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Soi when you coming to USA
2024-12-15 at 8 AM UTCno
2024-12-15 at 12:14 PM UTCmy tooth hurts
2024-12-15 at 1:41 PM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm I said Paradise. They don't allow gambling in Paradise which is a city connected to Vegas. its like saying Manhattan allows Gambling and the State of NY however Queens says No. no gambling in Queens. it would be like that. so it was or trying to be (Again) a bedroom community with culture like museums and theaters and eateries.
but on the other hand, I actually love slot machines. I know they're the lowest odds so I set an amount of 80-100 bucks per night. I rarely gamble but I set a limit when I do. nickel slots and occasionally (if I'm up) 25 cents. remember the penny slots are actually forcing you ALL LINES which is like 36 cents. total fucking scam. unless you find a lose machine and then those faggots will turn it off and say it needs maintenance.
How Ya Doing, Fishy
Dumbass, you never get anything right. Paradise is where the world famous Las Vegas Strip is located. Paradise is home to the largest casinos in the world stupid. -
2024-12-15 at 2:54 PM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm If I don't do drugs i'll act like you do On Drugs (illicit ones)
I'm not crazy, I'm unique. and remember the saying (My shrink told me this) of the old adage "Just because you're Crazy and hear things doesn't mean you're wrong)
I added the "hearing things" but honestly today that is being done with trolling black ops who think shits funny or they're so fucking sadistic they'll put a LSD Micky in your beer at a bar if you get distracted by a beautiful lady or man or whatever you're into.
they'll case your profile and fuck your ass up knowing strong behavior vs weak points
Sad -
2024-12-15 at 6:36 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker Dumbass, you never get anything right. Paradise is where the world famous Las Vegas Strip is located. Paradise is home to the largest casinos in the world stupid.
Vegas Livestreams are cool sometimes, but that city is smaller than I think a lot of people realize. Not that it's a bad thing. -
2024-12-15 at 7:01 PM UTCThe current metro area population of Las Vegas in 2024 is 2,953,000
2024-12-15 at 7:07 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker The current metro area population of Las Vegas in 2024 is 2,953,000
641,903 residents in 2020
The metro area population is irrelevant. The actual city population isn't that big which is probably a good thing. It's a cool city but nowhere near as many people as NYC for example -
2024-12-15 at 7:12 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:13 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:20 PM UTC
Originally posted by 6835378gjjsjs What's cool about it?
Serious answer, it was mostly untouched when Sherman burned his way across Georgia. It has 22 historical squares downtown with original 18th and 19th century architecture. River Street still has the original cobblestone paving and ramps off of Victory Dr/St. There is a huge historical grave yard that predates the Revolutionary War. Tybee Island... it's the only city I've ever gone to on purpose to visit more than once. It's clean, the people are or at least we're still friendly as of 2014. Downtown is not a modern skitzo rat race. -
2024-12-15 at 7:22 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker Serious answer, it was mostly untouched when Sherman burned his way across Georgia. It has 22 historical squares downtown with original 18th and 19th century architecture. River Street still has the original cobblestone paving and ramps off of Victory Dr/St. There is a huge historical grave yard that predates the Revolutionary War. Tybee Island… it's the only city I've ever gone to on purpose to visit more than once. It's clean, the people are or at least we're still friendly as of 2014. Downtown is not a modern skitzo rat race.
There's a lot of towns like that in the US. -
2024-12-15 at 7:23 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:29 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:30 PM UTCTown ≠ city
2024-12-15 at 7:31 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:33 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:35 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:36 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:41 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 7:42 PM UTC