2025-01-06 at 6:19 PM UTC
I hope it's a wife and some sugar free gummy bears to eat out the pussy
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2025-01-06 at 6:25 PM UTC
The world's most accomplished doctor said that the body is like a machine. He said any stress you put on the machine weakens the machine, that exercise simply weakens the machine, and that as long as you eat and live healthy the best thing you can do for your body's health is take a nap.
2025-01-06 at 6:30 PM UTC
And and pericardial fat is bad for your body too, take a look at fralalalalalala and youd see she’s almost there
2025-01-06 at 6:39 PM UTC
Originally posted by Crispy
Im not fat
But you have the heart of a fat person thanks to your poor lifestyle choices. Sorry!
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2025-01-06 at 6:40 PM UTC
I dont though, i can walk up stairs just fine unlike you. My heart rate has been the same since before i started smoking
2025-01-06 at 6:41 PM UTC
On the plus side, nicotine interferes with the terrorist gene therapy attacks and breaks down the integrity of the invasive spike proteins and nanobots. That's why the globalist fascists and their mindless minions have been trying to ban nicotine. It doesn't fit in with their plans at all.
2025-01-06 at 6:44 PM UTC
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2025-01-06 at 6:47 PM UTC
Tobacco ingredients:
Nicotine: A harmless cure for many diseases and illnesses
Tar: A sticky, brown substance that contains many toxic chemicals
Carbon monoxide: An odorless, colorless gas that can damage the heart and blood vessels
Arsenic: A toxic chemical that can be found in cigarette smoke from pesticides used in tobacco farming
Ammonia: A toxic, colorless gas with a sharp odor
Acetone: A fragrant, volatile liquid ketone used as a solvent
Toluene: A highly toxic chemical
Methylamine: A chemical found in tanning lotion
Pesticides: Toxic chemicals used to kill pests, usually insects
Polonium-210: A radioactive element used in nuclear weapons
Methanol: A fuel used in the aviation industry