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Assuming some of you saw me with an axe
2025-01-29 at 7:54 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 7:54 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 7:55 PM UTCAnd men trying to usher in a patriarchy don't think of this, how they've caused these issues, because they can't think to put themselves in anyone else's shoes.
2025-01-29 at 7:57 PM UTCTherein the problem lies in sexism. Many women would dress more feminine if it didn't exist.
2025-01-29 at 8:02 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 8:06 PM UTCI live in a democracy in the height of woke, but have all these lolita dresses in my wardrobe that don't get seen outside because I know people would judge me. That should tell you something.
2025-01-29 at 8:07 PM UTCWe're not woke enough.
2025-01-29 at 8:11 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag You should post more here about your trials from being a woman. People need honesty.
I think it’s important to know your audience when trying to make an impact. People here could just not read what I say.
The wider internet where the audience isn’t so niche… I would and do openly speak there.
We’d need to have an army of women posting here so they can’t avoid what we are saying. I don’t think we could actually change anyone’s minds tho so we’d just be spinning our wheels here -
2025-01-29 at 9:27 PM UTC
2025-01-29 at 10:39 PM UTCI go to parties sometimes-til-4
It's hard to leave when you can't find the door -slam
Its tough to handle-this fortune and fame
Everybody's so different' Im still the same
2025-01-29 at 11:34 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag Its like legally blonde. She isn't taken seriously in law school because she likes wearing a lot of pink, but still men insist women should dress like that, more feminine. WTF are women supposed to make of that? You get rid of sexism then you'll have women wearing more frills, this is all your fault men. It's your fault I can't be beautiful when being beautiful means I can't be taken seriously.
And yet women purposely keep us guessing and play their little head games all the time, I guess that's not sexism tho?
This fred is useless without pix
. -
2025-01-29 at 11:37 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag I live in a democracy in the height of woke, but have all these lolita dresses in my wardrobe that don't get seen outside because I know people would judge me. That should tell you something.
Btw, you're really overthinking it. Most people couldn't give a shit enough about what you wear to judge you on it, especially men
. -
2025-01-29 at 11:38 PM UTCI mean we're too busy trying to look at what's underneath it to look at what you're wearing anyway
. -
2025-01-30 at 6:21 AM UTCI like how the Tempo of Joe Walsh is slow on that song above. then it picks up to mid speed.
fucker was Brilliant. that AA 5342 was out of Wichita which Joe (Waluigis Uncle) is from.
so was White Stripe -
2025-01-30 at 6:22 AM UTC
2025-01-30 at 6:56 AM UTCI have not seen the picture but it sounds pretty sexy
2025-01-30 at 8:33 AM UTC
2025-01-30 at 10:06 AM UTC
2025-01-30 at 11:47 AM UTC
2025-01-30 at 1:46 PM UTC