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ban thenumber13

  1. #21
    Originally posted by greenplastic you just type it in the bar at the top of your browser and hit enter

    yeah but when I regged my site it took 2 days to go through ICANN and if I didn't sign a waiver by such n such they would pull it ?

    I mean you can run an apache server software to any home computer with an IP and I guess use a type of ip convert to domain name?

    im not an IT worker so it's difficult to understand how you're serving on the internet or become a website without a registration fee
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Dargo Hey, me too! :D

    (Well, minus the last one which is probably just your shitty perception anyway.)

    I don't think it's unreasonable to hold the belief that telling other people what do do in their free time and punishing them if they don't comply is an authoritarian position.
  3. #23

    Originally posted by greenplastic nood

    if i may ask how did you originally find zoklet/totse?

    I found totse at the age of 14, searching for ways to scam vending machines or some bullshit.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by greenplastic I don't think it's unreasonable to hold the belief that telling other people what do do in their free time and punishing them if they don't comply is an authoritarian position.

    You aren't very bright, are you?
  5. #25
    Originally posted by Dargo You aren't very bright, are you?

    breh come on, you didn't even TRY to make a point before you resorted to name calling (which i'm not against, it's just lazy af in this context and shows you have nothing to back up your point, if you even have one)
  6. #26
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by greenplastic breh come on, you didn't even TRY to make a point before you resorted to name calling (which i'm not against, it's just lazy af in this context and shows you have nothing to back up your point, if you even have one)

    No you're right. The instant name calling is an immediate defense mechanism, in any fashion, to diminish ones opponents credibility. This is known by anyone, especially psychogists.

    Very few people here have the ability to not get immediately defensive.

    Eat my hole.
  7. #27
    cherry hole?
  8. #28
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 cherry hole?

  9. #29
    I saw a hole in the bathroom stall that said glory hole, but the hold was big enough to push a 40 through it.

    I got scared because caca stank came out of it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #30
    Originally posted by greenplastic breh come on, you didn't even TRY to make a point before you resorted to name calling (which i'm not against, it's just lazy af in this context and shows you have nothing to back up your point, if you even have one)

    I don't feel like engaging you because you appear to lack fundamental knowledge about the way government and society functions. Simply because I advocate for certain actions to be prohibited, does not mean I want to tell you what to do in your spare time. Nor does it make me an authoritarian.

    Additionally, based on your posts as of late (I've never paid much attention to you in the past), you're fucking high or off your rocker or some shit. Any argument I give you, no matter how well written, will be a waste of my time, so IDGAF. Name calling is what you get.
  11. #31
    Originally posted by Dargo Simply because I advocate for certain actions to be prohibited, does not mean I want to tell you what to do in your spare time. Nor does it make me an authoritarian.

    Straw man's argument. I wasn't arguing that you're an authoritarian for believing that there are certain actions that should be prohibited. I was arguing that you are an authoritarian because you believe, as you stated, that you are for punishing those who use marijuana. Some things are illegal for a reason, like murder. Weed is still illegal (in some places) because people like you are mad that people are getting high and living their lives in a way that you don't deem valid. You're mad because someone is doing something that doesn't affect you in any way, shape, or form and you want to punish them for doing that. That is authoritarian.
  12. #32
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I'll pee in his butt.
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