC
2025-02-01 at 1:13 AM UTC
2025-02-02 at 1:40 PM UTC
2025-02-02 at 2:41 PM UTCRUNAWAY!
The Negroe woman, about 45 of age with the height of an 11 year old but claim to be looking in her 20s, have absented herself from the thread https://niggasin.space/thread/51075 since the fall of last year without reasonable causes.
Her name on her Slave Registration Card was 'Tara', that was given to her not for her tar-like complexion but rather for ther tar-ry personality, sticky and tends to stand out among non-black colors, however she she have been known to refer herself as Candy.
When she was purchased and registered, she was only 2 pounds shy from being obese and qualifed for lower slave-tax.
She was last seen in her stolen rainbow colored short, revealing dress and in the company of two heavilly tattooed White Men. $14.88 dollar reward will be paid to whomever that apprehended it and returned it to the abovementioned property.